The snouted cobra I caught this morning, wanted to put some water in, listen how he is warning me.
We will release when bit cooler.
Likkewaan caught in valhalla
They wanted to burn it
Safely removed
Quite pissed off,.see how he hits with his tail
Call out rinkhals, midrand.
Short snouted grass snake drinking.water
Spotted bushsnake I caught yesterday is shedding
Beautiful gaboon adder at Rooihuiskraal snake park
She is befoetered
We had call out for what it seems, boomslang. As the people stay far from any heavy traffic, ideal situation would have been to let it just be on its merry way. Problem was it took refuge in a crate where there was gumboots. Another problem was they have dogs.
So Vincent and I left to see if we can catch this snake.
Upon arrival we saw it in the crate, but there was no place to work.
Vincent pulled the crate closer and she, think its a she, started moving. She was super fast, I managed to get her before she dissappeared under concrete block. Between Vincent and myseldlf we managed to eventually get her in the tube
She was safely released
Boomslang has heamotoxic.venom
Gaboon adder being fed, not my snake
One should actually whatch in slow mo, dont know how to do on my phone, it is super fast.
Call out for snouted cobra, Laezonia, had to pull it out of the hole, nice full belly. I hope it keeps its meal, so far so good
Highly venomous
Will release it once I sure it will keep its meal down