Wurley is proud to share the story of SLUG!!
Feel free to read the tale below - and find it in your hearts to help this young pup find his legs again!!!
So…. If you wanna help Slugger, use the CDR bank deets (and don’t forget to email [email protected] so that Slug can send a personal Thank You)
First National Bank.
Account Name: Cape Dachshund Rescue.
Account number: 62506961764.
Branch number: 250655.
Reference: Surname&Slugger
GO SLUG!!!!!!!!
Help Sponsor the Adventures of Slugger.
Surrendered to us at 9 weeks old, he went into foster care with Baxter & Bros. In possession of a wicked sense of humour along with a slight bully-streak, he terrorized, taunted, and teased Baxter & friends to the point where his name morphed from Coco to Slugger. It was only a matter of time before Baxter or Rocket leveled down to seriously pissed-off and retaliated (one takes one’s life in one’s hands when one messes with Baxter’s beauty snooze or vies with Rocket for the title of Most Annoying Dog) so we asked Jayne to take over the reins.
She said yes. Of course, she did. Cos Jayne isn’t one to shy away from a challenge.
And a challenge Slugger is because not only has he not figured yet that he is not immortal, he is also lame. Unable to use his back legs, he has never walked or run. Instead, he motors around like a Slug on speed.
Determined to help Slugger use his legs, Jayne and her Village (with the help of numerous appointments of laser therapy, hydrotherapy, and physiotherapy) have brought him to a point where he can take a couple of steps unaided and his future is finally looking shiny. Appearing a bit like Baxter dancing in high heels, viewing the video of Slugger taking a run on all four legs for a toy he wanted to murder was a chokey moment that had nothing to do with excess peanut butter.
But the thing is (there’s always a Thing, isn’t there?) Slugger’s therapy is positively crushing our cash flow and we need your help. We need your help to keep presenting Slugger with his laser, hydro, physio, and possibly (hopefully) surgery. And that means *cough* money.
So…. If you wanna help us help Slugger, use our bank deets (and don’t forget to email us at [email protected] so that Slug can send a personal Thank You)
First National Bank.
Account Name: Cape Dachshund Rescue.
Account number: 62506961764.
Branch number: 250655.
Reference: Surname&Slugger
Or head on over to our online store at www.capedachshunds.co.za and buy some self-spoils for you or your pupper.