Deer Heart Connection

Deer Heart Connection I am Albè. I communicate telepathically with animals- living & in spirit.



Due to the cold weather and the fact that they become disoriented many bees have been entering our home. They can survive only about one day indoors without a source of nectar and pollen. On Sunday afternoon, these two souls were stuck to a blanket indoors. They were very lethargic, so I made some sweet, sugary water and allowed them to regain their strength. It took both of them about 20 minutes to regain their energy. It was beautiful to see them recharge. They start flapping their wings in increments. This signaled that they were preparing to move. It was magical to see them fly off into the cold, icy winter’s sky.

Without bees we could not survive on our planet because they are the main pollinating agents of Earth. They offer this huge service to us as part of their fifth-dimensional service mission. They are linked with rejuvenation, divinity, and the mysteries of the natural world. The hives of the bees are built on sacred geometrical principles, so where there is a hive, there are angels singing. They're viewed as divine messengers in folklore, navigating between the physical and spiritual realms, and are associated with life's sweetness and virtue. The bee’s message: “ I was placed on your path to teach you compassion – compassion for all life. Remember to take time to fill your own cup with joy and sweetness. You need to recharge to be of service to the world. Connect to the sweetness of life and do something that will make you feel happy today. Continue to teach others that all creatures deserve respect. When we respect all life, we learn to love all life.”🫶🏼

Meet Onyx from Montreal, Quebec in Canada He is a 3-year-old Western Hognose snake🐍His human reached out to me as he dis...

Meet Onyx from Montreal, Quebec in Canada

He is a 3-year-old Western Hognose snake🐍His human reached out to me as he disappeared from his play pen a week before. He is a very confident little boy and loves to be close to his humans, but something changed. His human kept feeling that he is scared, and it was strange because he is confident in character.

When I worked with him, he showed me that he exited the apartment via a hole in the bathroom wall. He did this to get away from the busyness of the world as he went into a process called shedding. He was experiencing bodily changes. He didn’t mean to go so deep in between the inner walls of the apartment building. His body was connecting with a cold, hard surface and it was very dark. He seemed to have moved closer to a space that becomes warm at times – this could be a water pipe. He was one level lower than the level his humans were on, and this is what has made him feel uneasy and scared, together with not being able to see well.

He slipped into a deep transformative state. When snakes start shedding and when they draw “inward” they can become extra skittish, so this was also contributing to the fact that he felt scared. He was in a very vulnerable space which one would call the “Blue Phase”. His eyes were cloudy too because the newly formed skin covered his eyes too. He felt a strong need to be close to water as it was rather dry where he is. He had been rubbing himself lightly against a hard surface that seemed to be rough. I got the feeling that it was a brick wall as the texture of the surface was coarse. He had no desire for food, and he wasn’t thirsty either. In fact, he was feeling lethargic.

His message to his human was : “Thank you for checking in with me. I’m resting my mind, and I am channelling all my energy into shedding my skin. I feel like I have moved a little bit too far down, but once I regain my eyesight, and I feel a little bit stronger, I shall try my best to move up towards the hole. In every being there is a vibrational energy that is accessible by slowing down and searching within to inquire. You need to stop stressing, and you need to draw inward to connect to your truth. I have retreated into the darkness, and I hope that this communication will help you to lift your vibration. It is your chance now to remain in the light, even if it seems like a more difficult path. You need to get back to your roots, and when this process of transformation is finished, we will be reunited. I love you with all my heart, and I thank you for giving me the time to rest and do what I need to do.”

He told me that he needed a maximum of 5-6 days to emerge from the state he was in. After four days I got this message from his human: “We found him!!! Thanks for your help. He managed to head back to my room and back to me directly.”

Nature follows its own pace and Onyx taught us that it is as important to rest and go into a state of contemplation as it is to be active. May you find a moment today to be still so that you can shed old ideas, beliefs and outdated thoughts that keep you from thriving.

🌷🕊️Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers across the globe!🕊️🌷You are the carers, the nurturers and a safe haven to those in ...

🌷🕊️Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers across the globe!🕊️🌷

You are the carers, the nurturers and a safe haven to those in need of care. Your unwavering love, dedication, and compassion for All beings in need of motherly love is what we celebrate today.

The love you get from animals in particular is a love so eternal , unconditional and nonjudgmental. This sweet stray kitty shows us what kindness and devotion is.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!🐾🐱🐶🐭🐦🩷

Stray cat keeps bringing this woman flowers every day until she becomes her mom 💕 We talked to the mom about the moment she realized her new cat was pregnan...


🌟Accepting our pets’ physical limitations and embracing them as they are🌟

This sweet geriatric boy, Max, knows that his body is not what it used to be. I have had the honour of assisting him and his guardian on their journey and he is always so open to our communications and energy healing. Due to weakness in his hind-legs and limited eyesight and hearing, the physical world is becoming a small place. His guardian goes the extra mile for her boys. Today he got to go for a walkie with his brother Snowy in his new chariot! He could take in all the scents in the neighbourhood and he got to do it with his pack.

So often people tell me that their dogs have ample space in the yard to play and move. It is super important for dogs, both young and old, to step outside of their territory to walk and pick up a new scents and sounds. They need the mental stimulation. Geriatric dogs also need walks outside of their territory, even if they only step a few metres onto the pavement.

Always gaze into your aging pet’s eyes and tell them how perfect they are, even if their bodily functions begin to change. Treat them with kindness and don’t pity them. They thrive when we love them just the way they are❤️

🩷LOVING TOUCH🩷 One of the therapies I always suggest in situations where animals have experienced trauma or when they fe...


One of the therapies I always suggest in situations where animals have experienced trauma or when they feel unwell or suffer from anxiety, is to offer them loving touch.

Never underestimate the power of a gentle touch. For when that touch is accompanied with pure love from a kind soul, the heart can be truly affected to the depths of the soul. When we touch with our soul, touch knows no physical boundaries and is only limited by our mind’s beliefs.

We tend to want to stroke our pets which involves a lot of movement. Instead of petting, try holding your hand in one spot. Try the following technique: Place your hand on the top of your pet’s head and hold for a few moments. Notice what happens.

If your animal craves rigorous stoking, you can start with that first and slow it down until you can hold your hand calmly on the top of the head.

If your pet moves away when you do this, he/she may not needs this in the moment. They always let us know what they need.

Try it and let me know how you experienced it🙂


Your pet accepts you just the way you are. It is time that you do the same. Find peace within yourself by accepting your circumstances and by being willing to make the necessary changes for you to find balance.

You are perfectly imperfect. Look deep inside yourself and be open and honest about who you are and what you want out of life. You can be yourself when you are with your pets, so cast aside all the masks you put on in life, and be you.

The key to peace, is to BE exactly where you are meant to be, which is right where you are🩷

🌸🌟One beautiful thing🌟🌸 Experience one beautiful thing a day. However small. However trivial. Play your favourite song. ...

🌸🌟One beautiful thing🌟🌸

Experience one beautiful thing a day. However small. However trivial. Play your favourite song. Listen to the birds. Drink a cup of tea. Pet your dog. Laugh with a friend. Look at the sky just before the sun’s final tumble toward night. Hug a tree. Gaze into your kitty’s eyes. Eat a slice of cake. Whatever. Just give yourself one simple reminder that the world is full of wonders. Even if we are at a point in life where we can’t appreciate things, it sometimes helps to remember there are things in this world to enjoy, when we are ready.

Wishing you a magical weekend💛

FEATHERSI sent you a little white featherI placed it right there in your way I wrapped it in love with a messageto let y...


I sent you a little white feather
I placed it right there in your way
I wrapped it in love with a message
to let you know you’ll be okay

I drew you a colourful rainbow
It followed your car for a while
I made a spectacular rainbow
I hoped it would show me your smile

I flew down a beautiful robin
It landed right there on your ledge
I prayed he would give you the strength
to push yourself back from the edge

I try every day to remind you
that I never did go away
the feathers, the rainbows, the robins
are my way of trying to stay.

🪶🌈 🕊
Donna Ashworth

Always notice the signs from your beloved animals and humans in spirit. They show us signs and send us messages all the time. Open you heart to the possibility of sensing their presence in a new way❤️Hold on to the love, not the loss.


This butterfly decided to spend a moment on my hand - to remind me about transformation and change - the only constant in life.

How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we are meant to be🦋

Embrace the change you are experiencing now and be open to all the beautiful possibilities that are available to you!🌟


🪶🌟Phoenix has risen from the ashes☀️🪶 We should never underestimate the resilience of animals. Phoenix is feisty in char...

🪶🌟Phoenix has risen from the ashes☀️🪶

We should never underestimate the resilience of animals. Phoenix is feisty in character and has always lived an exciting life. Earlier on in life this little lovebird chewed through electric wires and almost electrocuted himself. He ended up in ICU for 5 days, but made a wonderful recovery.

This time he managed to escape his aviary through a hole that a rat made. His human saw it too late. She reached out for support. In each communication session he assured his human that he is just fine and not too far off. With a feisty attitude he continued to enjoy the outdoors irrespective of strong winds. He faced the elements and made sure to keep himself safe. He found birdfeeders in quiet garden spaces and helped himself to what he could find in the outdoors. When gail force winds blew, he found cover.

Lovebirds are very social, and they have strong bonds with each other. His sweet companion, Loki was waiting for him at home. I advised his guardian to drive around the neighbourhood with a recording of Loki’s chirping. She did this and never gave up. Weeks passed and his guardian continued her search without giving up. Even though I assured her that he was alive and strong, it became difficult on some days because there were no actual sightings.

After 4 weeks she finally found her boy. She asked people in the area the play a recording of his chirping in the garden and this is how he showed himself. He answered to the sound of his own chirping and a kind lady heard him answering the recording of his own voice.

In her mind and heart his human encouraged him to stay strong, even on the days that she felt hopeless. She always believed that he was alive and well. This counts in the animal’s favour. A communication never guarantees that you will be reunited with your pet. There are many factors that play a role when looking for an animal. Your own energy and emotions around the situation and the people involved and our level of anxiety. Our desperation to find an animal can also block or prevent them from returning. Animals (as with humans) have soul paths and they make soul choices that we can’t control. Always imagine them in safe circumstances even on the days that you miss them or feel sad. Drop the desperation and choose determination🙌🏽😃

🌈🕊️Soul connections🕊️🌈 And so our golden girl, Duscha, transitioned peacefully yesterday. She was my first kitty ever. T...

🌈🕊️Soul connections🕊️🌈

And so our golden girl, Duscha, transitioned peacefully yesterday. She was my first kitty ever. The one that opened my heart to the world of cats. Her dainty, but strong spiritual presence never went unnoticed. She was a healer and had a deep connection to the spirit world. She had an otherworldly presence.

Her sister, Tulsi, crossed the rainbow bridge less than two weeks ago. The morning it happened, I let Duscha smell my hand. She brushed her cheek against my hand in acknowledgement of the passing of her sister. From that moment she started showing us that she was ready to join her.

Animals feel the loss of their companions deeply and sometimes they decide to exit this realm when their bodies and hearts become tired. Losing two companions, less than two weeks apart, is heart wrenching, but I have discovered that our emotional body heals when we begin to work daily with gratitude. Finding those things in your life that you are genuinely grateful for – be it memories or the support of loved ones and friends. Rather than seeing what you think is wrong, you focus on what is good in this moment. It takes practice. You can still acknowledge the shadow while seeing the larger picture and not getting lost in a dark space. Gratitude links your emotional body with your heart and soul.

I am deeply grateful for 15 years of unconditional love that this beautiful soul extended to our entire family. She was and always will be the most special heart healer❤️

🕊️Our animals in spirit, are always watching over us.🕊️ I recently worked with a very sweet boy, that unexpectedly cross...

🕊️Our animals in spirit, are always watching over us.🕊️

I recently worked with a very sweet boy, that unexpectedly crossed the rainbow bridge🌈He didn’t see the car coming and his mom was not at home to assist him. The moment a kind lady picked him up and took him to the vet, his spirit had already started detaching from his physical body. It was not painful. Sometimes it happens that the soul detaches a few minutes/hours before the actual passing. In this way the soul is being protected, so that it does not have to go through the excruciating pain. He went into a deep sleeping phase in spirit form, which allowed him to forget any pain and suffering.

He felt completely at peace with the process and was glad that his human was not there in those final moments. His biggest wish was for her to remember him in his full glory. Every human being and animal choose who will be present in their final moments on earth. Some animals choose to transition alone. His human needed to process the guilt and regret of not being there for him. On a soul level he wanted her to know that the timing was perfect. He needed to change shape to be able to assist her to the best of his ability. His physical body was a limitation.

In spirit, he reminded her that he is her spiritual advisor and “medicine man”. He wants to offer her energetic support to assist her in the work she does with humans. His words were: “I am not gone mom. I am serving you on a much grander scale. I have been sleeping next to you on the pillow every night, and I have tried to comfort your broken heart. Please dedicate a little corner of the treatment room to me, with a photo and maybe small candle. Call upon my guidance when you need it. I hope you will be open to seeing me and feeling me.”

May this sweet soul’s story give you peace and strength as you process the loss of a beloved pet. Sometimes they change shape for reasons we don’t always understand. All is divinely planned💛🐾

🐾🐈Accept that things were supposed to happen the way they did whether or not you can understand why🐾🐈 Our dear girl, Tu...

🐾🐈Accept that things were supposed to happen the way they did whether or not you can understand why🐾🐈

Our dear girl, Tulsi, unexpectedly crossed the rainbow bridge on Sunday morning🌈

She was in perfect health. Within 2 days lethargy, turned into kidney failure. The vet said she may have ingested or inhaled a toxin - could even have been the pollen from a toxic plant like a lily. We were called by the vet on Sunday morning at 6am to say she may not make the day. We rushed through to see her and was told she has a 10% chance of survival. I asked her for a sign. The vet left us with her to make the decision – even though I was ready to let her go. I told the vet we needed 2 minutes, but she took 25 minutes to return to the room. In that time Tulsi became neurological and we witnessed her soul being jolted out of her physical body. We called for help, and the vet came to assist her in her final moments. I realised that it was meant to happen that way- to confirm that I made the right decision. If I told the vet to assist her sooner, I would have always wondered about the 10% chance she had. If we left her there to try more options, she would have passed away shortly after we left.

Every challenge offers a time to reflect, learn and develop a renewed sense of gratitude. The veil between life on earth and the spirit world is so fine. I have been reminded that our beloved pets never leave us. Tulsi has been reaching out to me in spirit form in a large than life kind of way. On the day she graduated from earth school I walked the dogs. I suddenly felt like I was seeing her in all her favourite spots, but the reality was that she was no longer with us in physical form. A gush of wind swept a small white feather across my feet- exactly where she would love to watch the world further down the street. When I got to the field, I looked up and saw the most incredible thing. She sent me a picture of her striped tail in the sky. All the other clouds were soft and fluffy, just this one was different. There were many other signs and messages to follow.

If you have had to say goodbye to a beloved pet, know that they never leave you. They are always with us. You need to be open to seeing and feeling their presence. I cannot say “Gone too soon.” She needed to change shape and the time was right for her soul. She lived a free life and was showered with love. She was meant to change shape for reasons I am only beginning to understand now as time passes. She has chosen to help me be of service to both animals and humans in need of support. You may not know where you’re heading, but trust that you’re being guided towards a space that serves you well and that your angels are a guiding force.

R.I.P. Tulli Tulse – the incomparable one!🐈💛

It is time for me to rest. I’ll be back in action on the 3rd of January 2024. May the peace of this Festive Season  be w...

It is time for me to rest. I’ll be back in action on the 3rd of January 2024.

May the peace of this Festive Season be with you today and throughout the New Year💫Gift yourself with me-time, family time and nature time. May you be well. May you be happy. May you be loved. May you be at peace🤗🐾

🪷🕊️YOUR THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL🕊️🪷Your brain and body don’t know the difference between having an actual experience in you...


Your brain and body don’t know the difference between having an actual experience in your life and just thinking about the experience—neurochemically, it’s the same. So your brain and body begin to believe they’re actually living in the new experience in the present moment. You can try this by visualising a lemon in all its detail. Imagine that you are holding a lemon in the palm of your hand. Feel the texture of the waxy skin, smell the lemon and then slice through the lemon. Imagine inhaling the zesty, fresh smell and then you bite into a wedge. At this point, your salivary glands are activated by the thought of the experience. This is how powerful our thoughts are. So from now on you need to visualise what you do want in your life and what you would like to see on earth.

Diana Cooper recently shared this beautiful visualisation that you can do at any time. It is so simple and yet it impacts on our planet and helps to clear the energies. You can do this as a full meditation, or you can picture it in your mind’s eye while you are out walking. It all helps.

1. Sit quietly where you can be quiet and undisturbed.
2. Light a candle if possible to raise the energy.
3. Imagine Earth in front of you.
4. See all the ley lines as interconnecting grids throughout the planet.
5. Follow the lines in your mind’s eye and make them all golden and shining.
6. See a golden aura round Earth

The world needs us to invite love and healing into our hearts and minds. When we heal ourselves, we heal the world and all the beautiful sentient beings we share this planet with.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend💫🌍💖

🐾Ivy made it home🐾Sweet, little Ivy went on an adventure💫Her human baby brother opened the gate by accident and she slip...

🐾Ivy made it home🐾

Sweet, little Ivy went on an adventure💫Her human baby brother opened the gate by accident and she slipped out with so much excitement.

Her human family reached out to me after she had been missing for 16 hours. Not knowing where a beloved pet is, is one of the most stressful experiences. You don’t know where to begin searching. Her family didn’t get any rest as they were driving up and down the neighborhood in search of their girl.

When I reached out to her she felt lost and uncertain about finding her way home. Based on the information she shared with me, her humans immediately set out to find her. We knew she was sitting in a front garden under some shade in an area not to far from home. My heart leaned into a direction and they wasted no time to look for her. A few minutes passed and I received this message:



They found her in the area she described. I spoke to the whole family on loud speaker. Ivy was home, sniffing everything and feeling so happy to be back. She was starving but ready to play with her doggy siblings.

When a pet disappears always keep the faith, visualise them in safe circumstances and expect a miracle🐾🐶💛

Sending waves of peace and love into the world today❣️Your animals feel everything you feel and see every mental image t...

Sending waves of peace and love into the world today❣️Your animals feel everything you feel and see every mental image that runs through your mind. Our level of love or our level of fear determines the state of our reality and whatever you choose to experience will affect those around you.

Our challenge is to stay connected to inner serenity and a selective, deliberate focus on those things that are right in the world and in our personal lives. When you feel frazzled or fearful and unsettled, you can fall back on this one affirmation that you can repeat as often as you need is “I don’t do overwhelm.”

The outside world is going to keep being chaotic. When we’re looking out there, it will pull us in. It will keep us stuck in fear and worry. It will keep us feeling exhausted and it will affect our pets in unimaginable ways. Choose peace with every thought, word and action. When you say “I choose peace.” it anchors us back in the moment, to the light within us🕊️🪷🫶🏼


🌟Simplify and connect🌟

We are wired to connect to all beings. Our connection with animals goes beyond words. They feel our heart energy and they can mirror our emotions. Often clients approach me saying that their animals are not well, but that the cause cannot be pinpointed. Animals are sentient beings, and they know exactly who you are, what you worry about, and they see you at your best and your worst. This is why we love them so much. They accept us without judgement, and we can just be ourselves when we are with them.

Their physical and behavioural issues can often be a mirror – a way to see where we as humans need to find healing and balance. The best gift you can give them is to tend to yourself and to keep your mind, body and spirit in alignment. Use this technique to help your pet relax and drop all anxiety. You will benefit from it too.

Remember truth is simple. Truth feels good. The moment something becomes complex, it is not a reflection of the truth🌻


🌸Shanti – the brave kitty with a fan club🌸

This beautiful 9-year-old calico girl survived an incredible ordeal. On the 1 st of June she and her guardian relocated from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town. She was placed in the cargo hold of an aeroplane, ready to start a new chapter in their lives. It was a very turbulent flight and her guardian, Sharon, was very concerned about her and ready to collect her in Cape Town. Upon arriving her human eagerly waited to welcome Shanti to move to their new home in Hermanus. Her guardian was approached by an official who told her that Shanti escaped from her carrier, and they couldn’t find her.

Cape Town International Airport is a big, noisy, unknown space and the weather conditions were extreme. Her human was devastated and could not find her, even though she searched and called her name. I was approached by a kind soul Sam who felt called to ask for telepathic assistance. The process of communication started on the 8th of June. In every communication it was evident that she was on airport ground – lots of high-level security sectors that were hard to access, big hangers, buses, loud noises, gail force winds, rats, aeroplane noise, lots of rain, icy cold conditions, cargo carriers, forklifts, large vehicles, lots of noise and unknown scents …she embraced it all in her feisty, elusive way. At one stage she even showed me how she was finding warmth under a compressor.

A wonderful team of people joined hands with Cecilia from Foster Furry Rescue (Cape Town) 260-746 NPO / PBO 930077037 to help Shanti and her guardian. The rescue team set up so many traps and visited the airport daily. They followed every lead this little girl gave in each communication session. For 18 days there were no sightings of her, but based on the information she was sharing in the communications, the team of rescuers found the area she was describing. Since day one all traps remained untouched. She never ate cat food. This is the hard part about finding an animal. No sightings can make you doubt the process. Cecilia and her team and Shanti’s guardian remained positive and focused on the intention of finding her.

Finally on the 19th day she showed herself to two men who saw her running into the empty hanger she described in her previous reading. A cage was set up, but she never budged throughout the night. It wasn’t until today(day 20), that she finally made her way into the cage. A glorious moment for all involved. No one gave up and there were so many people helping and praying and believing that she will be found.

A brave little cat brought many people together and proved to everyone that you can survive the harshest conditions. Thank you to the rescue team who did the groundwork and all the incredible supporters that made this rescue operation happen. Shanti is in safe care now and will be reunited with her guardian, Sharon, as soon as possible🐾🐱❤️

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” ~ Helen Keller Little Lily, the Chihuahua, had an entire communi...

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” ~ Helen Keller

Little Lily, the Chihuahua, had an entire community on their toes when she slipped out on Friday in Kenton-On-Sea. She and her little sister, Sadie, had been abandoned but found a forever home with a wonderful couple. She became curious and slipped out the gate. The weather conditions were harsh, and she got spooked along the way.

A kind-hearted, animal loving soul, Jo Wilmot, reached out to me on Monday. She had the support of many volunteers who were helping her in the quest to find this little soul. Lily’s humans were also walking the streets every day. She asked for my assistance in finding out whether there was still hope in finding her. In communication, Lily showed me that she was in survival mode and that she had chosen to remain in rugged terrain. I asked her to show herself to a kind-hearted human, but at this point she was not willing to show herself to anyone. She battles to trust humans. She shared some valuable beacons, that gave the search team a nudge into the right direction. One thing Jo mentioned was that residents were hearing high pitched howls during the nights. When I asked her if this was her, she confirmed that it was her.

On Tuesday the community put out food stations in various spaces and they all joined forces. The local tennis club offered the space to them as a base, where they did an all-nighter in an attempt to find her. Flasks of coffee and rusks carried them through the night. The leading tracker, Mac, never gave up even as the rain continued. He searched throughout the night, but still she was nowhere to be found. I was about to tune in again yesterday morning, to get an idea of where she is. There was no need for it as Jo sent me an overjoyed message to say that they found her. She showed herself to two kind guys who picked her up and handed her over.

Mac wrapped her in her blanky and took her home. She went straight to her parents, and she ended up with red marks on her head. These marks were her mom’s kisses. Please visit Kenton Bushmans Business & Tourism Notice Board to get the full story and more photos❤️🐾

Lily taught us all that we shoud never lose faith and that we gain strength in numbers. What a community!👏


Have you ever wondered why your pet follows you to the bathroom?

It is all about energy💫🐾Our energy affects our pets very deeply. Begin to notice when they gravitate towards you…

🤍🕊️🌸Today we celebrate mothers🌸🕊️🤍Animal mothersHuman mothers Mother earthAnd all the sisters and aunts and grandmothers...

🤍🕊️🌸Today we celebrate mothers🌸🕊️🤍

Animal mothers
Human mothers
Mother earth
And all the sisters and aunts and grandmothers who nurture and mother other beings.

Let us instinctively hold the space as the bearers of life to help others ground themselves in the loving essence that resides within all women. Gently lean into your strength and tenderness and continue to nurture seeds of goodness.

Be a mother to yourself and those in need of comfort and care🤗

Artwork: Art by Albè


Cape Town





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