The December Holiday are here! Are you hitting the road with your Pets? Here are our Top Tips to make your journey a breeze😻
For all your travel gear visit us:
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Generally cats drink less compared to dogs the same weight, however this is not always the case. Keep track of your cat's daily water intake and check if it's constant over time.
Speak to your Farmina Consultant here ➡️ and discover your pet’s ideal daily water intake. 💙
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Does Your Pet get Enough Playtime😻
Did you know that playtime helps with your pets physically, mentally, improves behavior and let's you bond with them
Playtime is Fun time
Visit us for your ideal pet toy👉
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The old saying “You are what you eat” applies to our pets in the same ways as it does for ourselves. Better quality foods made with better quality ingredients provide a better quality of life.
Help your best friend by getting in contact with a Farmina Consultant and building a tailored nutrition plan.
FREE consultation 👉
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100% herbal, Feelgood Pets Digestive Support is made especially to help pets who suffer from chronic digestive conditions such as gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, oesophagitis, IBS, colitis, enteritis, bloating and other chronic digestive disorders. Not only does this remedy soothes as well as protects the digestive system while encouraging digestive health in both cats and dogs but also helps acute gastritis or when your pet has eaten something which does not agree with him/her.
Find it here>>>>
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