Helderberg Wildlife Rescue & Anti Animal Cruelty

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue & Anti Animal Cruelty We specialise in wildlife rescue and relocation in the Helderberg and neighbouring areas. We also of

We also offer safe haven for unwanted exotic pets and reptiles as well as medical support and rehabilitation for reptiles and other wild animals such as birds of prey, wild mammals, wild birds. We advocate that all wild animals should be rehabilitated and responsibly released after recovery from injuries and illness.

Today is the birthday of our legendary Rico Pentz - founder of Helderberg Wildlife Rescue. He's no longer with us but hi...

Today is the birthday of our legendary Rico Pentz - founder of Helderberg Wildlife Rescue.

He's no longer with us but his legacy lives on in the many lives he touched.

In celebration of his life and his fist birthday not here with us, I'd like to ask that you'd gift an organisation in your area - where ever you live. Here by us in the Helderberg there is AWS, Heartlands Baby Centre, Somerset West Shelter, Farm Paws, HART, Township Rescue, Giraffe House, Exotic Animal World and various others. A blanket, food, physical help, what ever your heart tells you.

Not a day goes by that we don't miss him. Never will he be forgotten

Happy birthday beautiful Rico.... Wildlife expert, husband, father, son and brother.

You remain bitterly loved and respected


With great sadness I need to share that my husband Rico Pentz passed away on Sunday the 21st of Jan 2024 after being bit...

With great sadness I need to share that my husband Rico Pentz passed away on Sunday the 21st of Jan 2024 after being bitten by a cobra. The loss is so incredibly deep for all of us who have known him and love him and it's a huge loss to animal rescue.

He was a pioneer, an admirable, absolutely beautiful, very controversial human being who wanted nothing more than the best interest of animals. As his life partner who knew him like nobody else, I know it came from such a pure and passionate place. We are so proud of him.

I need to reiterate something that was very important to him. I was with him until he passed, I held him when he gave his last breath. I can assure you, his passion for all animals remained the same. Snakes fulfil a very important role in the eco system. We need them. Rico fought very hard for the wellbeing of snakes and every other kind of animal regardless if they are domestic, wildlife or farm animals. They all feel. They all fear. They all want to live unharmed....

May his legacy live on...

His memorial will be public - details here:

🌸 Eva

A very sad loss to our community. Freddy embraced us with his presence and we were incredibly blessed, fortunate and pri...

A very sad loss to our community. Freddy embraced us with his presence and we were incredibly blessed, fortunate and privileged to have him around.

He made many people smile and happy, but there were also people throwing stones and bricks at him. Some even hit him with sticks.

Lisa Star from Helderberg Ocean Awareness Movement and a few ladies gave much of their time to stand guard and protect Freddy. They were also harassed by people. Swearing at them and even getting aggressive with them, but they stood their ground.

Wildlife die incredibly easily from stress, and Freddy was heavily stressed while being transported, resulting in him dying.

He will be missed dearly by many of us. Thank you Freddy for embracing us with your presence and your cheerfulness.


I've been getting a few phone calls from people asking if I am still doing rescues. I moved to Stellenbosch a couple of months ago, and I need to have permits to rescue animals in this area. I will let you know as soon as I have my permits.


We are incredibly busy with animal rescues due to the flood. Please bare with us as we can not attend to all calls.


Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. Nothing like a feisty young Cape Cobra call to get some adrenaline going, especially knowing that there currently is no antivenom in the country, so gotta be a bit more careful than usual.

A call came in with the caller stating that there is a Cape Cobra in their house, so with much excitement we attended to the call. On arrival, the homeowner directed me to the room where the snake decided to find a cool place from the heat. Towel in front of the door so that the snake can't get out.

After looking around a bit, I found the teenager hiding behind a school bag. Now snakes normally like to go into dark spaces when they feel threatened, but this little feisty fellow wasn't having any of that. He gave me a hard time by not wanting to go into the pillowcase, so I ended up having to pin his head down so that I could hold him by his neck to get him into the pillowcase. His attitude had me a bit on the nervous side, but I remained calm and tried to be as gentle as possible while handling him.

I've turned off the sound in the first video as there was too much background noise. In the second video, you'll see me releasing the snake into a biodiversity area. He first played dead for a while, but when I moved him with a stick, he finally realized he was free, hoods up and in a last snake foul language, turns, strikes towards me and then turns around and take off

Cape Cobras are stunning snakes and come in various colouration. They are highly venomous and their venom is a very powerful neurotoxic dose. A bite from one of these snakes requires immediate medical attention.

As I've said before in my previous posts, snakes play a very important role in our ecosystem. They help to control the number of rodents like mice, rats and squirrels. As you know, if these rodents invade your house, they can cause serious damage as they will chew on just about anything. If they chew on electrical cables, it could start a fire and you stand the risk of your house burning down.

Please do not try to harm or kill a snake whenever you cross paths with one, but rather give us a call (074 560 0711) to come catch and relocate the snake. Keep at a safe distance from the snake, and please try to keep an eye on the snake's movements until we get there.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]


Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. This is a rescue from a few weeks ago that I initially did not want to post on our page, as it doesn't have a happy ending, but I feel that this needs to be voiced.

I received a call regarding a snake on a property and the caller identified the snake as a Cape Cobra. On arrival, I could see the snake was out in the open and not even trying to get away with all the commotion and movements around him, which seemed a bit odd to me.

As I approached him, I immediately saw why he wasn't trying to get away. He was in too much pain, and felt the need to stand his ground and defend himself from what hurt him.

As you'll see in the video, I did not want to catch him the normal way as he had sustained a bad injury on his lower spine, so I wanted to avoid catching him by the tail as I normally would. I tried to pin his head down, and hold him behind his head so that I could examine his injury to determine which vet I was going to race him to.

The first attempt of pinning him down didn't go as planned. He just bit the back of my hook stick, and then he let go. The second time, he bit the back of my hook stick again, only this time he would not let go. This allowed me to safely hold him behind his head, and take him to a flat surface to get him to let go of the hook stick so that I could put him in a tub to take to one of the vets we use, as he unfortunately would not need any special care.

The injury he sustained was too severe to be treated and sadly I made the call to have him euthanized. After I had placed him in a tub, the caller proudly told me that they watched as their dog attacked the snake. I asked them if they had tried to get their dog away from the snake, to which they replied "no, we just stood and watched".

I told them that there is a big shortage of antivenom in our country, and if their dog got bit, he would have died. They however, did not seem to fazed about the news.

This incident basically falls in line with some calls we get where a snake was found on a property, and the caller tried to kill the snake, but instead injured the snake and was now too scared to go near the snake as the snake was now badly injured, pi**ed off and even more defensive. Then we get the call for a snake on a property. When we arrive and ask about the injuries, we always get the same answer. "I don't know how the snake got injured like that, I just found the snake like that"

We have been in this line of work for years and can tell the difference between a fresh wound and an old wound. We also have knowledge of what wounds look like that was made by certain objects like a garden fork, shovel, pipe and the list goes on.

As upset I am about this and not just that, there was no call out fee paid to help cover the costs for the use of a vet but besides that, I am begging the community. Please, very big please, when you find a snake on your property, PLEASE DO NOT try to harm the snake, and when you fail, then only call a snake catcher or a rescue organization. Just call us immediately when the snake is seen, and from a safe distance, keep an eye on the snake to inform us of his/her movements so that we will be able to find the snake. Please also do not let your pets out to try and get the snake killed. Your pet stands a high risk at getting killed in the process.

As I've said before in my previous posts, snakes play a very important role in our ecosystem. They help control the number of rodents, like mice, rats and squirrels that could carry diseases. Also if these rodents invade your house, they can cause some serious damage as they will chew on just about anything, including electrical wires that could start a fire and be the cause of your house burning down (worst case scenario) It is also illegal to kill a snake in the Western Cape.
Our number is 074 560 0711. Please rather call us to come and safely remove the snake to be relocated to a suitable area.

Thank you for all your support and the following of our rescues. Without you, none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing, by helping to cover fuel costs, animal food supplies as well as first aid supplies, vet bills and aftercare, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. The details are as follows:

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
Or PayPal account is under
[email protected]

Update edit. Thank you to the person that donated R1000 into our account to help pay this bill. I don't know who you are...

Update edit. Thank you to the person that donated R1000 into our account to help pay this bill. I don't know who you are, so not sure who I need to thank. If someone has paid money directly to Teva Vet, please send us a message just so that I know how much was paid and when the vet bill is completely covered so that I can let everyone know to stop with any donations. Will be out of hospital by the end of February (no, I did was not bit by anything, just a few health concerns) and then we'll be able to be in full swing and able to attend to any and all rescue calls.

Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. Today we come asking for help as we are in a very tight pinch due to me being in hospital not able to attend to any calls or bring in income.

We have this outstanding Vet bill from animals that we rescued and needed medical attention. If you are able to help us, it would be deeply appreciated. You can either pay the money into our account
Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
Ref. Teva Vet

Or into their account with the account number 9404 as reference.

Thank you for all your support.

Come meet these little fluff balls of cuteness

Come meet these little fluff balls of cuteness


Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. I'm starting to think that Cobras aren't that good at estimating sizes, as this is not the first time we respond to a call like this.

Securite control room contacted us regarding a snake on a property that the owner of the house wanted caught and relocated. But what we didn't know that the snake was actually stuck in chicken wire.

When I approached the snake, he hood up, opening his mouth and striking at me as he was terrified and couldn't escape, so I covered his head with a pillowcase before beginning with rescue task at hand. At first touch, he tensed up but then completely relaxed, almost as if he knew that I was there to help.

Well, after carefully cutting the mesh and getting him free, he had two wounds from the mesh that cut into him while he was trying to free himself, and the struggle just made it worse. So after containing the snake, I phoned our vet and asked if I can bring the snake in for x-rays as I was not sure if he had any severe spinal injury.

Thankfully nothing broken (x-rays will be in the comment section) but slight deep tissue injury. He was given pain medication and some antibiotics, and off home it was. At home we washed his wounds that will fully recover, applied some wound treatment ointment, and placed him in an enclosure as he needed more medication the next day. He'll have some scaring on his body, but apparently that makes the snake more bad-ass, so he'll have the ladies falling over each other.

As I've said before in my previous posts, snakes play a very important role in our ecosystem. They help to control the number of rodents like mice, rats and squirrels. As you know, if these rodents invade your house, they can cause serious damage as they will chew on just about anything. If they chew on electrical cables, it could start a fire and you stand the risk of your house burning down.

Please do not try to harm or kill a snake whenever you cross paths with one, but rather give us a call (074 560 0711) to come catch and relocate the snake. Keep at a safe distance from the snake, and please try to keep an eye on the snake's movements until we get there.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]


Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. Here is a rescue/relocation that we don't often get called for, hence why I decided to take a video and just give a bit of information regarding these awesome spiders.

My aunt is terrified of spiders and earlier this afternoon, one decided to pay her a visit in her room. The spider in question: The Huntsman spider also known as a rain spider. Although their size can intimidate people, these spiders are actually pretty much harmless. Yes, they can deliver a painful bite that might cause a bit of swelling but other than that, they are very docile spiders with bites occurring only in self-defense.

This spider was an easy catch, but the release was the funny part. Trying to get her out the jar with one hand proved a bit tricky, but once she came out, she chose to run up my leg instead of running into the bush that was right in front of her. You'll see in the video that I tried to coax her towards the bush a few times, but she found my shoes and ankle more inviting.

Then she finally realized that my legs and shoes was not the ideal area to hang around, and ran towards the bush that I tried to guide her towards at the beginning. I'm hoping that with this video, people will see that spiders don't just bite or attack, even after being poked a few times. It's all about how gentle you are with the spider.

They are active hunting spiders and do not make a web to catch their meals like other spiders do. They can run pretty fast which helps when it comes to catching moths, butterflies, cockroaches, small lizards or geckos and other insects.

I will include a photo of the female's nest in the comment section just to show you what it looks like. The egg sacks varying in different sizes can contain well over 100 eggs with some egg sacks carrying about 400 eggs.

Anyway, that's our story for the day. Hope you found the post informative.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]


Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. We received a call last night just after 21:00 requesting us to catch a Puffadder that was found in the bedroom. Once I had caught the snake, and contained the snake, he gave off a bit of a hiss as he was not happy with me handling him. Soon as he made that sound, the lady said she heard the exact same sound the previous night near her bedside table, but thought nothing of it. Now there is nothing special about this capture, but I felt it necessary.

Since the beginning of Summer, 99% of snake calls that came in were Puffadders. Most calls coming from Somerset West, but calls coming from Gordon's Bay, Sir Lowry's and Strand. This has been the most Puffadders I've caught and removed from homes and gardens in the past 6 years. Not entirely sure what the reasons for the high numbers of Puffies, but we would like to take this opportunity to just give everyone a heads-up.

Puffadders can camouflage themselves incredibly well between shrubs and bushes and they are not that likely to move away like other snakes. These snakes will rather rely on their ability to blend in with their environment and hope they are not found. Please take this word of caution to heart, especially if you or have someone working in your garden.

They are mostly nocturnal, and rarely hunt prey actively, instead these snakes prefer to ambush their prey as it passes by. Their diet includes mammals, birds, amphibians, and lizards.

​Although these snakes may seem like slow-moving and lazy snakes, they are highly defensive when they feel threatened and can make incredibly fast biting attacks, sometimes biting 2 or 3 times with one strike. They are one of the fastest striking snakes in the world, surpassed only by the Australian Death Adder. It can strike within 0.25 of a second both forward and to the side.

When disturbed the snake will coil into a defensive S-shaped posture enabling them to strike a distance of 2 thirds of their body length. They hiss loudly, almost sounding like the snake is inhaling air, and then blowing it out with a sound similar to a car tyre letting air out, hence its common name "Puff Adder". This is used as a warning signal, that is best not to ignore.

Puff Adder venom consists out of a very powerful cytotoxic protein that destroys tissue and causes blood clotting. A puff adder bite causes immediate severe pain, feeling like you have boiling oil injected into you, swelling, blistering, nausea, vomiting and later on necrosis with massive muscle and tissue damage and a bite from these snakes are of very high medical importance.

These snakes, just like all other snakes play a vital role in our ecosystem, and without snakes we could sit with a major rodent problem. Rodents like mice and rats cause a lot of damage in homes as they chew on just about anything, and can even start house fires when they chew on electrical cables. So please do not harm or try to kill a snake when you come across one.

I understand removing venomous snakes from homes and gardens and we've even had some folks leave snakes like Mole snakes, Olive House snakes, Aurora House snakes, Spotted Bush snakes (Skaap Steker) and Herald snakes live in their garden after speaking to them about the positive roles that snakes have.

We would like to thank the homeowner for contacting us to remove the snake, and not harming or killing the snake.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]

Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. Apologies for being unreachable and out of contact the past few ...

Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers.

Apologies for being unreachable and out of contact the past few days. Due to medical reasons we were not able to attend to any calls.

We are back in action now, and will be posting our rescue posts again for all of our followers to see the work that we do.

Looking forward to be of service to the community.

Update on the kittens. Eva sat with them through most of the night, and sadly the weakest one of the 2 siblings did not ...

Update on the kittens. Eva sat with them through most of the night, and sadly the weakest one of the 2 siblings did not make it through the night.

Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. This post I'm about to make had my blood boiling when I got these 2 poor souls into my hands. We were notified about 3 kittens in need of rescue in Blue Downs, but when I got there, the third kitten had apparently died.

When I got to the house, I was expecting the person to come out of the house with the kittens, however this was not the case. The person walked to a box that was covered with a thin wooden plank that was standing outside in direct sunlight, picked up the box, and that's when I heard the kittens cry. I immediately took the kittens out, and put them in our own transport carrier, with a soft fleece blanket. After I let off a few words, I got in the car, drove 1 block further and stopped to have a better look at the kittens condition. They had dried blood over most parts of their bodies, extremely dehydrated and very emaciated.

A vet trip was arranged, and I made my way there as fast as possible. These two kittens are not going to die on my watch. Fluids were given at the vet, deworming and the rest was up to us. We got home, gave some more fluids and then it was time to bath them. The first bath turned the water red from the dried blood that was on the kittens, and the amount of fleas they had was insane.

They are now nice and clean, treated them with flea control and will be bottle fed every 2 hours tonight to build up their strength so that they hopefully make it through the night. All snuggled up, keeping their body temperature nice and warm.

We will update in the morning. Please send all positive healing thoughts and prayers out for these 2 kittens with their very rough start to life.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]

We currently fall under Farm Paws' NPO number until the process of our NPC registration is complete. For those requesting Sec18 forms for tax returns, please use the following banking details with the reference Helderberg Wildlife Rescue

Farm Paws Raithby
Mercantile Bank
Cheq/Current Acc No: 1050-777-093
PBO: 930072405


Greetings community, friends, suppawters and followers. It has been a while since we've posted a rescue, but we had our hands full with life. However this rescue deserves a same day post.

Our morning started off bright and early with a call for help regarding a Duiker that was stuck in a gate. So, off we go to do what we do best asking the home owner to cover her head with a towel or blanket to reduce any stress as these creatures die very easily from stress or shock. On arrival, one of the Spca's inspectors was already on scene waiting for us to arrive as this rescue was going to be a teamwork effort.

The one neighbor brought some cottonwool so that I could put it in her ears to block out as much sound as possible while keeping her head covered as the homeowner, without any hesitation had no issue with cutting his gate so that we could free this poor critter. Holding her down firmly as the grinder would obviously make a noise that could make the duiker stress even more and go into capture shock, I put my head down on her head and within seconds, the gate was cut and we could free the Duiker.

A quick field assessment showed no visible serious injuries other than some scratches and scrapes from the gate when she tried to free herself. She was loaded into the Spca vehicle to be taken to the vet and have a proper assessment done. Spca will keep us up to date as to what the outcome is and when she will be able to be released back into the area where she was found.

A massive thank you to the homeowner for his selfless act of not even thinking twice to cut the gate so that the Duiker could be saved. You sir, are a true animal rescue hero. A huge thank you to everyone that was there and helped keep the duiker calm until we arrived on scene.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]

We currently fall under Farm Paws' NPO number until the process of our NPC registration is complete. For those requesting Sec18 forms for tax returns, please use the following banking details with the reference Helderberg Wildlife Rescue

Farm Paws Raithby
Mercantile Bank
Cheq/Current Acc No: 1050-777-093
PBO: 930072405

Howzit everyone. Sho, I'm a few posts behind regarding Zues and the outcome of the court case. But, this post just could...

Howzit everyone. Sho, I'm a few posts behind regarding Zues and the outcome of the court case. But, this post just couldn't wait.

First off the bat, Happy Spring Day do all our South African followers. Now as you know, Spring brings all sorts of wildlife to our gardens, doorsteps and even some visitors making their way into homes. So, yesterday we received a call regarding a "bright green snake" that was spotted between some shrubs. I was busy driving at the time, so couldn't divert my attention from the road to my phone to look at a photo of the snake, so I informed the caller of our call out fee, to which he agreed on, and the new destination was put into the GPS.

Well, once I arrived at the residence, the elderly gentleman and lady gave me a description of the snake, and two thoughts went through my mind.
1. This is perhaps an escaped exotic White-Lipped Tree Viper
2. This is a prank.

Well, turned out some kids in the neighborhood thought it would be funny to play a prank on the elderly couple and hide a bright green rubber snake in the shrubs, right by the front door. We all had a good chuckle, and the rubber snake is now on my desk as a souvenir for the funniest call out that I've ever attended.

I also decided to scrap the call out fee as it just didn't feel right to charge for coming out for a toy snake. However, there are people that have an absolute horrible fear of snakes, so I would like to take this chance to please ask our followers that have kids that love playing pranks, to just please choose their victims carefully. What was meant as fun and games, could have went into a different direction.

Stay safe everyone, enjoy life to the fullest and live like there is no tomorrow. Zeus has found himself a wonderful home, and the court case ended in our favor, but we will make proper updates on both Zeus and the court case this week.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]

We currently fall under Farm Paws' NPO number until the process of our NPC registration is complete. For those requesting Sec18 forms for tax returns, please use the following banking details with the reference Helderberg Wildlife Rescue

Farm Paws Raithby
Mercantile Bank
Cheq/Current Acc No: 1050-777-093
PBO: 930072405


Howzit community, friends, suppawters and followers. Here is another update for those following the story of Zeus.
But for those that doesn't know, I'll recap.

Zeus was confiscated from terrible conditions and suspected dog fighting. Most dogs that are used for dog fighting, are Pit Bulls, giving this breed a very bad reputation. Yes, they are a "power breed" and yes, they can be working dogs. They are incredibly smart. But they can also be goofy, silly, playful, loving and protective over their family.

In most dog fighting cases, the dogs used for those fights are put to sleep without doing an assessment to see if the dog can't be re-homed to live a better life. And in some of those cases I would agree with having the dog put to sleep. Some of those dogs can be rehabilitated and re-homed, and it has been done before.

Now Zeus is my first suspected dog fighting patient that I personally am busy nursing and rehabilitating. When we first confiscated him, he was tied down with a very thick chain, badly wounded and emaciated which points to him being a 'bait dog'. After taking him to incredible team at Teva Vet, his wounds were cleaned, got a few stitches across his face and shoulder and was put on a 2 course antibiotics to fight off any secondary infection.

His wounds are healing at a fast pace, and slowly but surely he is picking up weight as he is on a Hills large breed puppy food diet, and he absolutely loves droëwors, so I go get him plenty of that. But he still needs to pick up a significant amount of weight to be at a suitable weight. Now as you'll see in the video, he is full of life and joy. He walks by my side with and without a leash and loves to play. You'll also see how nicely his wounds are healing and what a gentle soul he is.

I have done small and very controlled introductions of other animals like cats, chickens and dogs including a tiny little puppy. The reason for this, is to closely monitor his behavior and reactions to see if he could find a home that has other animals. And it looks very good so far.

Thank you to those who has contributed to help with the rehabilitation of Zues, we want to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU. I'll post some photos later on as Facebook doesn't allow videos and images to be posted and I am working on before and after photos.

Thank you for all of your support and the following of our rescues. Without you none of this would be possible.

If you would like to aid or support us in what we are doing to help cover fuel, animal food supplies, vet bills and aftercare supplies, you can do so via EFT or PayPal. Banking details are as follows

Helderberg Wildlife Rescue
Capitec Bank
Savings account
PayPal account is under [email protected]




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