Stable Rest and Rehab

Stable Rest and Rehab Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Stable Rest and Rehab, Equestrian Center, Magaliesburg.

We provide a comprehensive service that addresses both the physical and behavioural consequences of tendon and ligament injury in equines; restoring and even advancing horses
beyond pre-injury performance.

Studying anatomy is MUCH more fun when you get to learn through the eyes of a child šŸ’šEvery time I look at these bones, I...

Studying anatomy is MUCH more fun when you get to learn through the eyes of a child šŸ’š

Every time I look at these bones, I am struck by something new. To see the open and completely disconnected growth plates on the spine is incredible. To find and fit the cartilage caps onto the right vertebral bodies is such fun.

These bones were buried for YEARS before we dug them up, so there is a lot of degeneration and damage on them.
I look forward to cleaning and investigating a 'fresh' canine and equine skeleton a bit later this year šŸ„°

Thank you to Tinkie for being our live model, and for Allon who was so eager to learn!


šŸ˜±Not everything is wrongšŸ˜Ø

I'm sure my fellow equine practitioners can resonate with me this one, but something I have increasingly become aware of is this notion of only seeing what's 'wrong' with a horsešŸ˜«. As practitioners, in any field in the equine industry, this is what we are trained to see, as mostly our job is to improve the 'problem'. Whilst of course this is useful, it can also be a hindrance, especially considering the owners take on your findings and all they hear are negative things about their horse šŸ˜¢

Having owned a typical broken Thoroughbred for over 14 years and another pony with body 'issues', riding, feeling and even dissecting many horses, I can safely say the 'perfect' horse does not existšŸ¤Æ!

Every horse is crooked, every horse has something 'wrong' and this is where the job can get exhausting and deflatingšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. Instead of focusing on the negatives and prescribing your horse 'cant' do this and that, I think it's more important to realise what the horse IS capable of, and positive ways it can manage its asymmetries or postural issues, or even emotional ones.

Yes your horse may be crooked and short stepping on the left, but it doesn't mean you should not touch them, the same as us, if you have a compensation pattern or a postural habit, you need to work through it in a way that isn't going to cause more harm. In my opinion exercise and movement is the best way to achieve this! Being overly conservative can do more harm than good. So if you are feeling like there is no hope and your horse is broken feel free to give me a call as I'm sure I can flip that way of thinking and get you and your horse achieving wonderful things šŸ¦„


Good quality ā€œphysioā€ exercises tend to look like just a scaled version of regular training, with slow, progressive increases in load, volume or difficulty. After assessing an injury, a quality rehab practitioner will use their knowledge of the injury type, the tissue involved, the capacity of that tissue, the grade of the injury, and the healing timeline of that tissue to decide how much to scale, and how quickly to progress.

Fancy gadgets, shockwave, laser, EMS, PEMF, hydrotherapy systems, the latest orthobiologic injections, all have their place. And depending on the context of its use and the evidence supporting them, they MIGHT help push things along. But all these tools are the 5-10%. They are the cherry on top of rehab. The icing and sprinkles on the cake. But if you try to make a birthday cake entirely of icing and sprinklesā€¦ I hate to tell you, itā€™s probably going to fall apart.


Our horses life is not their training, their training is not their life. But all of it needs to work seamlessly together.

For the last 12 weeks, 80+ horse people from all around the world have been exploring a deep dive into a group coaching program that explores a fundamental question; ā€œAre you at home with your horses? Are your horses at home with you?ā€. In this program Iā€™ve taught intermediate groundwork techniques from first contact to the mounting block. Plus, very deep dives into emotional neuroscience. From the theory we drew direct connections to the practical techniques explored. The insights have surprised us all, myself more than others. The results ranged from controversial blogs on my public page that ended with death threats (truly) to transformational experiences with my students.

One student said to me quietly at the end of a lesson yesterday
ā€œIā€™ve never had such a good year with my horses thanks to youā€

Juxtapose that with death threats. You can imagine a itā€™s a confusing time for me. At confusing times I bring it back down to the fundamentals. Whatā€™s really important?

A theme that has come up again and again in this program is a theme that I believe is the final frontier for cutting edge horse training.

Horse care.

Though I can teach you explore care and nurturance within training as a foundation, I speak not about our emotional care of our horsesā€¦ but horse keeping, horse care.

Their lifestyle, environment, and the other hours of the day outside of training.

Sometimes I forget to say the obvious. Forgive me. But here are a short list of assumed and fundamental understandings, that are so important to me that I rarely talk or teach them (does a fish know itā€™s wet?)I think they are important to all our horses.

Species appropriate lifestyle
A horse requires forage, friends and freedom. Based on the biology of their gastrointestinal tract, their circulatory and musculoskeletal system, forage needs to be ad-lib, or if fed in meals, not fed with fasts longer than 2 hours until the next forage is dosed. The forage needs to be clean, low in non-structural carbohydrates, and appropriate for non-ruminant livestock (not cow hay)
A horse requires friends. Over a fence line is better than nothing, but itā€™s not a long term success plan. A horse needs other horses, carefully and gradually introduced, and properly matched, so that they can be the social animal that millennia designed them to be.
Horses need freedoms. Freedom from and freedom to. Freedom from pain, fear, discomfort and freedom to, make choices about how to move, when and where to eat, sleep, play. Freedom to design their time and explore according to their wishes.

These things are very important. As an owner and professional whom, like many of you, was at the mercy of public boarding businesses, or ad-hoc private arrangements until only a few months ago, I have experienced the highs and lows of trying to give my horses these above species appropriate non-negotiables without the luxury of having my own place.

Iā€™ve experienced wonderful locations, private and public where me and my horses were given every grace and opportunity to enact sufficient and quality care. And Iā€™ve experienced highly compromised and even dangerous horse keeping situations. Here is what I have learned that I wish to share with you:

Do the best until you know better. When you know better do better.


Do the best YOU CAN. When you CAN do better, do better.

So, if we find ourselves in an less than ideal horse keeping scenario, become radically honest about that. And understand that you are on borrowed time. Consolidate and stabilize your horse, and look for an alternative. Meanwhile, communicate and request, try and exhaust all possible options at your fingertips to improve things. Ask for additional turn out. Ask for more hay, or ask if you can buy more hay. Ask for cleaner water, better fences.

Heck, I once made my own arena at a public boarding facility out of a disused paddock. I asked permission. I spray painted the tree stumps yellow so I could avoid lameing my horse on them, and spent an entire Sunday dragging a pallet across the old earth to Harrow it. Just so my horse had a better place to train with me.

This last year, after a long and rather arduous journey, I found a small, perfect, affordable little farm in probably one of the last pockets of countryside in Western Europe where horse keeping is not a financially exorbitant exercise. It has consumed every waking moment of my life the last 12 months to move the horses across country, into the farm, and invest in equine infrastructure from scratch to keep them here in a really good way. I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Despite heat waves and hurricanes, my horses are well in a mixture of modern and traditional environment set up, with ad-lib hay, shelters and more on the way to improve their quality of life

Be resourceful. Ask for what you want but be prepared to get a No. Be prepared to lose friends, or contacts, in your relentless pursuit of giving better for your horses. Because often it is just human social constructs which stops horses living better lives. And sometimes to give them better, you have to break social rules, or reform them if you can.

And please, if your training is being used as a compensation tool to make up for inadequacies in horse keeping, do that with skill and awareness. But know that it is a potentially inappropriate long term strategy and youā€™re on borrowed time. Keep your horse healthy, and dream of a day when training is about abundance for your horse, not basic needs or management


The ā€œTop-downā€ control system, where the brain controls everything, is too complex and slow. Physical intelligence elaborates systems such as ā€œmuscle synergyā€ or efferent copy, allowing movements faster than our mental processing. A single synergy cannot generate a complex action, but overlapping synergies in a particular order can create complex movement. Robotics evolved from the ā€œTop-Downā€ control system as it did not permit fluid motion. Engineers use structural elasticity mimicking humansā€™ and equinesā€™ close kinematics chains. In humans, as in equines, close kinematics chains combine multiple parts into mechanical loops, which allows complex movements to be regulated by structures. In the body, close kinematics chains are nested modular units of various sized that make up an integrated movement system that extends through the whole body and work in synergy with the nervous system.
The belief that proprioceptive feedback should be developed in an unmounted situation is questionable. Only on the horse does the riderā€™s physical intelligence resort to muscle synergies, efferent copies, and close kinematics chains, allowing reactions faster than rational thinking. Only on the horse, the rider has the feedback that refines the riderā€™s perception and control. Physiotherapies focus on the range of motion. The riderā€™s range of motion on the horse is limited. The relation with the horse occurs at the level of subtle nuances in muscle tone. It is about the subtle interaction of forces, and only on the horse are we in a situation where we receive and manage forces in simultaneous and multiple nuances and directions.
One of my injuries could have confined me in a wheelchair. It was very close. The initial inflammation paralyzed my legs. I regained mobility when the inflammation reduced, but I felt I had lost the refinement of the perception. The therapies focused on motion, but I needed proprioceptive feedback. I decided to ride my horse and focus on the subtle interaction of forces. I could only work at the walk for two months, but I gradually regained the subtle nuances in muscle tone, which was the essence of my conversation with the horse. Of course, the doctors would have been furious if they knew that the horse was my therapist, but they were amazed by the rapidness and extent of my progress.
Biotensegrity refines the interactions with the horse to subtle nuances in muscle tone and the integrity of the whole physique. Close kinematics chains and muscle synergies do not obey the ā€œcorrect aids;ā€ they work in synergy with the nervous system for greater efficiency. We create conditions likely to allow the kinematic chains to work efficiently. A concept that is easy to understand is the horseā€™s natural cadence. If we rush the horse faster than his natural cadence, we alter the proper function of the close kinematic chains. With practically every horse who came into the Science of Motionā€™s rehab program, the first thing I had to do, whatever the nature of the problem, was restore the horseā€™s frequency, slowing down the cadence.
Our task is to know the body coordination orchestrating the horseā€™s physique for the athletic demand of the performance and create situations guiding the horseā€™s mental processing and physical intelligence toward efficient body coordination. The ā€œsituationsā€ are the riderā€™s muscles adjustments, cadence, balance, choice of gymnastic exercise, etc. Education works both ways. When I risked losing control of my legs, the horseā€™s movements and forces reeducated the components of my nervous system and fascia more accurately and efficiently than any unmounted therapy could have.
Jean Luc

Turning Dynamic Mobilization exercises into targetting exercises.There are several reasons I love to use a target stick ...

Turning Dynamic Mobilization exercises into targetting exercises.

There are several reasons I love to use a target stick to perform DMEā€™s!

šŸ‘‰ the horse limits their own movement to stay within their personal comfortable range of motion

When we use a carrot or food in our hand to draw a horses head around to a particular point, they are very likely to try and follow that carrot even if the movement is painful for them. and because they are moving into pain, we donā€™t realise where their physical pain boundaries are - without knowing where those boundaries are, we cannot improve them.

When we use a target, we remove that initial draw of the carrot. Yes the horse is still getting a food reward, but they are receiving the reward in a neutral position after touching a tennis ball on the end of a stick (or other target).
Even when the behaviour is very strongly established, a horse is not likely to choose to move into a range that is painful.

šŸ‘‰ I am in a better position to observe HOW the horse performs the movement

This is important, because again I want to be able to see what is easy, and what is challenging for a particular horse. When I am standing against their shoulder drawing them around me, I canā€™t see the legs, back, shoudlers, curve of the neck, the eyesā€¦ standing at a distance allows me to observe, so that I can facilitate change to help that horse.

šŸ‘‰ Targetting helps me engage the brain and nervous system.

Every injury should be considered a neurological injury. I always want to combine intrinsic motivation from the horse, with novel and healthy movement to ensure that the nervous system is being included in the exercise.
This helps normalise neurological pathways that might be under-utilized, increase awareness of an area on the cortical map, while helping to reestablish healthy muscle recruitment patterns.

DMEs are a phenomenal exercise that gets prescribed to almost every patient.
And with good reason - DMEs have been shown to increase the symmetry and size of the multifidus muscle when performed regularly over a period of weeks.
This is essential in almost every patient!
In horse with back pain, multifidus will atrophy. Back pain can occur secondary to a lameness, or it can be the primary cause of lameness.
Rest or excessive time in a stable can also lead to atrophy of this muscle!

Therefore almost every patient we see, needs help in this area!


One of the best ways to apply load to the tendons?
Pole work!

In our webinar series with Gillian Tabor - Equine Physio & Rehab and Respond Systems, Inc., we learn how to have the best chance of success with these cases.

Next webinar: Complex tendon and ligament injuries šŸ’š with Gillian Tabor - Equine Physio & Rehab

Amazing workshop today!! My heart is filled with gratitude ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

Amazing workshop today!!
My heart is filled with gratitude ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

Perfect weather this morning as we welcome the first frost of the season ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

Perfect weather this morning as we welcome the first frost of the season ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

Printing out my workbook for this weekends workshop ā¤ļøā¤ļø  Bringing Movement to Equine Physiotherapy!

Printing out my workbook for this weekends workshop ā¤ļøā¤ļø
Bringing Movement to Equine Physiotherapy!

Join us for a workshop where we discuss how we can add movement into equine rehabilitation.

Join us for a workshop where we discuss how we can add movement into equine rehabilitation.


Saying ā€œNoā€ to this common practice is a non-negotiable for us āŒā£
Itā€™s unnecessary, unethical, and leads us away from our ultimate goal: horses who LOVE training, participate with enthusiasm, and have a voice that is heard šŸ©µā£
The normalized practice in question?ā£
Using force šŸŒŖļøā£
Force means to offer the horse no choice over what happens to her body. She must do what is asked of herā€”or face consequences she cannot physically/emotionally handle.ā£
Forcing a horse to do things usually involves a plethora of harmful tactics: ā£
šŸŒŠ Floodingā£
When fear-inducing stimulus (think tarps, saddles, ropes, etc) are on or near a fearful horse, with zero chance of escape or relief.ā£
This is the exact recipe for creating trauma (in horses and humans) by the way; a heightened sense of fear, plus the inability to get away.ā£
Avoid flooding like the plague āš ļøā£
šŸ’„ Punishmentā£
This form of behavior modification is *less effective* than reinforcement, and feels awful.ā£
This could look like:ā£
- hitting following an unwanted behaviorā£
- withholding food or water after a ā€œbad rideā€ā£
Punishment is a poor form of communication. It doesnā€™t tell the horse what you want, it only causes suffering, covers up the root cause of an unwanted behavior, and can create confusion.ā£
It will damage any horse-human relationship.ā£
šŸ˜¤ Excessive Pressureā£
This is when a trainer doesnā€™t get what they want while using pressure & release, and the use of pressure is increased drastically.ā£
Instead of breaking down the desired behavior so the horse has more understanding or less fear, the trainer counts on the horse frantically stumbling into the correct answerā€”instead of methodically showing the way.ā£
Resorting to an increase in pressure instead of using better shaping (and therefore a high rate of reinforcement) is the most common way that ā€œnatural horsemanshipā€ becomes forceful. ā£
Leave a ā¤ļø in the comments if you agree šŸ™šŸ¼ā£
And feel free to ask questions about this topic below!ā£
ā€” by the MM team šŸ’«

Join us for a workshop where we discuss how we can add movement to equine rehabilitation.

Join us for a workshop where we discuss how we can add movement to equine rehabilitation.


When it comes to tendon rehab, we have followed the same hand-walking guidelines with a very timeline-focused progression since 1997...

But what if we changed our thinking and progressed the load on tendons according to the individual tendon response to loading, as measured by milestones achieved?

In our webinar series with Gillian Tabor - Equine Physio & Rehab and Respond Systems, Inc., we learn how to have the best chance of success with these cases.

Next webinar: Complex tendon and ligament injuries šŸ’š with Gillian Tabor - Equine Physio & Rehab


"An important part of the Tellington Training philosophy is to not take a horseā€™s undesirable behavior personally but rather assume that he is doing the best he can in that moment, and is simply reacting to some kind of perceived stimuli. This understanding helps you (like the horse) to act, rather than react, and be a more proactive guide for your horse. This is what is important to me: With this attitude, you will not just turn your horse into a safe partner, but you will also cultivate and improve your own self-control and flexibility. These abilities create a foundation on which you can build a lifelong partnership and two-way connection with your horse." Linda Tellington-Jones .tellington.jones in Training & Retraining Horses the Tellington Way.

šŸ“· by DareVets

We must find ways to bring therapeutic exercise and movement into the rehabilitation programs of horses. Join us for a w...

We must find ways to bring therapeutic exercise and movement into the rehabilitation programs of horses.

Join us for a workshop where we discuss how we can add movement to equine rehabilitation.

Some of my illustrations demonstrate a very important concept in rehabilitation and the development of therapeutic exerc...

Some of my illustrations demonstrate a very important concept in rehabilitation and the development of therapeutic exercises.

This will be a strong focus during the upcoming workshop on the 20th of May, where we will bring movement to equine physiotherapy


Which exercises will help my stiff horse become more flexible? I get asked this question frequently. The answer is not entirely straightforward, because stiffness is not always caused by rigidity and lack of mobility. Sometimes it is. But it can also be caused by a lack of stability. If a horse lacks fitness in stabilizing muscles, it can create bracing in his body when asked to perform gymnastic tasks.
When a horse is stiff, the solution is not as simple as doing more loosening/flexibility exercises.



Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00




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