Lifestyle of a Roller Pigeon Fancier

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Lifestyle of a Roller Pigeon Fancier Check out my YouTube channel for longer videos (Lifestyle of a Roller Pigeon Fancier)


Mike Tyson when ever one of his birds die...😂🤣😂


This incident took place at a pigeon racing loft in China 🇨🇳!!

It was stated that a contagious virus 🦠 was involved.
But I find it hard to believe—it's more likely that an overdose of treatment was given, or the vaccine was too strong and wiped them all out at once 🤦.

As for animal attacks, there's no way—that's out of the question. The pigeons appear intact, with no bite marks or other signs 👌.

Loft for sale contact  Frans Oosthuizen  direct for more info - nr 072 332 8300 Vereeniging area

Loft for sale contact Frans Oosthuizen direct for more info - nr 072 332 8300 Vereeniging area

(BICARBONATE OF SODA) : The ability to neutralize stomach acid makes baking soda one of the best ways to reduce pain cau...


The ability to neutralize stomach acid makes baking soda one of the best ways to reduce pain caused by ulcers

Mix bucarbonate of soda with colgate and apply on your nuckles and put vaseline on top.
Results are gradual but your muscles will look clean with time.

Tired of trying one expensive brand of face wash after another and seeing hardly any results? Mix baking soda and water in a bowl and use the mixture to exfoliate.

Mix some baking soda into your existing toothpaste or mix a little bit of baking soda with a lot of water (pure baking soda will actually damage your enamel over time) and you’ve created the ultimate tooth cleanser. Baking soda is great for keeping bacteria away.

If you’re tired of seeing those coffee stains every time you smile, mix a pinch of baking soda with water, adding water until the solution becomes a thick paste. Rub this onto your teeth and let it sit for five minutes before you rinse it out. Do this once a week and you’ll notice your smile getting gradually brighter.

Have some leftover baking soda mixture after washing your face? Use this to scrub your hands clean and you’ll be surprised how soft they are when you’re done.

Create your own luxurious foot bath by dropping a tablespoon of baking soda into some warm water. This will clean your feet and help them relax. It’s also far better for removing odors than many specialty foot washes, which simply use another scent to cover stinky feet.

Adding a teaspoon of baking soda to your regular shampoo is a great way to remove excess oils and dirt from your hair.

Cleaning your brush and comb regularly is essential to maintaining good hair health, but you don’t want to use just any cleaning product. Combine two teaspoons of baking soda with one cup of water to create the perfect cleaning solution for your brush and comb.

You can replace your current household cleaner with a solution of baking soda and water. Cleans greasy grilling trays, stoves, toilet seat, etc

You’ll be amazed how easy it is to get stains out of your carpet with baking soda. Let it sit on carpets overnight and vacuum the next day.

Even the nastiest pots and pans will be clean if you let them soak in baking soda for 15-20 minutes.

A little bit of baking soda mixed with water is a great way to clean fresh fruit and vegetables.

Let your silverware soak in a paste that is three parts baking soda and one part water for 15-20 minutes and all the dirt will wash away with the mixture.

Add a little bit of baking soda to your regular dish washing cycle. This will help cut through grease.

A teaspoon of baking soda spread out on a damp rag will cut right through the grease on your microwave.

Don’t use nasty chemicals to clean your drains. Use a mixture of baking soda and water instead!

Want to get rid of the nasty stains on your shower curtain? Rub some baking soda into the stains and add a little bit of water to wash away the grime.

Don’t buy expensive cleaning products that claim to be specially made for cars. There’s no need! All you need is baking soda and water. Just make sure the baking soda dissolves completely.

Give new life to your stale sponges by soaking them in a mixture of 4 tablespoons baking soda and 1 quart water.

Spread baking soda along the bottom of the oven and spray with enough water to make it damp. In the morning, you’ll be able to easily scoop out the grime as the baking soda will have absorbed it.

You can even remove crayon marks with baking soda!

As an alkaline substance, baking soda can be used to clean battery acid stains on cars and equipment. Make sure you disconnect the battery before you start cleaning.

Regularly using baking soda to clean drains will help keep the entire septic system running smoothly.

Baking soda is essential to camping as you can use it to clean anything and everything that’s with you.

Dissolve a little bit of baking soda into a bucket of water and you’ve got a great floor cleaning solution.

Next time you do dishes, sprinkle some baking soda onto your stove and spray it with water until it’s damp. When you’re done you’ll be able to wipe the mixture off your stove easily.

A strong baking soda solution can remove even the most stubborn coffee/tea stains.

Let a cup of baking soda soak in your toilet for an hour and rinse it through to remove odors and stains.

You can make your cuticles softer by soaking them in a mixture of baking soda and water or brushing the mixture directly onto the nails.

Sunburn relief: Been out in the sun too long? Take a warm bath and dump in half a cup of baking soda. Mixing it into your lotion can also help reduce pain caused by sunburns.

.bite relief:
Create a thick paste using a tablespoon of baking soda and some water. Then rub it on the affected area to get instant relief from the itchiness of bug bites.

It sounds crazy, but it works: if you soak your hand (or wherever you got the splinter) in a bowl of water with a little bit of baking soda every day for about a week splinters will remove themselves naturally.

Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, which is why it’s actually used in some stomach medications like Tums. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to two cups (500ML) of water.

kidney performance:
Baking soda buffers existing acid in the body and helps keep your pH level balanced so your kidney functions properly.

sore throats:
Gargling a mixture of baking soda and water is a great way to kill bacteria and get pain relief.

canker sores:
You can get rid of canker sores by using a baking soda solution the same way you use mouthwash.

Baking soda naturally removes odors from your skin and it’s particularly effective as a deodorant. You want to create a mixture with a milky substance and wipe that under your arms or even your feet.

Put a little bit of baking soda in the bottom of your shoes to get rid of any lingering odors.

litter deodorizer:
You can dramatically reduce the stink and increase the lifespan of your kitty litter by shaking a couple tablespoons of baking soda into the box every 3-5 weeks (more if you have multiple cats).

Your closet will never smell funky again if you place an open box or cup of baking soda inside.
fridges fresh:
You can keep your fridge smelling fresh by placing a small open bowl of baking soda in the back.

lunch boxes:
Put a spill-proof box of baking soda in the kids’ lunch boxes between uses to prevent smell.

baby bottles:
Sterilizing baby bottles is important, but so is being careful about what touches those bottles. Use a solution of baking soda and water next time.

stuffed animals:
Keep stuffed animals clean and fresh by letting them sit in baking soda for 15-20 minutes once every month.

clothes detergent:
A single cup of baking soda in the laundry acts as both soap and fabric softener.

This obviously won’t work for big fires, but baking soda can easily put out a small grease fire.

Baking soda solutions can polish steel and chrome as well as silver.

Sprinkle some baking soda onto the soil around your tomato plants when they’re young to make them grow sweeter.

Keep rabbits away from your vegetables by sprinkling baking soda on flowerbeds.

Hardened paintbrushes can be made soft again if boiled in a solution of 2 liters water, Âź cup vinegar and 1 cup baking soda.

Roller pigeons 57 available R100 each plus loft contact Frans Oosthuizen at 072 332 8300 if your interested.

Roller pigeons 57 available R100 each plus loft contact Frans Oosthuizen at 072 332 8300 if your interested.

Here is some information about the birds.

Here is some information about the birds.

Do check out this video.

Do check out this video.

I need your help! In this video, I’m trying to identify the different colors of my roller pigeons, and I’m turning to you for some expert advice. Roller pige...

Breeding mix R330 for 35 kg Roller mix R360 for 35 kgAll orders to paid on 18/01/2025Orders to be collected on 19/01/202...

Breeding mix R330 for 35 kg
Roller mix R360 for 35 kg
All orders to paid on 18/01/2025
Orders to be collected on 19/01/2025
Delivery at R5 per km within 30 km radius

WhatsApp 078 565 4255




2 drops for  lice.flies.worms. every 2,5 months . R350 / 500ml

2 drops for


every 2,5 months . R350 / 500ml

Symptoms of worms in birds • birds are losing weight.• Bloody diarrhoea.• Pale and/or dry combs.• birds puffing up while...

Symptoms of worms in birds

• birds are losing weight.

• Bloody diarrhoea.

• Pale and/or dry combs.

• birds puffing up while sitting.

• birds may be less active.

• birds stop laying eggs.

Diatomaceous Earth is often added into bird feed because it acts as a natural dewormer. It works by dehydrating the parasites and worms that exist internally

In addition to these valuable wellness benefits, apple cider vinegar for bird is often used in an effort to prevent worms. Some worms can attack a bird and cause it to become vulnerable rapidly. Apple Cider Vinegar's low pH destroys germs and worms

Veggies like carrots, beetroot, banana, apple, coconut, and papaya are rich in fiber and act as natural dewormers. Healthy dog treats with the goodness of such fruits and vegetables are extremely beneficial for their diet

Adding powdered cayenne pepper to their feeders, about 1 cup per 25 pounds, can also help keep worms from taking hold in the digestive tracts of your birds

quick enough, a simple garlic treatment usually sorts it. Crush a couple of garlic cloves per bird and put in a stocking – this stops it blocking up the water ni**le. Hang this in the water bucket and add a generous splosh of apple cider vinegar



🔷In the dust bath - charcoal or wood ash added to your chickens' dust bath helps to suffocate parasites such as mites, lice, fleas and ticks.

🔷 As a feed supplement - it has been observed that animals in the wild will gnaw on charred branches and stumps after a forest fire.

-Charcoal works as a laxative and detoxifier, flushing toxins out of the body.

- It will also help expel internal worms to some extent.

-Calcium is the most abundant element in wood ash, but it's also a good source of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

-Adding wood ash to your chicken feed in a 1% ratio can improve lay rates, extend laying periods and will also reduce the smell of the chicken droppings.

- Ashes obtained from hardwoods like cedar, oak and maple have five times as many nutrients as softwoods like pine and balsa.

🔷As a wound healing agent - wood ash possesses antibacterial qualities which can prevent an open wound from becoming infected and also works to stop bleeding

-When ingested, the Vitamin K in the wood ash works to help blood clot and can reverse the effects of the coumadin in rat poison, for instance.

🔷To keep the coop clean - sprinkling wood ash on your coop floor can help reduce odors.

- Like baking soda, wood ash is alkaline and therefore will absorb and help neutralize bad smells. It will also help reduce the humidity levels in your coop.

🔷 To reduce the ammonia in your chickens' manure - adding charcoal in a ratio of 1-2% to your chicken feed can help prevent the creation of ammonia, leading to a more ammonia-free output from your chickens.

- Studies have found that it's effective in absorbing the ammonia and preventing fumes from forming.

🔷 To control impurities in the water - adding a chunk of charcoal to your waterer can help keep algae and other bacteria from forming and help absorb and filter out other impurities, while adding minerals to the water.



1. Black Pepper
Black pepper contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. It also functions as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant.
In addition, it helps flush toxins and absorb nutrients from its food sources. Birds are prone to respiratory problems.
Adding a few pinches of black pepper to their feed or in their water can help prevent respiratory problems and ease coughing.

2. Cayenne Pepper
For many years, farmers normally add pepper to birds feed or water to boost egg production.
Worm diseases are known to hamper the flock’s ability to reproduce in which cayenne pepper is a very effective remedy.
Cayenne pepper burns parasites that make their way into the digestive system.
Simply add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to your chicken feed as a natural way to deworm them.

3. Oregano
The essential oil of Oregano is a natural antibiotic.
Oregano can be given to birds in the form of an essential oil, fresh or dried.
It can help prevent coccidiosis, blackhead, E.coli, avian flu, and bronchitis.
You can add dried oregano to feed or water or simply sprinkle them in the brooder or coop as a free choice snack.
Add extra oregano to the diet of laying hens to give them an added immune system booster.

4. Cinnamon
Cinnamon reduces inflammation and boasts of anti-infectious, antibacterial and antioxidant properties as well.
It also aids in the prevention of neurological disease.
A compound in the spice helps enhance blood flow to the feet, wattles, and combs to ward off frostbite.
It also may help with the prevention of congestion, coughing, infection, and respiratory problems.

5. Turmeric
Turmeric is best known for its powerful antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.
If your birds get “Bumblefoot” – intense and highly visible swelling of the foot or lower leg, turmeric can likely help.
Chicks that are unable to hold their head up properly can benefit from

Oum  Fanie Pretorius roller pigeons.

Oum Fanie Pretorius roller pigeons.

The female falcon was equipped with a GPS tracker during its journey from South Africa to Finland, covering about 230 km...

The female falcon was equipped with a GPS tracker during its journey from South Africa to Finland, covering about 230 km per day.

It flew in a straight line across the African lands until it reached the desert in the north, then headed towards the path of the Nile River over Sudan and Egypt, then avoided flying over the Mediterranean Sea.

It crossed over Syria and Lebanon, and also avoided flying over the Black Sea, because if it got thirsty, it would not be able to drink from it.
It continued in a straight line and reached Finland after 42 days.

Ice Pigeon....Oil on Canvas.Art 🎨 by Brian Rogers

Ice Pigeon....
Oil on Canvas.

Art 🎨 by Brian Rogers






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