Animal Lifeline is a registered animal rescue organisation. Our core focus is primary prevention including education, sterilisation, vaccination, parasite control (worms, ticks, fleas), and microchipping. We are all volunteers who are passionate about what we do.
Animal Lifeline operates through community liaison volunteers who flag at-risk animals for intervention in under-resourced areas in Cape Town. Community-based volunteers are involved in giving vital assistance to animals in need - this includes trapping (TNR - trap, neuter, return) and subsequent feeding of feral cats, supplemental-feeding for a number of dogs and cats, negotiation for access to animals that are identified as at-risk and entering into dialogue with pet owners regarding the benefits of sterilisation, parasite control and general upliftment of their pets’ circumstances (obtaining kennels, runs-leads instead of short chains, etc.) Community education is an essential part of this process.
In addition to this we work passionately to prevent companion animals becoming lost, abandoned and homeless. This service extends throughout the Western Cape and is conducted predominantly by online networking volunteers. We have founded several Facebook lost and found groups and also act as Amin for various other lost and found animal and community groups and pages as well as an Cape Town animal rights group (the latter in Animal Lifeline Founder’s personal official capacity as Portfolio Director - Animal Rights - The Cape Party) Animal Lifeline is also represented on 24 Whats App Groups - seven of which are community groups and seventeen are animal-specific .
When our team is made aware of an animal that has been found and is now at the SPCA we do our best to place posters in the area it was found. This service is limited to the Southern Suburbs and South Peninsula and dependent on relevant information availability and funds. This is very time consuming and expensive but is part of what we see as a ‘duty of care.’ Animal Lifeline believes it's important to see that rescue through to a positive end where possible and, we all do our best to impact the outcome positively.
Crisis intervention
Despite our clear mission and vision, we are often drawn into situations requiring crisis intervention, in particular, where loose / roaming cats and dogs are concerned or those that are injured. These situations necessitate action and intervention on our part as resources on the ground are few - there is so much need, and mandated organisations are not always able or available to assist.
Animal Lifeline adopts an 80-20 principle, where twenty percent of our efforts and funds are allocated to secondary and tertiary efforts (crisis intervention) and the balance strategically, where we believe long-term impact and sustainability for animals lies - in primary prevention - sterilisation, vaccination, parasite control, outreach campaigns and community education..
Wish List
1. Transport vehicle to ferry animals for sterilisation and medical treatment as well as to collect donated goods
2. Dedicated fund-raiser (subsidised four months) to work part-day remotely salary/stipend at 10% of target plus commission thereafter as per accepted industry standard practices. We anticipate a 3-4 month initial phase where funds may not be generated in accordance with targets so require sufficient salary/stipend payment ‘buffer’ to cover the gap.
3. Retail space in Southern Suburbs of Cape Town that will allow us to trade donated goods rent free. We currently attend car-boot markets however this not a sustainable model in the long-term
4. Animal handling equipment including
1 x catch-pole with extension handle
2 x cat traps
2 x humane rodent traps (sherman traps)
1 x small animal net with extension handle
(Items can be purchased from
If you wish to impact the plight of animals, alleviate suffering and give hope please donate
First National Bank (FNB) Name: Animal Lifeline NPC | Account # 62813977983 | Branch code: 200409 | Branch Tokai | Swift code: FIRNZAJJ | REF : Your Name
Animal Lifeline is a registered animal rescue organisation with PBO status and can issue tax exemption certificates for monetary donations.
All donations go directly to the animals - we have no staff and are all volunteers passionate about animals and their welfare.
NPC Registration # 2019/167142/08 | Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) # 930 066 819.
Website :
Email [email protected]
Instagram @animallifelinesa