Do you want your puppy to experience novelty to increase their confidence and socialisation skills while learning basic cues and developing their relationship with you? Rose's Puppy School can help!
A new course will start this Wednesday 29 January at 5.15 pm. DM for further information.
Pups need to have had at least their first vaccination and be under 4 months at the start of the course. #puppysocialisation #puppyschool
Four new puppies to start the year! What a privilege it is to work alongside caring owners who are keen to do their best for their pets. Puppy school is for pups after their first vaccination, teaching them socialisation skills and the foundation for working with their people in a safe environment. #puppysocialisation #puppytraining #puppyconfidence #puppyschool #cockerspaniel #beagle #mali #labrador
Last class fun with festive 'stuff' - not just to make us smile, but also to introduce puppies to the challenge of having something going over their heads and feel flappy gear around their faces. Little Felix, bouncy Dumpling and laid-back Benjamin disnwell!
Another year of wonderful clients and gorgeous puppies! Thank you for your support in class or online, you are so appreciated! Baggins and Pippin have enjoyed meeting your puppies (mostly!) and wish your pets lots of good treats! #puppysocialisation #puppytraining #puppyconfidence #puppyschool
I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with clients who are keen to learn and embrace building a good relationship with their puppies. And the puppies, oh my word, how I love working with them! The shy, anxious ones who gradually gain confidence, the boisterous ones who start to learn to pay attention and harness their energy, and the calm, attentive ones who make it look easy. These pups fit all the boxes and are now heading to 'big dog school'. #puppysocialisation #puppytraining #puppyconfidence #goldenretriever #bordercollie #poodlepuppy
2 videos, 2 different puppy games. The first two pups are well-matched so wild works for a while and they self-regulate - spot the second's pause and then the water sip before a calm moment. The other 2 pups have different play styles, but all good intentions, figuring each other out. We look for back and forth chasing, not all one chaser and one being chased. Love the last bit where the 🐩 invites the Border Collie to chase and the BC just watches, taking a breather. Puppies learn so much with managed play like this, gaining confidence and social skills to keep them out of trouble later. #puppysocialisation #puppyconfidence
Pippin's eye is nearly better! She's never lost her zest for life and toys and chewing! No problem giving pills and many, many eye drops over 6 weeks, and wearing a cone never stopped her! Such a little champ and we ❤️ her to bits. Thanks for the good wishes sent her way. It's a big relief that she won't lose her sight or, worst case, her eye. #borderterrier #lovemydog
Pups learning to 'love their bed' - this encourages calmness and rest, sometimes missing in a busy family. It's a great household management tool too. Not often we get all the pups 'on their beds'. #boundarygames #puppycalming #puppysocialisation #puppytraining
Sweet Benjamin at his first puppy class, age 9 weeks. A little overwhelmed at first, then got into the swing of things, met the other pups and investigated the confi course, and then passed out! A gentle start - it's so important to make the start but not overwhelm the puppies. Of course, there's a space in my heart that always belongs to he Sheperds! Thanks for the photos @tash_watson #puppysocialisation #puppytraining #puppyconfidence #germanshepherd
Little ones learning about 'down'. Dogs know how to lie down, of course! Our job is to connect the action with the cue so they know which muscles to activate when we use certain words, with the promise of reinforcement to motivate them. I am increasingly conscious of the wide gap between our expectations and goals and our dogs' complete lack of interest and understanding thereof. So the ethical way is to teach and motivate our dogs to 'work' with us without using aversive tools.
Fun and games with these pups - they're finished the first stage of their training , now heading to 'big dog school'. I have the best job! #puppysocialisation #puppytraining #puppyconfidence #miniatureschnauzer #labrador #boerboel #cockerspaniel #puppiesofinstagram
Not great quality due to the light, but little Dexter is rocking his confi course! #cockerspaniel #puppyconfidence #puppytraining #puppyschool