Animal Rescue & Rehab Centre - ARRC NPC 2018/592622/08

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Animal Rescue & Rehab Centre - ARRC  NPC 2018/592622/08 Shelley Rawsthorne runs an animal shelter for feral rescue cats and feeds feral cats in Durban.

I have thankyous to make to a few special peeps - not forgotten and will do shortly ❤ Thankyou so much ❤. I'm off with a...

I have thankyous to make to a few special peeps - not forgotten and will do shortly ❤ Thankyou so much ❤. I'm off with a migraine - had since 2pm yesterday and feeding took long as I had to keep stopping to puke or lie down - slowly resurrecting 🤢.

Very bad headache today - should probably not have gone to work - the worry is, will I be able to drive home later? 🤢. J...

Very bad headache today - should probably not have gone to work - the worry is, will I be able to drive home later? 🤢. Just wanted to give a huge thankyou to Steph for funds- yesterday which were used for food last night😻❤. Also to the special lady who doesnt wish to be named - thankyou sooo much for sponsoring Harry's neuter and vacs - my vet will be so happy that I'm paying something into the account - so grateful.
Pnp have many birthday cat food specials atm - pamper and Whiskas sachets on special - would be super to stock up. Am desperately hoping someone would like to sponsor a bag of mom & babycat 🙏🙏 pleeeeease. Jacob is NOT happy with me because we ran out a few days back and he really pigs out on these biscuits🙈🙈🙈 Jacob being neither mom nor babycat 🤣🤣 but nonetheless I try to keep them all happy ❤. A few pics of kitties in bed when I left this morning. VERY cold atm - i was very envious. Boris getting his morning wash from mommy to all - Girlie❤

I am sure most of you have heard about the horrific discovery at a Glen View house by SPCA yesterday. This was residence...

I am sure most of you have heard about the horrific discovery at a Glen View house by SPCA yesterday. This was residence to a "rescue" organisation😪. I am absolutely mortified, shocked and heartbroken at the horror these poor, poor cats and kittens endured at the hands of this individual 🤬. Please know that ARRC was in no way affiliated with this organisation and didnt even know of its existence before Saturday. THIS IS NOT RESCUE - I sincerely hope that the individual is prosecuted to the full extent of the law😭😭😭. There are many credible, dedicated and worthy rescue organizations who do everything they can for the animals they rescue - whether it be saving their lives or ending their suffering by euthenasing humanely- where the animals needs are always put before their own. Sadly, there are those whose own needs clearly come first and their "rescues" serve a purpose for them😭. PLEASE, before you offload unwanted / stray animals to any "rescue" organization- visit them, check out their facilities, ask for references, check out their financials. Unfortunately, most people are in such a hurry to get rid of unwanted animals - esp kittens and puppies, that they just hand them over to anyone who will take them in and never even do a follow up to their wellbeing. These are the people who fuel unreputable organizations - and who pays the price? - the poor animals who suffer the abuse and neglect 😭😭. I am SO sorry to all those kitties - humans failed you, not once but at least twice and I feel such pain for the misery you all endured - RIP where you can never be hurt aCommunity News Network TV/?app=fbl

Huge thankyou to the lady who wishes to remain anonymous and to Helen for getting us through the weekend🙈. I was trying ...

Huge thankyou to the lady who wishes to remain anonymous and to Helen for getting us through the weekend🙈. I was trying to sell stuff yesterday - not very successful but am trying to raise funds for food and for the upcoming debit orders and of course the staggering vet bill. Wish there was at least another 8 hours in every day where I could take another job because I'm starting to feel that I'm going to loose my sanctuary if I cannot find a solution or get some assistance😪. Huge thankyou to Roz Allen and Jennifer Claxton for the visit yesterday❤. Kitties were over the moon with the extra loves and cuddles❤. Roz had done a collection of towels for the kitties from a few people - so these 2 ladies came bearing bags of towels & other goodies - very handy for the baskets for vet visits - cant have enough towels. Roz also stopped & emptied the pnp trolley at Kloof - thankyou to everyone who has added to the trolley❤. My feral feeder friends will be super happy as I couldnt supply them with food last week. Cats were so nosey 🙈, investigating all the goodies in the boot of the car🤣. Thankyou also to Roz for the bag of cat biscuits and for the treats😋 - 2 boxes of biscuits and a bag of crisps😋. Thankyou so much special ladies - we hope to see you again soon.❤❤😻🐾

Good morning from ARRC.  Happy Sunday ❤😻🐾

Good morning from ARRC. Happy Sunday ❤😻🐾

To all our supporters of food, funds, heaters and waterbottles ❤ - this is the result 😻❤ - thanks to you - happy, fed, w...

To all our supporters of food, funds, heaters and waterbottles ❤ - this is the result 😻❤ - thanks to you - happy, fed, warm kitties. Thankyou❤😻


Chatty Harry in the side run catching some sun🌞😻


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Connie Pienaar, Desiree Van Breda, Harvest Hippie, Michelle Saunders, Charmaine Meyer, Kerry Leeann Menezes Climpson, Angela Stroebel

Huge thankyou to Helen for funds - getting used for cats dinner tonight❤ and to Hilton and Erica for box of Whiskas grav...

Huge thankyou to Helen for funds - getting used for cats dinner tonight❤ and to Hilton and Erica for box of Whiskas gravy sachets and goodies for me 😋 which were used last night - thankyou Sooo much very appreciated. Very short on sachets and RC biscuits - treats are going to have to be rationed this month. Also desperately need dewormers which have gone up astronomically - if anyone knows where they are available not too expensive plse let me know. Mainly use Drontal for cats and Milpro.
Harry doing well but he wants out of the holding cage. Will take him down to the side run just now so he can have more space to run around and catch some sun. The teary eye is caused by a scratch running down the side of his nose - been checked out and I have drops for his eye. Few pics of Harry, wouldnt keep still for the video cos the door was open so he was trying to chance his luck 🤣🤣. Very sweet, loving boy. Unfortunately not chipped.

Huge thankyou to the special lady who wishes to remain anonymous and to Randhir for monthly donations❤. Very grateful to...

Huge thankyou to the special lady who wishes to remain anonymous and to Randhir for monthly donations❤. Very grateful to you both.
TGIF - am limping along, so incredibly tired I feel like just sitting down and having a good cry😪. Have a really bad headache and praying it doesn't turn into a migraine😫. I need sleep and some help at the sanctuary would certainly help in me achieving this dream 🙏🙏. Harry & Henry - the 2 newest "nutless wonders"🤣🤣 are fine after their neuters & vacs yesterday. Henry was so happy to see me when I fetched them & was super loving last night - wouldnt let me out of his sight. Thankfully he obviously doesnt associate me with his traumatizing day at the vets🤣🤣 - I had thought I was going to be groveling for his forgiveness last night. New boy Harry was fine in the wooden patio cage last night - he definitely wants out but not stressing. He is super loving & purs up a storm😻 & didnt hiss or moan at the sight of all the other cats who poked their noses in to say hello. Put a Bravecto on him when we got home last night - SOOO many ticks on him😖. Both boys tested -ve for the badies - FIV & FeLV👏👏 - very happy about that❤. Boris had total body x Ray's & there is nothing to explain his sore legs🙈 no arthritis or injuries so I have another mystery child. Will just have to give him pain meds when it's bad & hope it's just some kind of growing pains🙈. Starting nx Thurs I have the 5 ferals at Albert booked in for steries - going to try & nab 2 at a time 🙏. Need to sell some stuff this weekend, nx weekend I am doing a trolley collection at PnP on Sat & a table at Watercrest on Sunday & the following Sat the 6th - a carboot sale. If anyone has any unwanted items that I can sell at the carboot sale - esp linen🙏 plse DM me ❤ I would be very appreciative. Donations (food or funds) are always hugely welcome - it is going to be a very tough month🙏. Visitors also very welcome on Sundays ❤ - pls just message the page if you need directions😻❤

Very big thankyous for the donation received yesterday Reference ABSA, and to Ricky & Mark for the donation received thi...

Very big thankyous for the donation received yesterday Reference ABSA, and to Ricky & Mark for the donation received this morning ❤ - so grateful - thankyou Angel's ❤. Its 5 days past payday and I'm counting cents already🙈 - due to having paid last months municipal bill late🙈. Do I think the municipal bill and other debit orders will be paid this month? ....probably not🤣🤣. Story of my life.
Hectic morning - loading up cats to take through to Montclair before work. New boy Harry still in the trap peed in the car on the way home last night 🙈🤣 - unneutered Tom 🤣 made my eyes water all the way into Durban 🤣🤣. Hes gone for his neuter, vacs, testing & to check for a chip❤. Angel boy Henry has gone for neuter, vacs and testing - felt very guilty leaving him there this morning 😪, and little Boris has gone in for X - Ray's to see if there is a reason his legs are always sore🙏. 3 ginger ninjas in the car together - all singing the songs of their people for the entire 48kms 🤣🤣🤣. I have a headache. Pics of Harry, Henry and Boris.

Thankyou to all the special peeps who have sponsored a kitty or two for the Santa Cause for Paws gifting❤. They will all...

Thankyou to all the special peeps who have sponsored a kitty or two for the Santa Cause for Paws gifting❤. They will all certainly enjoy their xmas goodies thanks to your kindness and the hard work of all the Santa Cause for Paws volunteers❤
We have only 4 kitties left to sponsor - Britton, Willow, 20 year old Oliver and little Chi Chi - if you would like to sponsor one of these kitties for R250 please comment Sponsor and deposit into the Santa Cause account 🙏🙏. Thankyou all😻❤🐾

Hi, we are either up for adoption or outreach animals at ARRC - Animal Rescue & Rehab Centre. You can sponsor us a gift. R250 and the volunteers at Santa Cause for Paws will shop and pack the perfect gift for me or an animal similar to me. For now these will go out over Christmas, unless the charities want them sooner - we will work with charities to see what they would like.

Brought the tame boy home - hes not overly thrilled about being in the trap but I think it's best if he stays in it toni...

Brought the tame boy home - hes not overly thrilled about being in the trap but I think it's best if he stays in it tonight. By the time I'm finished feeding all the cats it will be time to leave for the vets and work so it wont be for long. Hes very sweet and very chatty. His voice sounds very young but I think hes probably just over a year old. Thankyou for the name suggestions - I will hang onto them for any that follow later🙈 - I think Harry suits this boy❤⚘

Thought I would share another "dumped at Albert" kittys story - Arthur was dumped in 2017. I went to feed one night and ...

Thought I would share another "dumped at Albert" kittys story - Arthur was dumped in 2017. I went to feed one night and heard someone in the res screaming blue murder. Good thing I'm nosey and went to have a look because there was Arthur bounding up the stairs after being found in one of the res bedrooms🙈. Very tame, very chatty & very hungry, I just picked him up and carried him to the car. Fortunately I had a trap in the car because Arthur has got to be one of the worst cats ever in the car🙈. Taking him to the vets is a nightmare - he gets stress diarrheoa & vomits poor boy. Hes a typical ginger - lots of noise & an outstanding personality but a huge baby at heart. When he went for his neuter he had a really bad reaction to the anaesthetic & I thought I was going to loose him😪. He just lay in one place, didnt move & was pretty unresponsive for 24hrs. He went back to the vet as I was sure he had been deprived of oxygen during the procedure - but back in the car to go back to the vet & suddenly he was 100% ok🤣. I think he was playing me along for the extra attention🤣. He is very jealous & has a big personal space. If I'm loving Arthur & any of the others approach he makes much noise - deep throaty moans - warning that he will indeed clup anyone who gets in the way of his attention time🤣. I absolutely adore this boy ❤. He is well named as he thinks he is the great King Arthur & the other cats are mere mortals in his world. He is definitely a big catnip addict & he gets very wired & hyper just thinking about catnip🤣. When he sits on the counter at night waiting for his dinner - he eats on his own as he is far too regal to eat with the others- he stares at me and c***s his head from side to side with a look of pure love - it melts me every night. Its cupboard love - I do realise this, but still i like to believe he doesnt just love me for food🤣🤣. He is a very special boy & I'm so glad I found him that night all those years ago.❤❤ photos from 2017


The tame dumped boy was there at Albert last night, waiting with 2 of his new feral friends😻 - and he let me stroke him but he is nervous. Had a carrier with me but after he ate he disappeared somewhere and I actually thought that it's probably not a great idea to take him in a carrier but rather a trap. Being nervous, he may stress in the carrier and when I get home, moving him from the carrier to the wooden holding cage in the dark might not go so well and I dont want him to get a fright and escape. So, I've brought my old trap today since my other one is out on loan, and I can pop him in there tonight, and if he does stress out he can stay in the trap until tomorrow when he will go straight to the vet for neutering, testing and vacs. There is enough space in the trap to put a small litter tray, food and water if he is difficult to handle once we get home. I need a name for this boy - I have so many gingers I am all out of names. He is def an unneutered Tom. Tomorrow I will get him checked for a chip on the off chance he is lost but I doubt it. He looks to be about 12 - 18 months old. He needs a Bravecto as well because he is covered in ticks poor thing😖

Long overdue thankyous for donations received last week🙈 - so sorry its taken so long. Huge thankyous to Mandy, Atiyya, ...

Long overdue thankyous for donations received last week🙈 - so sorry its taken so long. Huge thankyous to Mandy, Atiyya, Elmarie, the special lady who wishes to remain anonymous and to Debbie Fox for donations ❤. Unvelievably grateful to you all - Debbie's and Elmaries donations went straight into Montclair vet account and others used for food and worm tablets- thankyou so much. Thankyou also to Paul & Dawn for the 2 boxes of Pamper sachets & to Erica for the delish mac n cheese😋. Only paid the utility bill on payday which means there are 2 bills to pay in one month, going to scrap the car service until I can get time off and the funds for it. I had my annual professional fees to pay this month as well so it's going to be a tough month. Its overwhelming & that's why I'm so grateful to the few supporters whose contributions, no matter how small, make a very big difference for the kitties and I. I feel absolutely defeated sometimes and wonder how a dream to do good for as many cats as possible has been so hard and continues to get harder 🤔 as support decreases😪.
On Saturday I took little Shilo, Boris and Raven through to Dr Yesh. Rags has taken to appearing in the run only at night 😖 - where he goes during the day I've got no idea. So, he misses his vet visit😫. Came back from Durban & straight away went looking for him to take him through to Hillcrest for his skin injection but he only appeared at dinnertime on Saturday night😖. Apparently I have another Pumpkin on my hands 🤣🤣. Boris will be going back on Thursday for some x- Ray's for his sore legs - it looks as though he may have juvenile arthritis 😪. Big prayers for Shilo who has been a sick little girl but who looked quite a bit better this morning. Had no power yesterday & when it came on - one phase was still down so minimal power getting through. She found the nebulizing much more bearable as the nebulizer really struggled to work with min power & hence was almost silent 🤣.

Just got back from feeding at Albert and sadly there is yet another dumped kitty😪. When Debbie told me about seeing a gi...

Just got back from feeding at Albert and sadly there is yet another dumped kitty😪. When Debbie told me about seeing a ginger cat at the res last night when she fed there I was hoping it was my boy from the creche area who I havent seen for over a week. But, no, this boy is tame and is not being kindly received by the ferals. Will bring him / her in tomorrow😪

I have a post of thanks to make to some very special people who donated last week - I'm sorry it's taking so long - busy...

I have a post of thanks to make to some very special people who donated last week - I'm sorry it's taking so long - busy weekend as usual - my next post will be to those very appreciated supporters. Just wanted to thank Eleanor and hubby Les for the super visit with the kitties here yesterday and for the donation - very appreciated❤. The kitties love getting visitors - so for those that were around it was special to get a visit and some loves from new visitors 😻. Thankyou so much I really hope you get to visit again soon😻. Thankyou also to Debbie who fed at Albert last night - really appreciated - need to find people who can help with Albert feeding- I just have too much to do here at home - those few extra hours mean so much to me. Been tending to very sick little Shilo who was one of the kitties I took through to Dr Yesh on Sat - doing everything we can for this poor sweet girl but I will probably end up at Hillcrest later today if she doesnt start improving. Nebulizing her 4 or 5 times a day along with the meds 😪🙏🙏🙏. Some of the photos below were taken by Eleanor yesterday- thankyou 😘😘

Fun in the sun🌞☀️. Good Morning 💕

Fun in the sun🌞☀️. Good Morning 💕



I am praying they dont cut my electricity today or tomorrow- think even after paying it still takes 2 or 3 days to refle...

I am praying they dont cut my electricity today or tomorrow- think even after paying it still takes 2 or 3 days to reflect so I'm not too hopeful. Long weekend so reconnection would only happen next week at a price I'm sure😫. Better stock up on gas this weekend - I could be making a lot of waterbottles if there is no other form of heat🤣🤣🤣. Feeling very unwell atm - think I've managed to catch the flu bug - my throat feels like it's on fire and my head just wants to lie down🙈
4 cats to take to vets on Saturday- there is no chance to rest😖. Shilo is sick again. Nebulizing her 3 times a day - much to her horror 🙈 - shame she really does not like the noise of the nebulizer but it has to be. Raven & Rags need to have their allergy shots & i hate leaving cats at the vet for the whole day when they just need an injection or re-issue of chronic meds - so Saturdays are always busy with the consult only stuff. Paid R500 into Montclair vet account - it's back up to R18 400 - have Henry to neut next week and 5 cats to trap and sterilize from Albert which I must do asap🙈. Never ending story. Booked the cat mobile in for its service on Tuesday but am going to need to cancel because I just dont have the funds for it. Cat food and vet bills are the most important things atm. Any assistance towards any of the expenses or food would be hugely appreciated- no amount is too small❤🐾. Some pics of my beautiful children's eyes - the seat of the soul❤😻

Many thanks to Mandy for the 3 jacketed waterbottles received yesterday from takealot ❤ they are gorgeous. The 2 boxes w...

Many thanks to Mandy for the 3 jacketed waterbottles received yesterday from takealot ❤ they are gorgeous. The 2 boxes were hastily grabbed by the 2 usual suspects 🤣 Ziggy and Garfield🤣🤣

Very chilly night last night and I had no power to the run🥶. Faulty plug point in the cottage keeps tripping & the elect...

Very chilly night last night and I had no power to the run🥶. Faulty plug point in the cottage keeps tripping & the electricity for the run is on the same circuit🙈. Shame - no heating lights or heaters last night so I had to double up on waterbottles 😫 - very loooong night. Its exhausting heating the water for & then filling 30 odd bottles- keeping them warm & then taking down & distributing 10 at a time😖. Never mind - my conscience feels better when I know the cats are a bit warmer❤. Huge thankyou to Jenny for the box of Pamper jelly sachets & for the loose Whiskas sachets & to Erica for dropping them off, knowing I'm desperate 🙈. Thankyou to Erica for the jelly sweets & delicious quiche which I had for dinner & the Pamper tins for the ferals😘😘. Huge thankyou to Cathy for the donation yesterday which I used for another 3 boxes of sachets used for dinner last night ❤ You are all angels ❤😻. 2 dinners to go🙏.
Henry is about 5.5 months old now. For those who dont know - Henry was discovered at Albert in the road - very weak, very thin & very sick. One of the guards put him under the bushes & when Debbie went to feed the ferals he told her about Henry. I think Henry had been hiding out in the engine of a car & had fallen out, onto the road when he became to weak to hang on😪. We immediately took him through to Hillcrest vet where he stayed for a few days. He is now the most beautiful kitty, and the picture of health❤. Henry will be sterilized next week - a rite of passage in my house🤣🤣. Love him to bits❤🐾❤🐾

Wow it's really cold🥶🥶🥶. I forgot how much I hate winter🤣. Update on Pumpkin and Boris who went to the vets yesterday. P...

Wow it's really cold🥶🥶🥶. I forgot how much I hate winter🤣. Update on Pumpkin and Boris who went to the vets yesterday. Pumpkin had his injection - the tumour on his tongue had shrunk considerably after his short acting cortisone - so now hes had the long acting shot, we should be good for at least 4 months before we have to go through that again🙈. Never known a cat read minds like Pumpkin🤣. Not so sure what's wrong with Boris's legs - he walked like a trooper at the vets so I just need to carry on with the anti inflammatory meds & try & get his "walk" on video for the vets to see🙈. Vet bill still sitting under R19 000🙏 - but do need to take 4 cats to the vets on Saturday. Please, if anyone can help with cat food, finances towards vet bill at Montclair, the municipal sccount (R7000) or the cat mobile's service (R4000) it would be hugely appreciated. I soooo dont want the electricty to be cut due to non payment🙈🙈 - I will be fired by my furry employers🤣🤣. Few photos of Pumpkin and little Boris❤

Getting settled for the night ❤😻🐾

Getting settled for the night ❤😻🐾

👏👏Apparently the power is back on. I hope it's still on by the time I get home tonight🙏Couldnt even cook the cats 3 chic...

👏👏Apparently the power is back on. I hope it's still on by the time I get home tonight🙏Couldnt even cook the cats 3 chickens for their dinner so I'm going to have to buy cooked later😫. I dont want to have another night like last - felt so guilty that it was so cold for the cats 🥶😪 & even the cats in the house were all parked around the heaters like they were going to magically switch on😖. They probably thought I was being so cruel. The ONLY plus to having no power - i managed to nab Pumpkin who decided it was way too cold to disappear outside at 3am to avoid going to the vets 🥶 & was buried under a duvet where I just grabbed him & put him in the waiting (for a week🙈) carrier. Shame, he was mortified that I eventually won the war🤣. Hes at the vet for the day along with Boris who has sore legs😪. Praying it's not septic arthritis. Hopefully will be able to fetch both later. Pumpkin gave me a headache on the way in - wow what a wussy cat he is 🤣🤣 but I just adore him❤. 4 days till payday - the countdown begins 🤣- not sure why I get excited - after all the debit orders go off & Hills is ordered it's basically gone🤣🤣 Have some very major expenses still to find funds for - municipal bill is due today 🙈😫 R7000 & the cat mobile HAS to go for a service - it's way over 15 000km now - doing over 100kms a day it doesnt take long to reach 15 000. There are a few suspicious noises that need to get checked out - I do not want to break down with cats in the car. When my last cars waterline burst & it overheated i had 6 cats in the car &1 in a trap🤣🤣🤣. Funny now, at the time...not funny. 1st quote R6000 - 2nd R4000 - much more doable but he doesnt know about the noises - hopefully just some loose things from pothole climbing🤣🤣. Then there is the vet bill which was R18 100 before today 🙈 - Boris will need x - Rays & hopefully just antibios & anti inflam but it will prob be R20 000. Any help towards any of these would be hugely appreciated- every cent counts❤

No electricity since early morning & now no water🙈🤬. Ran out of gas after making 4 waterbottles only - very cold kitties...

No electricity since early morning & now no water🙈🤬. Ran out of gas after making 4 waterbottles only - very cold kitties tonight 🥶 - not much else I can do 😪. Torches are also all dead now so I'm going to be dishing up breakfast in 1.5 hours in the dark😫. Always on a Sunday 🤬 - havent even done the washing. Completely fed up. A few pics of some of the run cats today. Took down some nip and there was much excitement and much sand bathing🙈. I'm so glad Phoenix doesnt come into the house 🤣🤣 she was so full of sand couldnt even see her face🤣🤣


And... when there are deliveries...there are boxes🤣😻

Exhausting day trying to catch Pumpkin to take him through to Hillcrest for a cortisone injection 🙈. I've tried all week...

Exhausting day trying to catch Pumpkin to take him through to Hillcrest for a cortisone injection 🙈. I've tried all week without success- because he KNOWS. I thought that today, having Oscar here, we would nab him - but, no, he stayed well away from the house in case he got cornered🙈. Thankyou so much to everyone who donated for waterbottles - they are much needed😻❤. Its 5° atm & 1am - it will drop before sunrise. I've just finished taking down 25 hot bottles & wish I had taken my phone down to record them rolling around on them, making bread or snuggled up on them in front of the heater. Its cold🥶. Inside I have 18 cats here on the bed with me & about 40 in other rooms on beds in front of heaters. Silence - its wonderful🤣🤣. Too cold even for Sparky to go catch frogs 👏👏. Huge, huge thankyou to Mandy & Verushka for the deliveries on Friday ❤. Oh wow, wow, we were spoilt❤. 2 bags of RC ageing & 2 bags RC mom& babycat from Verushka 😻 - a genuine angel lifesaver, & from Mandy - 2 boxes Whiskas sachets, 2 pkt of kitty treats, a tray of Pamper tins, 4 boxes of nip😻, 2 boxes Pamper sachets &.... a pair of Reebok shoes for me😍😘. I am gobsmacked 🤣. I now have 3 pairs of shoes - my other 2 pairs have holes & I never spend more than R50 on shoes, so I'm too scared to wear these awesome Reeboks - 1st pair of branded shoes I've ever owned😍. Thankyou Mandy - u are very naughty. There was also a bag of FCuisine, 2 boxes of Pamper sachets & tins of tuna for Mickey from Mandy which I fetched from Erica today ❤. Erica also spoilt me with goodies & delish mac ,n cheese ❤ & moneies from books, donations etc - huge thankyou❤. Huge appreciation to Cecily & Helen for donations & to Debbie for feeding at Albert tonight & also for settling my Hillcrest vet account - R1600 - I am Sooo Grateful to you ❤😍😻. Doing at table at Watercrest today - please come & say hi between watching the comrades🙏. Good luck to all the runners🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🕶💜💙


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11:00 - 17:00


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