Morning Reefers.
Im looking at selling my Current setup.
Please note it will be sold as is or
Tank,apex and livestock with corals.
If all 3 are taken a better price can be arranged.
Tank R40k
* Redsea 650 max
* 4x hydra 26
* redsea skimmer
* large bubble Magus filter roller
* 2x eheim thermocontrol e400w heaters
* 1x 8000ltr sobo dc pump
* 1 x redsea wavemaker
* 1x 55w uv ( globe 3months old)
* 1xmaxspect gyro wavemaker
* 1x hailea hc-500a chiller
* 1x ozone generator
* Stc 1000 controller
* plenty extras..... refractometers,kalkstirrer,reactors ect
Apex R28 000
* 2x power bars
* 2x dos
* 1x ffm with optical level sensor
* ph,salinity and orp probes with holder
* 1xtemp probe
* 1x breakout box
* 1x auto topup
* spare topup pump
Livestock R12000
* magnificent fox
* sailfin
* regal tang
* flame angel
* midas blenny
* purple tang
* clown
* blue streak cleaner
* 2xfire shrimp
* 2x mandarins
* 6 line wrasse
* 2xcleaner shrimp
* 2x keukenthal shrimp
* sand doller
* couple snails
* Inferno
* 2 rainbow bubble tips
* 2 green bubble tips
* 1x frog spawn
* 3 kenya trees (1 green)
* 4 large hammers. 15+ heads each
* pincushion
* candcane 15+ heads
And a few other goodies