Earlier this week, we were informed of an incident involving a dog and a horse.
Allegedly, a ferocious and highly aggressive stray pit bull was beaten mercilessly by the horse’s owners and then disappeared while being pursued by an angry mob.
Hours later, we were called again. The dog had been found, cornered in a nearby garage.
What we expected to find was the “vicious, dangerous” animal described to us.
What we found instead was Nina.
A small, broken, bloodied soul.
Too afraid to move.
Too shut down to fight.
Too traumatised to understand that we were not there to hurt her.
She didn’t growl. She didn’t snap. She simply curled into herself, trying to disappear.
The tightly knotted ropes around her neck and the old fighting scars told us everything we needed to know.
She does not know what it is to be safe.
She does not know a gentle hand.
She does not know that humans can be kind.
This is not aggression. This is trauma.
Nina is finally safe. But physical safety is only the beginning. She has a long road of rehabilitation ahead of her.
And we will be by her side every step of the way.
We operate entirely on donations. If you can contribute to Nina’s care, please consider donating. Every cent helps provide the medical care, food, training and support she needs to start over.
We cannot do this without you.
🔗 Donate: https://redemptiondogs.org/donate/
Bank Details:
First National Bank
Account Number: 63107971615
Branch Code: 260557
Send proof of payment to: [email protected]
Reference: Nina
It is with incredibly heavy hearts that we must share with you the passing of our precious senior girl, Jana.
We know that Jana and Bruno have crept into the hearts of so many of you, and we know that you were advocating for them to find their happy-ever-after as much as we were!
We find solace in knowing that Jana was surrounded by love, compassion and kindness in her final days, and that she crossed the rainbow bridge peacefully with her best friend by her side. However, as rescuers, whose sole purpose it is to deliver on the promise of redemption we make to these animals, this is a devastating blow nonetheless.
This heartfelt message received from Jana’s first family - who loved her very much - touched our hearts deeply, and perfectly captured the often forgotten human element of animal rescue. It reminded us of the triumphs and heartbreaks that come with rescue work, and the importance of giving every animal the care, safety, and dignity they deserve.
Bruno is deeply saddened without his sister, and we are now even more determined to find him a loving retirement home where he can enjoy his golden years and bask in the individual love and affection he so deserves.
We want to thank all our supporters for your unwavering dedication, kindness and encouragement. It means the world to us, especially during times like these. Thank you for following Jana and Bruno’s journey, for cheering them on, and for standing by our mission.
Jana’s legacy will live on in every life we touch and in the work we do each day.
Rest peacefully, sweet Jana. You were deeply loved, and you will never be forgotten.
Chico demonstrating how we’ve officially adopted our mentor, Gordon Banks’s mantra; NO FREE MEALS.
And here’s why!
By incorporating mentally stimulating activities such as puzzle feeders into your dog’s daily routine, you’re encouraging them to tap into their natural foraging instincts, slow down their eating, and helping alleviate stress and anxiety. But how does it work?
1. First, the obvious. When a dog is engaged in a mentally stimulating activity, it shifts their focus away from overstimulating triggers. Thus helping break the cycle of stress-induced fixation. 👀
2. It burns energy! 🔥 Did you know that mental stimulation is energy-intensive, much like physical activity? After all that brain work, dogs are more likely to feel tired and content, ready to rest and relax. Imagine sinking into the couch after a long day at the office. Isn’t that nice? 🛋️
3. It builds confidence. Yes, really! This is especially helpful for anxious dogs. Successfully completing a task reinforces their ability to handle challenges, creating a positive feedback loop which reduces stress in future scenarios. 🏆
4. And now for the brain chemistry; Dopamine and cortisol. Dopamine, good. 👍🏼 Cortisol, bad. 👎🏼 Now that we’ve got that out the way, let’s delve deeper. The success of completing a mentally stimulating exercise releases the feel-good hormone, dopamine. This promotes a sense of well-being and relaxation. Zen, if you will. 🧘 Because it feels good, the behaviour is reinforced. Meaning the dog is more likely to choose that activity over an unwanted behaviour such as chewing, excessive barking, or pacing, when given the option. These unwanted behaviours typical result from elevated levels of cortisol- also known as the stress hormone. This is because it is commonly caused by chronic stress. In other words, stress that builds up over time! Relatable, right? Well, the good news is, activities that provide rewarding outcomes help to lowe
A HUGE thank you to Purina South Africa for their generous donation of puppy and cat food!
As we’re still in our early stages and primarily self-funded—our biggest costs being food, vet bills, and parasite control— this support is INVALUABLE.
If you’d like to help us make a tangible difference, please consider donating via our website. EVERY bit goes a long way and directly impacts the lives of the animals in our care, and those in the community who rely on us!
Thank you for being part of our journey!
Donate here: https://redemptiondogs.org/donate/
#rescuedogs #animalwelfare #dogrescue #nonprofitorganization #supportanimals
A HUGE thank you to Purina South Africa for their generous donation of puppy and cat food! As we’re still in our early stages and primarily self-funded—our biggest costs being food, vet bills, and parasite control— this support is INVALUABLE.
If you’d like to help us make a tangible difference, please consider donating via our website. EVERY bit goes a long way and directly impacts the lives of the animals in our care, and those in the community who rely on us!
Thank you for being part of our journey!
Donate here: https://redemptiondogs.org/donate/
#rescuedogs #animalwelfare #dogrescue #nonprofitorganization #supportanimals
"Protect yourself at all times.
Touch gloves if you want to; now return to your corners."
Never a dull moment at House Redemption!
After a long wait, our sweet kitty Rogan has finally found his own forever home, and lucky little pup is already off on a foster-to-adopt adventure. 🤍
We will miss their antics, but this only makes way for rescuing more of the many lost souls who depend on us.
We can only do this with your support!
Your every donation, sponsor and share makes this happen.
Thank you. 🙏🏼
#tomandjerry #puppyandkitten #kittenandpuppy #sambovsbjj #tomandjerrymemes #cuteanimals
#puppyplaying #kittenplaying
He DESERVES a name!
Yesterday was a mix of emotions. We helped a heartbroken community member say goodbye to their dog, and just as we thought our work was done, a brave 6-year-old girl brought us a new rescue—a puppy she saved from being mistreated in the street.
Living testament to our ethos that compassion and understanding begets compassion and understanding!
Even though our limited resources are already stretched thin, with our seniors Jana and Bruno, and rambunctious Chico still waiting for forever homes, we couldn’t ignore this little guy, full of worms and covered in ticks.
With help from our partner Animal Rescue Organisation, he’s been treated, fed, and now, with the help of our friends at TEARS Animal Rescue, we’re looking for a temporary foster home!
We are beyond grateful to you, our supporters, and partners in rescue. Your help allows us to provide for animals in need every day.
Now, we need your help again! This little nugget needs a name. Drop your ideas below and help us give him the fresh start he deserves!
Just another evening of casual chaos and at House Redemption; starring your favourite mischievous besties Chico and Rogan.
#unlikelyanimalfriends #bestfriend #dynamicduo #puppiesandkittens #catsanddogs
Vet visits are no fun, and we at Redemption Dogs feel nothing justifies a #cheatmeal quite like a thermometer up the b*tt!
After receiving a clean bill of health, Jana & Bruno enjoyed a #perfectday rounded off with some @burgerkingsa chicken nuggets!
Thank you, @animalrescueorganisation_aro for seeing to our precious seniors. 🤍❤️
#redemptiondogs #weimaraner #dogrehabilitation