Gaea's Gift Animal Communication

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Animal Communication to assist pet parents with the following: Having a simple chat, speaking to your pet who has crossed rainbow bridge, aiding with stressful events such as a death of a loved one, travel, calming before surgery, and more... I can assist clients worldwide (I do not physically need to be with the animal)

Please visit the following link for a breakdown of the services:

Through the years I have worked on so many different missing cases, many with unique reasons and unfortunate events.  Ev...

Through the years I have worked on so many different missing cases, many with unique reasons and unfortunate events. Even though this is a long post, I feel that it is necessary to share preventative measures, search tips and other information that could be helpful. I have worked with all the different types of scenarios below, and they do happen all the time.

A communicator is there to offer you support and assist you with leads of recommended search areas according to what is seen, heard, smelled or felt. Often, we can assist with sending your pet back home. But having a guide to advise on how to search can increase your chances of finding your pet.

For more information contact Gaea’s Gift Animal Communications via WhatsApp on 0846461909 or visit


• When travelling, ensure that your dog or cat always wears a collar, even when popping into a corner shop with them in the car. Accidents happen, animals jump out of windows and out of bakkies, hijackings happen, car thefts and cats get into cars or car engines they don't know. Never think the above cannot happen - I have dealt with multiple cases of the above - always be over cautious.
• Ensure that you secure a dog securely on the back of a bakkie on a harness and via a collar, two attachment points are extremely important.
• Secure your dog with a dog safety belt when driving.
• Dogs are lifted through bars and slid over gates; this does not only apply to power breeds because all dog breeds are at risk. Ensure that puppies and even adult dogs are not seen from the road or apply mesh that prevents thieves from being able to put their hands through the bars to lift the dogs.
• Always take cats and kittens to the vet in a secure cat carrier, ensure the door is secured properly and that all clips on the sides are clipped in place.
• Always ensure that your pet is microchipped, it adds a layer of protection. If chipped, when going for vet visits ask the vet to scan to check that the microchip is still in the same area on the body (microchips can migrate under the skin).
• Always check that your microchip contact details are up to date and update the photograph of the pet on the website.
• There is no point in having a collar with no ID tag on your pet, ensure that the tag contact details are up to date and that it is still securely fastened.
• For those who live in smallholdings, farms and forested areas, always be mindful that there are many snares, and snares kill. Dogs and cats who have a large amount of space to explore are at a high risk. Try walking and doing a snare search in the area regularly. You can visit the Snare Aware page on Facebook to find examples of all the different types of snares.
• Take note of neighbours who may have ill intent towards your animals (constantly complaining or threatening), some will hand your cat or dog in as a stray at the vet or SPCA or take them and dump them far away.
• Keep cats securely locked indoors after moving homes for at least 3 weeks.
• If you are moving, book cats into a cattery 3 days before the main move, or secure and lock them in the old home 3 days before the main move - lock the door to prevent movers from opening it.
• Always have CLEAR and updated pictures of your pet saved on your phone or PC. Photograph the face (showing the chest), sides of the body, from above and any distinguishing markings.

Active Searching:

• Active searching is vital, but knowing how to effectively search can also be helpful.
• Never underestimate the distance an animal can travel. If there is an open, unrestricted area (i.e. no gardens, fields, farms, train tracks, riverbeds, beaches, etc.) then an animal can walk or run a kilometre within 2 or less hours. Depending on whether running or walking. In the case of cats, If the area is built up it can be approximately 1km in 2 days.
• During stressful situations a natural self-preservation instinct usually kicks in. This means an animal will hide, not respond to calls or will not call out.
• If you find your animal, never approach them unless they approach you. Even though you are so happy and relieved, let them come to you, or walk towards them low down and slow.
• Cats prefer hiding in backyards because there are normally more spaces to hide. Even though you might be on the right track, you can easily miss them.
• Never walk up and down calling an animal if you are close to home, start at the furthest point and call as you are walking back towards your house.
• Don't call and walk away, wait for a response, call and wait a little while.
• Driving while searching is usually not advisable, you will drive faster than a scared animal that is hiding can react to and drive past them.
• Finding a cat in the day is extremely hard. Cats are crepuscular animals which means they are usually most active before and at pre-dawn, dawn, dusk and early to late evenings, I normally don't recommend active searching during the day when searching for cats.
• Searching for dogs, daytime is best, in the summer, avoid searching during the hottest time of the day.
• If you have other dogs, take them with you on the search, let them lead you, and do not force them to keep walking if they are busy smelling the area, follow them. They will not only spread familiar scent on the road, but the can also sometimes sniff to see which way the other dog went. Ensure that the tar is not too hot before taking your dog out, if you can’t put your foot on the ground without it burning, then your dog cannot walk on the tar.
• Use torches (not cell phone torches) to search, torches allow the eyes to reflect, making them easier to see at night. Slowly move the torch side to side to give different angles for the eyes to reflect off the light.
• Physically search inside bushes, they may not respond to calls, even from people they know.
• Scatter a cat’s used litter in strategic places around your garden – and at the front gate of your property – do not use all the litter at once. If the cat does not use cat litter, dig up some soil from a used garden spot and use that for the scent instead of litter.
• Hang up some dirty washing on the clothesline.

Other Search Tips:

• When making a missing poster, ensure that the following information is on it: NAME, AGE, GENDER AND STERILISATION STATUS, AREA (include the road name, suburb, area and province), DATE, 2 CONTACT NUMBERS, MICROCHIP STATUS, COLLAR COLOUR, DISTINGUISHING MARKINGS, MEDICAL CONDITIONS.
• If your pet is missing in a rural area, or where there are informal settlements, find out which low-cost local language newspaper is sold there (e.g. Isolweze in KZN). Take out an advertisement in that paper with the reward stated.
• Never hand over money to anyone claiming to know where the pet is, even if they state the animal's life is in danger. Fraudsters will often put you into a state of panic - they know you are desperate, and they prey on that.
• Never meet anyone on your own. If the police cannot es**rt you, request a family member or security company to assist.
• Stay safe, be aware of your surroundings and carry pepper spray if you have some.
• Always ensure that you keep your phone's location on when searching and download a cell phone app like Life 360 which will allow your family or friends to keep an eye on you in real time.
• Offer a reward if financially possible.
• Sadly, most people are often only willing to assist when money is involved - I have had many clients who ask neighbours to search their yards with no luck, only for them to miraculously find an animal within a couple of hours after a reward is offered.
• Hand out flyers to car guards, security guards, community police and petrol attendants if any places in your neighbourhood have these. People who work later in the evening or early in the morning have a higher chance of spotting your pet, please ensure to tell them not to approach the animal.
• Advise your pet microchip company that they are missing to set an alert on that microchip. Ensure that your details and photos are up to date.
• Call the 3 nearest SPCA's and all welfare organisations in the area. Some people tend to prefer one SPCA to another and will sometimes take an animal out of one area to another.
• PHYSICALLY Go into The SPCA's or welfare organisations, and hand them a flier with a clear picture of the animal. Visiting these organisations at least every 4th day is highly recommended (in case of a shelter that has no option but to make space by euthanasia) I have had a few clients who called to report their animal missing, to be told their animal is not there and when they physically go their pet is in a holding area - your description of a pet might not be the same as someone else's.
• Facebook is a must - plaster the posts in your area's Facebook groups, lost and found pages, etc.
• Get in touch with your area's street WhatsApp groups, if you need assistance with contact numbers for the street groups, contact or go and see your area's ward counsellor to see if they have a list - proactive ward counsellors should have a list.
• In at least a 5km radius. If you have a missing cat, find out if there are any feral catch, spay and release programs in the area or an area where feral cats are fed. Tame cats will join feral colonies if they find one because of the regular food source.

When working with an animal communicator:

• Working with a reputable communicator can be extremely helpful, but always try and be patient, and try and attempt to stay calm. Communicators are extremely sensitive to energy, and the more chaotic the energy coming through from the parents, the harder it is to read the energy from the animal.
• Keep in mind that you will need to think about all areas that might have the same description, they are most likely not incorrect, and they may be looking at a similar-looking location.
• Everything that is seen is not necessarily together, objects and landmarks can be scattered as the animal walks a certain route – if there is a wooded fence, purple flowers and a weeping willow tree relayed to you, you may find a house with a wood fence and purple flowers across the road and then further down the willow might be, or everything can found be in one place.
• Always remember that the animal moves around a lot during the first couple of days, you will probably be a few steps behind, but you can start getting a direction that they are moving in if you follow the landmarks.
• Animals will not wait on the side of the road, unfortunately, this doesn’t happen, they will probably sit close by, but they will not expose themselves to potential threats.
• Cats are small, and they will hide, they can easily be missed during a search.
• If a communicator sees the backyard of a house, you probably won’t see the landmarks or objects from the road.
• Sometimes we will get completely unhelpful images, most communicators will relay this information, it just means that the animal is trying to help as much as possible and they think they are being helpful.
• Do not use more than one communicator at the same time; this can confuse and frustrate an animal. Wait 24 hours before asking for a second opinion.

For more information contact Gaea’s Gift Animal Communications via WhatsApp on 0846461909 or visit


Love the pig!

There are various ways of helping your beloved pet get back home via communication.  The benefit of working with a commu...

There are various ways of helping your beloved pet get back home via communication. The benefit of working with a communicator is that it provides you with an important tool in your arsenal while searching.

The longer an animal has been missing, the harder it becomes to find them. I can also act as a guide to help the animal find their way home. Ideally searching should begin within the first 24 hours, after 24 hours the chances of finding them get lower.

I look at the surroundings that are given to me by the animal, as well as how the area feels, sounds and smells. Therefore, knowing the immediate area is helpful because the parent will know the landmarks described better and it will be a little easier.

A "Question & Answer" method is used, where I ask about what route they took, what they see and what stands out to them. If they left due to certain circumstances I will assist as best I can to try to resolve the problem. Cats are generally easier to guide back home, but it can be a treacherous journey with many dangers.
The important thing about communication is that there are some limitations. The longer the pet has been missing is important, along with the challenges that the pet will face when making their way back home (dogs, roads, etc.).

The pet can often describe where they escaped from, show images of the past, what they have seen on the missing on the way to where they currently are – anything that they feel will help or is important in their mind is relayed – and jumping timelines are normal. Piecing these puzzle pieces together can be challenging. Until an animal calms down and finds surroundings that are safe and comfortable, they will move around quite a bit and you will usually be one step behind.

Communication is a valuable tool and offers the parent some comfort while searching for their beloved animal.

For more information, message Gaea’s Gift Animal Communications via WhatsApp on 0846461909 or visit

Assisting with Missing Pets since 2020

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I have desperately tried not to write this post.

I am so incredibly disappointed in some of the rescue organisations who constantly request and demand free work from me, but then abuse me, take advantage of me, badmouth me and even recommend other communicators while still contacting me expecting my assistance.

It is heartbreaking that I have to be treated like this. Please remember, I work in welfare as well and I do see what is happening.

I often find myself speaking to animals and their parents during Rainbow Bridge Sessions about their animals returning a...

I often find myself speaking to animals and their parents during Rainbow Bridge Sessions about their animals returning after having crossed over to the spirit world. During the session I will ask what they would like to do and if they would like to return. Sometimes, they still feel undecided if they would like to come back, others say that they wouldn’t, and then there are those who have decided that they will return when the time is right. Some even change their minds from wanting to return to having too much fun and changing their minds. The ‘Returned’, as I call them, are usually those animals who have formed a deep soul connection to their parents, a bond through space and time.

When I give news of their decision, I always caution the parents against actively searching for their beloved animal because the desperation of finding their loved one often results in them missing the obvious animal that crosses their path. Animals can take months or even years to return, so waiting and searching can literally drive a person insane – I often get bombarded with photos from desperate parents who are searching for them.

How will I find the Return?

This is a simple answer, they will find you – fate brought you together before, and fate will bring them back to you again. You might find a cat or kitten on your doorstep, you might find a puppy running on a highway, you might find a stray tame bird landing in some odd place, or a horse for sale and you are drawn to them, they are constantly on your mind or constantly popping up on your news feed. But they will always find you, you need to be patient. It is important to note that the Returned will not necessarily look the way they did at all, they will have very personality traits, but they will have a slightly different behaviour because they learnt from the previous life.

What if I find an animal very soon after the loss of my beloved animal?

Sometimes, shortly after the crossing of an animal, they will send you a companion to comfort you. I once had a client who lost her cat in the morning, and by the evening a kitten was found outside their gate – sent to them as a comfort. Recently I also had a client who was missing a cat who I worked with, after the second day, an adult cat, that looked almost the same came through her window, sat on her bed, and never left again.

I have had two returns myself, and I would like to tell one of their stories.
I once heard about a dog that had been stolen, many volunteers decided to go into a township with a squatter camp next to it – something just told me to join the search party, call it fate, or destiny. We scoured the squatter camp and then went into a part of the township.

While I searched, I wandered off from everyone else, I still don't know how I managed to end up in some random place, away from the group. It was then that I came across an ancient, emaciated dog that was tied in the middle of an open field. It was winter and freezing, there was no food, water or shelter for him. He was skeletal and covered in parasites. The minute I saw him, the emotions I felt were so intense, that I can’t even describe them. We left the township, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. So, I decided to go back to fetch him two days later, only to be faced with his so-called owner telling me to leave his dog alone. I left but returned the next day I took him off his chain by removing the rotten leather collar that he had on and loaded him in my car. I had complete tunnel vision – nothing and no one could and would stop me.

And that is how my soul connection started with a dog I named Winston. Someone sent funds to buy him everything we needed – a brand-new bed, a large blanket and other goodies. He was an extremely docile character and not used to human contact at all. The day after I got him, he was admitted into hospital with Biliary where he was successfully treated and discharged. Another 3 days went by and then he started having seizures – such violent seizures that wouldn’t stop. I raced him to the vet where he was diagnosed with Distemper and I had to make the devastating call to release him from his suffering. I cried for days – something that is extremely unusual for me – it felt like a part of my soul had been ripped away. And all I kept thinking was that I wished that I had known him as a puppy, that that he would have known a life free from neglect, and that he had more time to see and feel what it was like to be truly loved. Winston stayed with me in my thoughts for about two years after that - he just never left.

While I was at work one day someone brought in two puppies – they were so weak and riddled with fleas. Even though I rescue cats only, I decided to take these two puppies in. I raced them both to the vet, where one died due to severe anaemia caused by the amount of external and internal parasites. I collected the surviving puppy and nursed him back to health, then something strange happened – he felt so familiar, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on – this was all happening before I even knew what animal communication was.

A couple of weeks went by, and by then I had decided to keep the puppy who I named Henry. One day I was watching him – still wondering what was going on – why was this dog so familiar. And then I heard “You wanted to know me as a puppy – here I am”, and I immediately realised that it was Winston!

And so, Winston returned, and I got to know him as a puppy, and what he would have been like if he had grown up in a loving home – not tied up, starved and unloved. Loved for who he was – even though he hated Hadeda’s and tried to eat people that he didn’t know.

And as I gained my knowledge of communication and nurtured my gift, I learnt to understand the complexities of the returned. Henry has since passed away from old age as well as complications from hip dysplasia, and I have accepted that he would not return to me again.

They will always find you – everything will fall into place; you just need to have faith, hope and patience. And do not be discouraged or feel let down if they do not choose to return, they know when the time is right, or they may know that the time will never be right.


I've always loved watching snails eat 🤩😍


The cutest black and white meow family 😍
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Save the bees, save the world. 🐝🌍


Anette Burger du Plessis

I looooove crossing species off my bucket list (obviously everyone is on my bucket list) ✔️Cats✔️Dogs✔️Horses✔️Birds✔️Sq...

I looooove crossing species off my bucket list (obviously everyone is on my bucket list)

✔️Bearded Dragon
✔️Sea Turtle
✔️Honey Badgers
✔️ Fox
✔️ Fish
✔️ Rats

Today I can add ✔️ Dolphin 🥳

And I think I'm missing something 🤔



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