Understanding Why Dogs Dig: Behavior, Motivation, and Neurological Effects.
Digging is a common behavior among dogs, but it can stem from various causes, ranging from instinctive actions to more complex behavioral issues. Whether your dog is digging a hole in the yard or pawing at the carpet inside, understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help you better address it. Here's a closer look at why dogs dig, what happens in their brains when they do, and how Jaak Panksepp's emotional systems come into play.
Reasons Dogs Dig
1. Instinctive Hunting Behavior
Some dogs dig due to their natural hunting instincts. For example, they may be trying to catch small animals like moles. This type of digging is often accompanied by signs of excitement such as whining, barking, wagging their tail, and intense focus on the ground. It’s the dog’s instinct to dig in hopes of uncovering hidden prey.
2. Seeking a Cool Spot
Dogs, especially those with lower heat tolerance, may dig in search of a cooler spot to lie down. Digging can help them create a comfortable and cool place to rest during warmer months, providing relief from the heat.
3. Boredom and Attention-Seeking
When left alone for extended periods, dogs may dig out of boredom. It provides them with something to do and can be a way to pass the time. This type of digging is often linked with other attention-seeking behaviors like excessive barking or destructive chewing, especially if a dog is left alone frequently.
4. Resource Protection
Some dogs dig to bury their food, bones, or toys—resources they feel protective of. This behavior typically occurs when no other dogs are around, and the dog wants to ensure their prized possessions are kept safe. These holes might not always be obvious, as dogs often cover them up once they’ve hidden their resources.
5. Escape Behavior
In some cases, digging can be a dog’s attempt to escape the yard, particularly near fences or walls. This may be triggered by anxiety, the presence of a female dog in heat, or a desire to get away from a stressful situation. Dogs who dig to escape are often motivated by fear, separation anxiety, or territorial instincts.
The Neurological and Physiological Effects of Digging
Digging is not just a physical activity; it also has notable effects on a dog’s brain, influencing their mood, stress levels, and sense of well-being. Depending on the context of the digging, it can trigger various neurological and physiological responses.
1. Dopamine Release: A Rewarding Experience
When dogs dig, especially when the activity is enjoyable, their brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This “feel-good” chemical reinforces the digging behavior, making it more likely that the dog will continue digging in the future. In this way, digging becomes self-reinforcing for the dog.
2. Stress Relief: Reducing Anxiety
For some dogs, digging serves as a form of self-soothing. When a dog is anxious or stressed, digging can help alleviate these feelings. The physical act of digging can reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, providing a sense of relaxation. In this way, digging becomes a coping mechanism that helps the dog manage their emotions.
3. Endorphin Activation: A Natural High
Digging can also trigger the release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals that improve mood and reduce pain. When a dog digs and enjoys the activity, they may experience a natural "high," contributing to a sense of well-being. This is especially true for dogs that dig out of playfulness or curiosity.
4. Sensory Stimulation: Engaging the Senses
Digging stimulates a dog’s senses. As they use their paws to dig, they engage their sense of touch. If they’re uncovering something in the ground, they may also be engaging their sense of smell and sight. This sensory stimulation helps activate the brain’s sensory processing areas, keeping the dog alert and mentally engaged.
5. Instinctual Behavior: Rooted in Survival
Digging is deeply ingrained in canine instincts. Digging serves practical purposes like creating a cool resting spot, burying food, or digging to find shelter. These are innatel instincts in domestic dogs, driving their digging behaviors. Neurologically, digging is tied to circuits in the brain related to comfort, territory, and survival.
6. Frustration and Agitation: A Response to Stress
If a dog is digging out of frustration—such as trying to access something they can’t reach—this behavior may increase stress levels. While digging may momentarily relieve some of this frustration, it often doesn’t provide long-term relief unless the underlying issue is addressed.
Jaak Panksepp’s Emotional Systems and Digging
Renowned neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp identified several core emotional systems in mammals, including SEEKING, FEAR, PLAY, GRIEF, and RAGE, which can all play a role in understanding a dog’s digging behavior. These systems are driven by specific brain circuits and neurotransmitters, influencing how a dog interacts with their environment. Here’s how these systems relate to digging:
1. SEEKING System
The SEEKING system is responsible for motivation, exploration, and curiosity. It drives animals to search for food, resources, or new experiences. When dogs dig in search of something like a buried object, a cooler spot, or prey, the SEEKING system is activated. This system encourages them to dig as they explore their environment and satisfy their natural curiosity.
2. FEAR System
The FEAR system is linked to anxiety and distress. If a dog digs because they are anxious, fearful, or trying to escape a stressful situation, this system is at play. Fear-driven digging could be a sign of separation anxiety, fear of loud noises, or fear of being left alone. This type of digging is often accompanied by other signs of stress, such as barking, pacing, or destructive behavior.
3. PLAY System
The PLAY system is activated during social interactions and activities that bring joy, such as playing with other dogs or engaging in fun behaviors like digging. For some dogs, digging is simply a playful activity. They might dig in excitement, enthusiasm, or as part of a game, especially when they are with their owners or other dogs. This type of digging is often associated with positive emotions and a relaxed, happy state.
4. GRIEF System
When a dog experiences loss or separation, their GRIEF system can be activated. While not a common cause of digging, some dogs may dig as a response to grief or sadness, especially when experiencing the absence of a companion or familiar person. This behavior could be a coping mechanism as they process their emotions.
5. RAGE System
The RAGE system is tied to feelings of frustration or anger. If a dog is digging out of frustration, for instance when they are unable to access something they want or when they are left alone for long periods, this system is engaged. This can lead to behaviors like digging or destructive chewing as the dog attempts to release pent-up frustration.
Digging can be neurologically linked to a variety of emotions and states in dogs, from pleasure and relief to frustration and anxiety. Jaak Panksepp’s emotional systems—SEEKING, FEAR, PLAY, GRIEF, and RAGE—offer valuable insight into the brain circuits driving this behavior. Whether your dog is engaging in this activity out of instinct, to find comfort, or as a response to boredom or stress, understanding the underlying emotional and neurological triggers can help you address the behavior and ensure your dog’s well-being. By recognizing the motivations behind their digging, you can provide better solutions to satisfy their needs and improve their emotional health.
Never punish your dog for digging! There are alternative ideas to implement that provides your dog with the pleasure of digging but does not uproot your garden. If your dog is digging due to anxiety or fear, punishing them for it will only worsen your dog's emotional state.
If you are uncertain and would like help, please reach out!
Heartful Hound