Namane's Kennel

Namane's Kennel To breed top quality American pit bulls terriers and to do all in it's powers to protect and adv

Chaos kennel Midnight Oil with Far East kennel Bady

Chaos kennel Midnight Oil with Far East kennel Bady

Just like my dad 😊

Just like my dad 😊






Wanderlei Silver 4w (Axe Murderer)
Wanderlei Silva Axe Murder comes from the breeding of Chainman’s Conan, a Garners Tudor Imp a tight Chinaman dog bred to Ch Kendra a Frisco x yellow bitch and
the bottom side a hard biting Frisco bitch Cm’s Klein Xena, bred top to bottom Garners Frisco. Wanderlei Silva started at a young age and showed great composure, average
bite and high ability and has earned his 1W Title status at the age of 21 months ending
the career of his first opponent. He is considered to be an all-rounder with a good
finishing. Following is an illusory report of his sensational career as a combat dog.
There was a hype going on in the mother city about this show with Troy having more
bets before the show than Wanderlei, others even joke that they will bring all the
money from their bank account and how Troy will brutalise Wander. 1W Troy was a
Buck skin dog, a grandson of IMP POR Sangre/ the grittier blood. He was said to be
the master of the muzzle like his littermate brother Yakuza who won a 2x Beast by
sitting on the muzzle.
1) Wanderlei Silva vs 1w Troy
The night came where TROY would meet Wanderlei at a neutral venue. As we took in
Wanderlei in for weighing the very moment he saw the pit he started to go ballistic
and restless screaming to be released. We finally got him on the scale. Upon release
both dogs meet in the middle with Wanderlei immediately going for the head and
Troy pushing in the chest and shoulders area. Troy got in the left shoulder for a few
seconds initially and it was like Wanderlei saying to him you’re not going to get in
there again. And so, the contest went on with Wanderlei on solid-, unbreakable
defence on the head and ear, riding out the determined Troy and waiting for his
opportunity to counter on the stifle which didn’t take long at 5min he had Troy on the
floor rinsing his stifle had like it was up for grabs. After about 8 minutes it looks like
Wanderlei has figured out Troy and slowly comes down from the deep Stifle hold to

the side of Troy’s muzzle. He then shoots in hard into Troy’s throat and kept him
down while working him over. Troy’s gets up very angry and goes on the muzzle
which made his corner go wild screaming that’s the Troy we know and bets started to
fly for that moment as he makes Wanderlei push while defending on the muzzle. It
wasn’t long till Wanderlei took him off with a devastating shoulder hold that made
Troy go down and now Wander would grab the ear and turn- and throw him on his
back and work the shoulder stifle and gut those intense body slams is slowly taking its
toll on Troy’s vitals. At 20minutes Wander is way ahead and Troy starts protesting but
continues to look for good holds while Wander dances with quick feet keeping him
out. It’s now 30minutes and Troy has not done any real damage on Wander getting
only a few shots on the shoulders. A turn is called on Troy and Ref grants it. As
Wander continues to punish Troy, biting his reproductive organs making his corner
quiet, the only words came out of his corner was he will scratch all night yet Wander
with systematic changes between ear, shoulder and throat he demonstrates his
powers. At 40 minutes Wander is now mopping the floor with Troy who has now
excreted blood and dung which fills the air with a foul stench and he is just lying there
as the owner refuse to pick up Wander not only sense, but also smells the imminence
of the end and starts to push with great ferocity into the throat closing it shut like an
apex predator in the wild suffocating him by his nose that Troy started to scream and
as a handle came he wanted to bite his own handler but he forcefully gets to the
corner and like a dizzy drunk dog didn’t seem to remember where he was and got
counted out at 10th count making Wanderlei Silva Axe murder 1W at 59min as a few
more minutes Troy would have died in the pit.
Special thanks to Team M-FIT and 27

We decided to bring Wanderlei out again for number 2 into a 1w again, so called out
winner that goes by the name BJ but his weight wasn’t 20,5kg he had changed
division to 19,5kg then we called out Josh a 1w but there was no response from the
owners even though we offered to meet half way this show was never going to take
Finally got a response from Chain Gang Kennels who also had a 1w who was known
for eating the muzzle off like it was his fav meal. Cyrus was his name and a great
grandson of IMP Teacher top and bottom side. He apparently was from the litter of
destruction as there was only winners from him litter and a Looser. This litter was
supposedly to be the gameness litter. But that was about to change as we believe
only the box will tell the truth like any wise man action speaks louder than words.
2) Wanderlei vs 1w Cyrus
The night finally came where the two were to meet. We got to the ring and Wander
knew what was about to happen getting restless looking through the car window to
see where his victim was as i tried to keep him calm. Mr ref took the agreed fees from
both sides with Cyrus to weigh first. I remained in the car with my partner my friend
taking care of Cyrus’s weighing. Then finally the moment the crowed was waiting for i
could say 20+ heads came to see this as Wander enters with a white towel covering
his head. All one could hear was the crowd going crazy some shouting he is a boxer
and few bets were made by those who believe in the Axe Murder Wanderlei Silva so
we proceed and washed i knew what was about to happen Wander started screaming
as he was being washed as he wanted to be in the box. The two 1x winners hit hard in
the middle and immediately began to swap hold for hold, shaking and fighting hard in
and all out was. The fight was pretty much even for the first 3 min as both dogs tried
to out power the other with Wanderlei driving and driving into Cyrus. The two dogs
were fighting hard and furious then Wanderlei started displaying like the famous
words of Mohammed Ali (float like a butterfly sting like a bee) taking ear, chest,
throat and shoulders hold making Cyrus look a bit stupid as he couldn’t catch the
speedy Gonzalez whose legs where on nitro after feeling how Cyrus bit on his muzzle
at 10 passing Wanderlei off to the limit wanting to finish Cyrus quick by driving into
his throat but like a die-hard cyrus refused to lay still he came back up with
vengeance taking wanderlei by his ear shaking him off his feet like a rag, he did for 2
min making his team go wild that’s it my boy the owner said to him praising him so
that he mustn’t take bottom again but like a devil’s advocate Wanderlei took him off
by his stifle hold biting cryus off his feet showing him what he was all about, Wander
begin to show that he is real head terrorist, he sticks as a glue on Cyrus’s head, being
a smart dog of excellent wrestling abilities, fast, strong, wind as submarine punishing
the living hell out of him wiping the floor with him if it was a stage show u could’ve
said it was all his stage alone as Cyrus protest what pitmen calls a remix screaming in
pain looking for the muzzle which kept failing until 35 where one could think after the
throat jabbing and stifle would be sure that his soul was busy living at that moment
but as game as he was said to be he managed to hold on for dare life on the muzzle of Wanderlei and did some big damage on the lip which made wander fang now

randomly and he was forced to do what he does best chock the living life out of Cyrus
by closing his mouth and nose we asked the handler for scratch to continue but he
rejected it thinking he was doing any justice for his dog. I called on the great one the
demons of all demons lucifer out of wander to finish up as he was starting to slow
down after working 1hour he started to break the front legs one by one swopping to
the stifle at 1;19 he thought he finished and thinking cyrus was dead, a quick handle
out of hold was made with Cyrus in shock not knowing what planet he was in i
grabbed wander to his corner and like he normally do screamed to be released and
on the other corner Cyrus out of it, both front rare broken failed to stand and all the
gameness was bitten out of him and to the 10th count he was out and he cur.
Wanderlei still screaming to go for more i released him like a rocket straight for the
throat making a strong statement that he is now declared a 2xw and BIS for a valid
Special thanks to C Gang and his Team for the show


Handsome Rob was a 1W exceptional bull dog that have earned his spot in the dog
fraternity also a good producer bred Tudor- a heavy Early JR dog x Baby Rouge a
Mayday Buck bitch.
Weight pull 20.5kg
Ref ordered both dogs to be released Handsome Rob shot across and nailed Wanderlei Silva
deep in the chest right in the middle of the box and immediately Wanderlei went into Rob’s
face taking him off from the nose and then switching to the ear, Rob kept pushing in hard and
trying to slam Wanderlei into the corners where he could do some damage, but Wanderlei
would just spin out on the ear and once again Rob was chasing thin air and was now moving
on a fast that Rob must have thought he was surrounded. At about 10 min with Wander being
more athletic and showing wrestling ability, he managed to hit Rob w bleeder on the right leg
making Rob angry that he took Wander from bottom by his chest as if he was going to throw
him in the air. Wander being a typical one he refused to take bottom by handling Rob on his
head ear back and forth as he felt how Rob was bringing the music to him whenever he could
break the defence seeing that he couldn’t get more of the throat he decided to go more on
front legs hitting Wanderlei a bleeder that Rob’s Corner did cheer for that moment and a bet
was made from team Wanderlei but no takers. Wanderlei knew what he was suppose do to
stay out of trouble but because he was now very angry as Rob made him sore he took him by
his right stifle working it viciously that he didn’t care were Rob bit him while trying to take him
off, he work that backend hard for good couple of minutes then lost grip in the same process
which have Rob an upper hand to hold him on his head forcing him to push which he only did
for few seconds then he went into the throat pinning Rob from an angle then swopped the
hold for an ear hold then the (old timer laughed and said wander was not killer he can’t kill Rob
on the ear this is wonderland) it wasn’t long after that being said a turn was called on Rob and
he made his scratch wander also scratched afterwards. Feeling Rob getting weaker Wander
started to work more and more like he just started, it was time to shine and a joke was made
that Rob Was not going to walk out of the box alive. I started to whistle the whistle only Wander
knows when it’s time to shine he mopped the floor as if he was a cleaner cleaning the floors till
Rob was out of it trying to gasp for, air. This proved that Wander is just too fast that team Rob
said so themselves and pit smart. Rob possessed was a fast mouth & hitting the throat hard
but the gruelling pace of the fight began to tell on Rob, & Wander looking fresher and found
his way to the throat (Checkmate) where he settled like a apex predator making a kill, he didn’t
shake yet stuck like glue, with Rob helpless not knowing how to get out of the awkward hold
which he some foam started to come out of his mouth and eyes rolling back into his skull like
heavens was calling on him for the next few minutes yet bleeding heavily on his armpit ,
Wander put on a display of a true Killer that left many seasoned dogman shaking they heads
that one of Rob fans lost hope seeing that there was no way Rob was making a comeback from
this kind of hold they screamed Rob is busy dying making the handler ask for scratch to
continue and we rejected . It wasn’t long Rob managed to Get up on his clumsy feet like. As he
was still trying to figure out what planet he was in at 1:05 Team Rob conceded and asked for a
curtesy scratch.
Respect to ST-MAN For a great show

Yayo was bred out of Blaze a son of Ch Brisco a hard biting dog over CH Cyrus x Ch
Toshca from the big John stock. We all know the outcome of the crosses of Frisco
and the jeep blood. He was a 1x winner who won in 10 min was said to be off the
chain (he didn’t need a keep) as he had an EXTREMELY hard mouth and gut
specialist. He has earned a good reputation that dogs on his weight were scared to
take him on. There was talks that he would have Wanderlei for a snack or he would
kill him under 10 reasons being Wander is a natural lean dog and Yayo has killed Ch
Bucko with that signature move of the lock jaw in the gut, a pure evil dog. Seemed as
the ST-MAN had it all figured out he decided to come for seconds.
The day finally came where the 2 finally met the show that many have been
anticipating almost like JONE JONES VS DANIEL COMIER match of all time. Weight
21kg, Ref orders dogs to be released in released Wanderlei and he got a YAYO in his
corner as his handler wanted to release him into the stifles but it was a missed call
with Wander landing on the head and straight into defensive mode living Yayo to
push and look for holds on the front rare where he had some nice holds, shaking the
soul out of Wanderlei moping the floor in the first few minutes into the match
making his corner go wild like we were at a stadium chanting a and cheering yayo to
go into the gut faster than the Flash with lighting speed. First attempt he couldn’t
get into the stifle or gut but like a crocodile he finally had his way at 4min and it was
said the show was over with that one hold. They under estimated the Ch and his
defence skills and he doesn’t like to get hurt like Floyd Mayweather too quick he
was out of trouble taking Yayo by the ear reminding him who was in charge. This
goes on for about 10 min with both dogs going pound for pound when given a
chance and yayo wanting more and more of the stifles like It was Wi-Fi hotspot. One
would say he was China man himself. Yayo tried his best to go in the gut and stifles,
Wanderlei with the height advantage and reach advantage he started to offend
teaching Yayo how to bite stifles like a proper vindictive, doing damages and

making holes like a AS50 sniper rifle on the stifles, the seconds protested how can
you beat a dog like this he is a CHAMPION FOR A REASON he is a clever dog which
gave mixed emotions to the handler as all the attempts Yayo tried getting came
empty handed and had bleeder on the stifles that Wanderlei deposited before
departing to full defence mode leaving Yayo to start chasing the legs again and tiring
up running out of fuel and making the Champ take every advantage of the tired
Yayo biting his front rare shoulders as soon as Yayo lays he would work his way to
the throat then again Yayo’s corner would protest u f #$@ dog get up you can read
lay into Wanderlei you are going to die tonight. This show was supposed to be
finished under 10 minutes already I asked the handler what was happening as now
the show is longer than 20 minutes already. We laughed it off. While the 2 warriors
continue to rumble with Wanderlei in full control now doing as he please with Yayo
who is now hopeless out of holds and whenever he tried to make a comeback he
would only do it for few seconds then out of holds again leaving the Wanderlei the
AXE MURDERER Silva to spring clean the floor with him. On the throat, face,
shoulders head all around Yayo until turn was called on Yayo as he seemed lost in
the illusions of a master at work.


Call Name: Amadeus
S*x: male
Date of Birth: 26. 3. 2014
Land of Birth: South Africa
Land of Standing: South Africa
Colour: Buckskin / Black Mask
Titles: GR CH 7xW DOY

AMADEUS is one of 4 brothers , him being the smallest I instantly fell in love with him , because of his color being the same as GR CH Gritler’s and carrying the Gritler mark on his neck. Some trades I learned to look for in my selection of dogs. Amadeus is an in**ed Yellow /Bolio breeding from a long line of good working dog genetics. Some of the best producing and working dogs in RSA…

Amadeus came from a breeding between CH VERSTRADO and Jenny R.O.M. VERSTRADO is a grandson of GR CH BARRACUDA. JENNY is also of import blood out of RIDDICK, a good producing male out of GR CH AMBOSS. In my opinion JENNY is currently one of the best producing female in RSA producing CH BOYLER 3XW/1XL, CH HANNA MONTANNA 3XW/1XL, CH SMALL JOHNS and GR CH AMADEUS giving her 5 R.O.M. points and still has some offspring that can add to her status. The whole litter of JENNY’s littermates also produced some excellent offspring. Her brother DIABLO is currently on 6 R.O.M points making him the third best producer in RSA. He produced dogs like GR CH ANDERSON THE SPIDER SILVA, CH BOETA, CH VAGAS, CH BRAGA and CH BEAR 3XW/1XGL. AMADEUS’ pedigree can be traced down in any direction and you would only find successful dogs that just keep on producing better and better, so it was of no surprise that he would become a good dog himself. AMADEUS was a house dog – never to be schooled or matched – and did very well at shows becoming a Show Champion at a very young age.

He matured very early. His first yard break was into his half-sister INTIMIDATOR who was 6 1/2 heavier than him and also had a mouth like a crocodile. She bit him good but he learned how to keep out of trouble. They went into each other till eventually AMADEUS got his revenge and killed her. He went into his mother a few weeks later, she was old and did not stand a change. Dying game with a full belly of pups out of AMADEUS. Some time later we were contacted by a good friend who was looking for a last schooling for his male before he takes him out. A hard biting BRISCO male 4 1/2 heavier than AMADEUS. We agreed and traveled to them. AMADEUS’ first real schooling…away from home. The dog looked like a tank but the whole thing was over in 15, them picking up their dog. He never made it into the box. We then knew it’s time. A well-known kennel was looking for a 46 lbs. male. They were planning to fight four brothers, the same night. We agreed and took up the challenge. AMADEUS was a 45, but we agreed to meet at 46 as they could not come down in weight…

Amadeus + Joe Bonanna

AMADEUS came in on 451/2 and JOE on 46.7. I agreed to go on, no forfeit taken, but I was a nerve wreck as I already lost two hard ones against them and I did not want to lose again. JOE was one monster of a dog towering over AMADEUS. If I haven’t seen the scale I would have thought he is a 60 lbs. dog. I told AMADEUS “My boy, now it’s up to you, this one is going to be your test of what kind of dog you are”. We were ready and Ref calls for release! JOE came out hard, pushing AMADEUS all over the pit. AMADEUS holding on for dear life then AMADEUS got second wind, while JOE ran hot. AMADEUS started hitting JOE hard in the stifle and kidneys at 40. JOE was not even trying to fight back anymore, at 43 minutes his crew conceded and picked up JOE. AMADEUS was not liking this, started screaming for JOE to come back but that’s not going to happen. That night all the brothers lost. After the show Joe’s crew asked if we were willing to take them on with their two time winner in**ed, with our own stock, out of GR CH GRITLER blood. We agreed to meet in 8 weeks’ time. Now we need to win this one to be even, but we knew it was not going to be easy, for it’s out of our own bloodline and we did very well with that blood line. They are very good competitors, for they themselves have a grand champion, and a few champions under their belt. We agreed to meet them on their terms and travel to them.

Amadeus + Mustafa

MUSTAFA, a two time winner. Agreed weight 46 lbs. Both dogs on weight. I knew this was going to be a hard one, for both dogs looked exactly the same. We literally ended up handling each other’s dog. This was a hard match for AMADEUS. Both dogs’ top defenders, swapping holds, feeling each other, both dogs well-conditioned and game as hell. It went on for 45, then AMADEUS got into MUSTAFA, hitting a bleeder and it all went downwards. MUSTAFA’s team didn’t want to believe what was happening, still hoping for a comeback, but AMADEUS was now playing with MUSTAFA, biting him all over without any resistance. It’s all over at 1:00. MUSTAFA’s crew concedes the match, picking up a very game dog, making a game courtesy. AMADEUS was declared a two time winner. The talkers talked, and didn’t want to believe this small dog, out of nowhere, is causing such uproar. Them being green of jealousy. Luckily, we have good friends like MUSTAFA’s crew that always will be part of our friendship. Proud to have them on our side. Thanks guys, at least we 2 for 2 now. AMADEUS was still recovering when he went into his other half-sister, out of TUDOR II, an ELI bred dog. She nearly killed him. I had to rush him to the vet to pull him trough. She caused a bad gaping hole in his shoulder and his leg. That injury did not seem to be healing, because AMADEUS is a basted, he don’t like stitches or cones. He takes them off, so we struggled to heal him. He also lost half his mouth in that alteration with his half-sister. If that was not bad enough, we were called out again into a one time winner that had his eye on AMADEUS. We agreed on the condition only if AMADEUS don’t heal enough, we would not continue. This was a revenge match, they wanted to win badly, for losing into us before. We once again met them on their terms, and traveled to them. This would be AMADEUS first time to travel more than two hours.

Amadeus + Hondu

Agreed weight 46 lbs. AMADEUS comes in at 45, HONDU dead on weight. Ref calls for release, HONDU immediately goes for AMADEUS’ leg that is still not healed up nicely, we did fear the worst, a bleeder, luckily it stops quickly. HONDU has onehell of a bite, and is very fast. AMADEUS still wants to fight with the side where there is no cutters, slipping all the way, not getting any hold on HONDU. HONDU is mopping the floor with AMADEUS, it seems like AMADEUS met his match. 20 minutes into the show, a turn was called on AMADEUS. We needed it. This was a short keep, and he was not doing too well. Running very hot, we cooled AMADEUS down. He came out with a bang. Seems the break made him calm down, and take control. HONDU now pushing, and AMADEUS defending for dear life. At 25 minutes HONDU started running hot. AMADEUS saw this, as now or never, and started working on a down HONDU, in his kidneys and stifle. HONDU didn’t like it, and started screaming. At 34 minutes, HONDU’s crew calls for scratch to continue. We granted it. HONDU stands firm in his corner, waiting to be taken home safely, taking the 10 count. AMADEUS is now declared a Champion!

Dog Of The Year

Being the end of the year it was also time for the D.O.Y. award in RSA also. The contenders were CH WANDERLEI, who took on two one time winners, CH AMADEUS took a one time winner and a two time winner, CH BOYLER 3XW/1XL but D.O.Y is not for quitters. BOYLER did not make the cut. Also in the running was BALLISTIC IMP, who just made R.O.M. SANDY made GR CH, and then there were the four time winners CH SCRAP and CH NUNU, but these dogs were never even voted for. After a few well known and active dog man voted it was decided to award the title of D.O.Y. to CH AMADEUS. It was very close between CH WANDERLEI and AMADEUS. WANDERLEI is already a four time winner, and I am sure he will make grand champion soon. Attempt was made to get WANDELEI to hook into AMADEUS, but we could not agree on terms, for both parties did
not have the ability to travel 620 miles plus. It’s a pity. Anyway, challenge was made into ZARA, a two time winner at the time, but we were turned down because they were retiring him…only to go four weeks later making him a champion.

Then we called out of desperation for CH MIDNIGHT, who also was at that weight, but he had a serious yard break and was in a bad condition. He lost one of his eyes and would never see the box again. We respected that decision. There was no one else looking or willing to face AMADEUS. AMADEUS was offered to some well-known dog man FOR FREE. They should’ve arrange the transport. I told them “This dog will make grand champion”, but they apparently did not believe me and never attempted to collect the dog. I also put him up for sale but Fearsome advised me to reconsider. He was even offered to a lady at a show who was looking for a stud dog. Seems like he was meant to stay and we’re happy he did. We tried to get opponents for him, but nothing was available, so we faked his death and all hell broke loose. Suddenly everyone had something for him, now that he is gone. We then brought him back to life, and then all the big talkers died off again. No one had his weight. Then the call came from River. They would love to go into us for one lastround, at that stage they were the best kennel to beat, and we were not going to miss this opportunity. We agreed on a six week keep.

Ch Amadeus + De La Ray (Leeu van die Wes Transvaal)

Agreed weight 46 lbs. AMADEUS comes in at 45, DE LA RAY on weight. This was not the first choice River had, he had another dog in mind for AMADEUS, also bred by River. Unfortunately this dog got lose into DE LA RAY, and got killed. River contacted us and told us that he would like to bring DE LA RAY out of CH RECOIL, an imported dog. We agreed and it was set. We traveled four hours, drive to their home ground. On the night of the
show, Seadensun approached me and said that they came to destroy us. Their dog is a monster and AMADEUS will look like a puppy against him. My heart dropped to the ground, my second gave up before the show even started. Then I saw him…a big ass dog, but no turning back now. Ref calls release, AMADEUS on the defense. Here I decided I will not chase him, he must now do his own thing.AMADEUS knew if he lets go, he would surely die. He stuck to DE LA RAY like Bostick, not letting go, it went on for 23, then a turn was called on AMADEUS, a handle was made, and out flying came AMADEUS, meeting DE LA RAY in his corner. At 30 minutes it’s all over, DE LA RAY just lying there, not even attempting to bite back. Rivers crew screaming to him not to pick up ‘he will come back now”. Well, that never happened. They picked up an exhausted DE LA RAY after making a game scratch. AMADEUS is now declared a four time winner, in 45 minutes. After this show, a lot of excuses were made for the way DE LA RAY lost and it caused bad vibes between us and River and it was ugly. We did go into River before, and the same thing happened. We hoped this time it would be different. It is a pity it had to happen to good friends. We did not want such good friendship to end like this. Maybe someday he can get his revenge. Anyway, AMADEUS had no serious damage after the show. The word spread quickly of AMADEUS’s win. We were not even home yet, when the phone rang, another opponent, they want to come and see us to contract a match. We agreed and the date was set 8 weeks after DE LA RAY. AMADEUS was now fighting the last two with half mouth, and one cutter and an injured leg, that don’t seem to be healing, or not getting time to heal.

CH Amadeus + Heartbreak Kid

This match was into guys we never knew, but they were prepared to go into AMADEUS and had no excuses. We was hoping to get some one or two time winner at least, but they were all hiding, so we could not be picky. We had to change the venue and date – two day before show – for it got leaked. Anyway, the weight was set at 46 lbs. Both dogs on weight. HBK was towering over AMADEUS, but by now that does not matter, we know that AMADEUS loves them big! Hahaha! Ref calls for release. HBK in control riding AMADEUS, giving him taste of his own medicine. AMADEUS don’t like it at all. He tries his best working HBK pushing him all over the pit, but can’t seem to get to him. Then HBK swapped a good defense hold, for a mouth hold, big mistake. Just what AMADEUS needed! There it was, a big bleeder was hit on HBK and he also lost a K9! HBK going down quickly, AMADEUS in full control. At 30 minutes it was all over. HBK is not coming back at 35. His crew picked up a game HBK. AMADEUS was declared Grand Campion. AMADEUS now the second dog to make grand champion in the RSA in just 10 months, next to Grand Champion RUFUS, who did not survive his Grand Championship match. Shortly After NR 5 we were contacted by DGK, he had a friend that was badmouthing AMADEUS and said he would stop AMADEUS. He guaranteed, that if we don’t pick up AMADEUS at the 1:00 hour mark, he would die. That odds we can’t refuse. The date was set. We agreed to meet in 8 weeks’ time.

GR CH Amadeus + Boytjie

Again, this was not the first choice, for the opponent was meant to be someone else. They could not make the agreed weight, and was replaced by BOYTJIE. Both were conditioned for AMADEUS, for they were not sure that the other dog will make weight. Weight set at 46 lbs. BOYTJIE’s crew asked for 1-week extension. It was granted. Match day! AMADEUS on weight, BOYTJIE 45 lbs. BOYTJIE’s crew decides to go on with the match. Ref orders release! AMADEUS on the ear, BOYTJIE working hard to get to AMADEUS. He then flipped AMADEUS, showing great strength. First dog to flip AMADEUS like that. AMADEUS’ wind knocked out of him, made him realize to go back to basics. Riding the stronger opponent till he tires. It worked. At 10 minutes BOYTJIE tried to take AMADEUS on the nose. Big mistake. AMADEUS bites one bad bleeder and down goes BOYTJIE. At 15 minutes another bleeder in the shoulder. It’s all over at 18 minutes as BOYTJIE’s crew concedes the match. On his courtesy he stands the 10 count.

The one we feared the most, ended the quickest. GRAND CHAMPION AMADEUS in just 12 months and the fourth six time winner in RSA, next to GR CH SIR THOMAS 7XW POR, CH COUNTDOWN 7XW/1XL POR and GRCH TALOUSE 6XW. At number 6 he was 3 years and 6 months old. He showed us that he is worthy to breed with, and keep. Some say his not worthy of the title, but that’s just the haters and their opinion, means s**t to us. Very little breeding was done so far, but the pups already show some potential. Some were placed in good working hands. Maybe AMADEUS could also get the R.O.M. title someday. After BOYTJIE the owners of the opponent that was scheduled to meet AMADEUS instead of BOYTJIE approached us, asking if we were willing to take them 12 weeks out. We told them we were looking for status dogs and we will be glad to take them. Once they make him a status dog, we gave them 6 months to do so. If AMADEUS is still able to go, we would take them.

GRCH Amadeus + Meneer

Weight set at 46 lbs. AMADEUS 45lbs., MENEER 46.7 lbs.We once again traveled to another province, and on their terms. They took us on a jolly ride, it felt like hours driving deep in the bushveld. On arrival we greet and old face, and well respected dog man. He would be the Ref. The competition wanted to start ASAP. We agreed and started weigh in. MENEER is overweight. Forfeit taken, dogs washed, Ref calls for release. MENEER is a hard biting dog and came out hard, hitting AMADEUS in his corner. AMADEUS did not know what hit him. Before he could recover MENEER was on his ear, working just enough so that AMADEUS can’t get to him. You could see this was going to be a long night. MENEER was one of my late brothers breeding’s and we never expected this breeding to be so good. But there is ZIPPO in the blood, and ZIPPO dogs are well known for their gameness and bite. The first 20 minutes they were feeling each other. AMADEUS seemed stupid to me, but it could be because he met a better dog this time. Maybe we made a mistake to carry on with the weight difference. AMADEUS also started to run hot. MENEER still in full control at 23 minutes. A turn is called on AMADEUS, and Ref acknowledged it. The two dogs were still very much in hold, and watching us carefully.

If we tried to handle, they clamped down. Finally, at 43 minutes a handle was made. AMADEUS desperately needed it, but so did MENEER. AMADEUS to scratch, and what a good one. He looks much better now. MENEER now on the defense again. AMADEUS now getting a much better hold on the shoulder. At 50 minutes MENEER lost a cutter, and AMADEUS got a bad bleeder once again on MENEER’s nose. Seems like it’s AMADEUS’ trade mark now, if he gets the nose, it’s his way of saying “enough is enough, I want to go home “. At 55 minutes MENEER’s crew ask for scratch to continue. We grant it. Ref orders us to handle the dog, and take them apart. MENEER is fanged, and the bleeder seems not to stop. MENEER makes a good scratch. At 1:05 MENEER on the ground, the bleeder taking its toll. At 1:07 MENEER’s crew called it a day. Not a bad decision for he is done. MENEER makes a very, very game scratch. One that would be remembered. For the first time AMADEUS doesn’t scream in his corner. This was a hard one. I don’t think he will do another one. I’m proud of AMADEUS. He also completed his courtesy. Thanks to good friends helping us to get AMADEUS where he is, without you guys competing we would never have had the chance of making him what he is. Some will say he is not worthy, but the ones that had the opportunity to see him, and the small few that sees a good dog for what it is. Who’s opinion is greatly valued, for them he will be remembered. Dogs like AMADEUS will always be criticized, for those people never had the chance to witness, or own a potentially great dog to be proud off. All they can do is criticize other dogs, due to their inexperience and stupidity. I feel sorry for dog men like that, for they will always just be STUPID OF ENVY. To talk about a dog like that, good or bad, means that a nerve has been struck, and should be seen as good attention. For they have something to say.

Call Name: Amadeus
S*x: male
Date of Birth: 26. 3. 2014
Land of Birth: South Africa
Land of Standing: South Africa
Colour: Buckskin / Black Mask
Titles: GR CH 7xW DOY

AMADEUS is one of 4 brothers , him being the smallest I instantly fell in love with him , because of his color being the same as GR CH Gritler’s and carrying the Gritler mark on his neck. Some trades I learned to look for in my selection of dogs. Amadeus is an in**ed Yellow /Bolio breeding from a long line of good working dog genetics. Some of the best producing and working dogs in RSA…

Amadeus came from a breeding between CH VERSTRADO and Jenny R.O.M. VERSTRADO is a grandson of GR CH BARRACUDA. JENNY is also of import blood out of RIDDICK, a good producing male out of GR CH AMBOSS. In my opinion JENNY is currently one of the best producing female in RSA producing CH BOYLER 3XW/1XL, CH HANNA MONTANNA 3XW/1XL, CH SMALL JOHNS and GR CH AMADEUS giving her 5 R.O.M. points and still has some offspring that can add to her status. The whole litter of JENNY’s littermates also produced some excellent offspring. Her brother DIABLO is currently on 6 R.O.M points making him the third best producer in RSA. He produced dogs like GR CH ANDERSON THE SPIDER SILVA, CH BOETA, CH VAGAS, CH BRAGA and CH BEAR 3XW/1XGL. AMADEUS’ pedigree can be traced down in any direction and you would only find successful dogs that just keep on producing better and better, so it was of no surprise that he would become a good dog himself. AMADEUS was a house dog – never to be schooled or matched – and did very well at shows becoming a Show Champion at a very young age.

He matured very early. His first yard break was into his half-sister INTIMIDATOR who was 6 1/2 heavier than him and also had a mouth like a crocodile. She bit him good but he learned how to keep out of trouble. They went into each other till eventually AMADEUS got his revenge and killed her. He went into his mother a few weeks later, she was old and did not stand a change. Dying game with a full belly of pups out of AMADEUS. Some time later we were contacted by a good friend who was looking for a last schooling for his male before he takes him out. A hard biting BRISCO male 4 1/2 heavier than AMADEUS. We agreed and traveled to them. AMADEUS’ first real schooling…away from home. The dog looked like a tank but the whole thing was over in 15, them picking up their dog. He never made it into the box. We then knew it’s time. A well-known kennel was looking for a 46 lbs. male. They were planning to fight four brothers, the same night. We agreed and took up the challenge. AMADEUS was a 45, but we agreed to meet at 46 as they could not come down in weight…

Amadeus + Joe Bonanna

AMADEUS came in on 451/2 and JOE on 46.7. I agreed to go on, no forfeit taken, but I was a nerve wreck as I already lost two hard ones against them and I did not want to lose again. JOE was one monster of a dog towering over AMADEUS. If I haven’t seen the scale I would have thought he is a 60 lbs. dog. I told AMADEUS “My boy, now it’s up to you, this one is going to be your test of what kind of dog you are”. We were ready and Ref calls for release! JOE came out hard, pushing AMADEUS all over the pit. AMADEUS holding on for dear life then AMADEUS got second wind, while JOE ran hot. AMADEUS started hitting JOE hard in the stifle and kidneys at 40. JOE was not even trying to fight back anymore, at 43 minutes his crew conceded and picked up JOE. AMADEUS was not liking this, started screaming for JOE to come back but that’s not going to happen. That night all the brothers lost. After the show Joe’s crew asked if we were willing to take them on with their two time winner in**ed, with our own stock, out of GR CH GRITLER blood. We agreed to meet in 8 weeks’ time. Now we need to win this one to be even, but we knew it was not going to be easy, for it’s out of our own bloodline and we did very well with that blood line. They are very good competitors, for they themselves have a grand champion, and a few champions under their belt. We agreed to meet them on their terms and travel to them.

Amadeus + Mustafa

MUSTAFA, a two time winner. Agreed weight 46 lbs. Both dogs on weight. I knew this was going to be a hard one, for both dogs looked exactly the same. We literally ended up handling each other’s dog. This was a hard match for AMADEUS. Both dogs’ top defenders, swapping holds, feeling each other, both dogs well-conditioned and game as hell. It went on for 45, then AMADEUS got into MUSTAFA, hitting a bleeder and it all went downwards. MUSTAFA’s team didn’t want to believe what was happening, still hoping for a comeback, but AMADEUS was now playing with MUSTAFA, biting him all over without any resistance. It’s all over at 1:00. MUSTAFA’s crew concedes the match, picking up a very game dog, making a game courtesy. AMADEUS was declared a two time winner. The talkers talked, and didn’t want to believe this small dog, out of nowhere, is causing such uproar. Them being green of jealousy. Luckily, we have good friends like MUSTAFA’s crew that always will be part of our friendship. Proud to have them on our side. Thanks guys, at least we 2 for 2 now. AMADEUS was still recovering when he went into his other half-sister, out of TUDOR II, an ELI bred dog. She nearly killed him. I had to rush him to the vet to pull him trough. She caused a bad gaping hole in his shoulder and his leg. That injury did not seem to be healing, because AMADEUS is a basted, he don’t like stitches or cones. He takes them off, so we struggled to heal him. He also lost half his mouth in that alteration with his half-sister. If that was not bad enough, we were called out again into a one time winner that had his eye on AMADEUS. We agreed on the condition only if AMADEUS don’t heal enough, we would not continue. This was a revenge match, they wanted to win badly, for losing into us before. We once again met them on their terms, and traveled to them. This would be AMADEUS first time to travel more than two hours.

Amadeus + Hondu

Agreed weight 46 lbs. AMADEUS comes in at 45, HONDU dead on weight. Ref calls for release, HONDU immediately goes for AMADEUS’ leg that is still not healed up nicely, we did fear the worst, a bleeder, luckily it stops quickly. HONDU has onehell of a bite, and is very fast. AMADEUS still wants to fight with the side where there is no cutters, slipping all the way, not getting any hold on HONDU. HONDU is mopping the floor with AMADEUS, it seems like AMADEUS met his match. 20 minutes into the show, a turn was called on AMADEUS. We needed it. This was a short keep, and he was not doing too well. Running very hot, we cooled AMADEUS down. He came out with a bang. Seems the break made him calm down, and take control. HONDU now pushing, and AMADEUS defending for dear life. At 25 minutes HONDU started running hot. AMADEUS saw this, as now or never, and started working on a down HONDU, in his kidneys and stifle. HONDU didn’t like it, and started screaming. At 34 minutes, HONDU’s crew calls for scratch to continue. We granted it. HONDU stands firm in his corner, waiting to be taken home safely, taking the 10 count. AMADEUS is now declared a Champion!

Dog Of The Year

Being the end of the year it was also time for the D.O.Y. award in RSA also. The contenders were CH WANDERLEI, who took on two one time winners, CH AMADEUS took a one time winner and a two time winner, CH BOYLER 3XW/1XL but D.O.Y is not for quitters. BOYLER did not make the cut. Also in the running was BALLISTIC IMP, who just made R.O.M. SANDY made GR CH, and then there were the four time winners CH SCRAP and CH NUNU, but these dogs were never even voted for. After a few well known and active dog man voted it was decided to award the title of D.O.Y. to CH AMADEUS. It was very close between CH WANDERLEI and AMADEUS. WANDERLEI is already a four time winner, and I am sure he will make grand champion soon. Attempt was made to get WANDELEI to hook into AMADEUS, but we could not agree on terms, for both parties did
not have the ability to travel 620 miles plus. It’s a pity. Anyway, challenge was made into ZARA, a two time winner at the time, but we were turned down because they were retiring him…only to go four weeks later making him a champion.

Then we called out of desperation for CH MIDNIGHT, who also was at that weight, but he had a serious yard break and was in a bad condition. He lost one of his eyes and would never see the box again. We respected that decision. There was no one else looking or willing to face AMADEUS. AMADEUS was offered to some well-known dog man FOR FREE. They should’ve arrange the transport. I told them “This dog will make grand champion”, but they apparently did not believe me and never attempted to collect the dog. I also put him up for sale but Fearsome advised me to reconsider. He was even offered to a lady at a show who was looking for a stud dog. Seems like he was meant to stay and we’re happy he did. We tried to get opponents for him, but nothing was available, so we faked his death and all hell broke loose. Suddenly everyone had something for him, now that he is gone. We then brought him back to life, and then all the big talkers died off again. No one had his weight. Then the call came from River. They would love to go into us for one lastround, at that stage they were the best kennel to beat, and we were not going to miss this opportunity. We agreed on a six week keep.

Ch Amadeus + De La Ray (Leeu van die Wes Transvaal)

Agreed weight 46 lbs. AMADEUS comes in at 45, DE LA RAY on weight. This was not the first choice River had, he had another dog in mind for AMADEUS, also bred by River. Unfortunately this dog got lose into DE LA RAY, and got killed. River contacted us and told us that he would like to bring DE LA RAY out of CH RECOIL, an imported dog. We agreed and it was set. We traveled four hours, drive to their home ground. On the night of the
show, Seadensun approached me and said that they came to destroy us. Their dog is a monster and AMADEUS will look like a puppy against him. My heart dropped to the ground, my second gave up before the show even started. Then I saw him…a big ass dog, but no turning back now. Ref calls release, AMADEUS on the defense. Here I decided I will not chase him, he must now do his own thing.AMADEUS knew if he lets go, he would surely die. He stuck to DE LA RAY like Bostick, not letting go, it went on for 23, then a turn was called on AMADEUS, a handle was made, and out flying came AMADEUS, meeting DE LA RAY in his corner. At 30 minutes it’s all over, DE LA RAY just lying there, not even attempting to bite back. Rivers crew screaming to him not to pick up ‘he will come back now”. Well, that never happened. They picked up an exhausted DE LA RAY after making a game scratch. AMADEUS is now declared a four time winner, in 45 minutes. After this show, a lot of excuses were made for the way DE LA RAY lost and it caused bad vibes between us and River and it was ugly. We did go into River before, and the same thing happened. We hoped this time it would be different. It is a pity it had to happen to good friends. We did not want such good friendship to end like this. Maybe someday he can get his revenge. Anyway, AMADEUS had no serious damage after the show. The word spread quickly of AMADEUS’s win. We were not even home yet, when the phone rang, another opponent, they want to come and see us to contract a match. We agreed and the date was set 8 weeks after DE LA RAY. AMADEUS was now fighting the last two with half mouth, and one cutter and an injured leg, that don’t seem to be healing, or not getting time to heal.

CH Amadeus + Heartbreak Kid

This match was into guys we never knew, but they were prepared to go into AMADEUS and had no excuses. We was hoping to get some one or two time winner at least, but they were all hiding, so we could not be picky. We had to change the venue and date – two day before show – for it got leaked. Anyway, the weight was set at 46 lbs. Both dogs on weight. HBK was towering over AMADEUS, but by now that does not matter, we know that AMADEUS loves them big! Hahaha! Ref calls for release. HBK in control riding AMADEUS, giving him taste of his own medicine. AMADEUS don’t like it at all. He tries his best working HBK pushing him all over the pit, but can’t seem to get to him. Then HBK swapped a good defense hold, for a mouth hold, big mistake. Just what AMADEUS needed! There it was, a big bleeder was hit on HBK and he also lost a K9! HBK going down quickly, AMADEUS in full control. At 30 minutes it was all over. HBK is not coming back at 35. His crew picked up a game HBK. AMADEUS was declared Grand Campion. AMADEUS now the second dog to make grand champion in the RSA in just 10 months, next to Grand Champion RUFUS, who did not survive his Grand Championship match. Shortly After NR 5 we were contacted by DGK, he had a friend that was badmouthing AMADEUS and said he would stop AMADEUS. He guaranteed, that if we don’t pick up AMADEUS at the 1:00 hour mark, he would die. That odds we can’t refuse. The date was set. We agreed to meet in 8 weeks’ time.

GR CH Amadeus + Boytjie

Again, this was not the first choice, for the opponent was meant to be someone else. They could not make the agreed weight, and was replaced by BOYTJIE. Both were conditioned for AMADEUS, for they were not sure that the other dog will make weight. Weight set at 46 lbs. BOYTJIE’s crew asked for 1-week extension. It was granted. Match day! AMADEUS on weight, BOYTJIE 45 lbs. BOYTJIE’s crew decides to go on with the match. Ref orders release! AMADEUS on the ear, BOYTJIE working hard to get to AMADEUS. He then flipped AMADEUS, showing great strength. First dog to flip AMADEUS like that. AMADEUS’ wind knocked out of him, made him realize to go back to basics. Riding the stronger opponent till he tires. It worked. At 10 minutes BOYTJIE tried to take AMADEUS on the nose. Big mistake. AMADEUS bites one bad bleeder and down goes BOYTJIE. At 15 minutes another bleeder in the shoulder. It’s all over at 18 minutes as BOYTJIE’s crew concedes the match. On his courtesy he stands the 10 count.

The one we feared the most, ended the quickest. GRAND CHAMPION AMADEUS in just 12 months and the fourth six time winner in RSA, next to GR CH SIR THOMAS 7XW POR, CH COUNTDOWN 7XW/1XL POR and GRCH TALOUSE 6XW. At number 6 he was 3 years and 6 months old. He showed us that he is worthy to breed with, and keep. Some say his not worthy of the title, but that’s just the haters and their opinion, means s**t to us. Very little breeding was done so far, but the pups already show some potential. Some were placed in good working hands. Maybe AMADEUS could also get the R.O.M. title someday. After BOYTJIE the owners of the opponent that was scheduled to meet AMADEUS instead of BOYTJIE approached us, asking if we were willing to take them 12 weeks out. We told them we were looking for status dogs and we will be glad to take them. Once they make him a status dog, we gave them 6 months to do so. If AMADEUS is still able to go, we would take them.

GRCH Amadeus + Meneer

Weight set at 46 lbs. AMADEUS 45lbs., MENEER 46.7 lbs.We once again traveled to another province, and on their terms. They took us on a jolly ride, it felt like hours driving deep in the bushveld. On arrival we greet and old face, and well respected dog man. He would be the Ref. The competition wanted to start ASAP. We agreed and started weigh in. MENEER is overweight. Forfeit taken, dogs washed, Ref calls for release. MENEER is a hard biting dog and came out hard, hitting AMADEUS in his corner. AMADEUS did not know what hit him. Before he could recover MENEER was on his ear, working just enough so that AMADEUS can’t get to him. You could see this was going to be a long night. MENEER was one of my late brothers breeding’s and we never expected this breeding to be so good. But there is ZIPPO in the blood, and ZIPPO dogs are well known for their gameness and bite. The first 20 minutes they were feeling each other. AMADEUS seemed stupid to me, but it could be because he met a better dog this time. Maybe we made a mistake to carry on with the weight difference. AMADEUS also started to run hot. MENEER still in full control at 23 minutes. A turn is called on AMADEUS, and Ref acknowledged it. The two dogs were still very much in hold, and watching us carefully.

If we tried to handle, they clamped down. Finally, at 43 minutes a handle was made. AMADEUS desperately needed it, but so did MENEER. AMADEUS to scratch, and what a good one. He looks much better now. MENEER now on the defense again. AMADEUS now getting a much better hold on the shoulder. At 50 minutes MENEER lost a cutter, and AMADEUS got a bad bleeder once again on MENEER’s nose. Seems like it’s AMADEUS’ trade mark now, if he gets the nose, it’s his way of saying “enough is enough, I want to go home “. At 55 minutes MENEER’s crew ask for scratch to continue. We grant it. Ref orders us to handle the dog, and take them apart. MENEER is fanged, and the bleeder seems not to stop. MENEER makes a good scratch. At 1:05 MENEER on the ground, the bleeder taking its toll. At 1:07 MENEER’s crew called it a day. Not a bad decision for he is done. MENEER makes a very, very game scratch. One that would be remembered. For the first time AMADEUS doesn’t scream in his corner. This was a hard one. I don’t think he will do another one. I’m proud of AMADEUS. He also completed his courtesy. Thanks to good friends helping us to get AMADEUS where he is, without you guys competing we would never have had the chance of making him what he is. Some will say he is not worthy, but the ones that had the opportunity to see him, and the small few that sees a good dog for what it is. Who’s opinion is greatly valued, for them he will be remembered. Dogs like AMADEUS will always be criticized, for those people never had the chance to witness, or own a potentially great dog to be proud off. All they can do is criticize other dogs, due to their inexperience and stupidity. I feel sorry for dog men like that, for they will always just be STUPID OF ENVY. To talk about a dog like that, good or bad, means that a nerve has been struck, and should be seen as good attention. For they have something to say.







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