The average survival time for dogs with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen is 86 days. However, when a compound from Turkey Tail mushrooms was given to dogs with hemangiosarcoma, scientists at UPenn found they had a longer survival time, living beyond a year. 🍄🐶
Whether you have a dog suffering with cancer or you're looking for an incredible cancer preventative to add to your dog's diet plan, turkey tail mushrooms should MOST certainly be in the mix!!
In the Inside Scoop, two amazing integrative veterinary oncologists, Dr. Trina Hazzah and Dr. Kendra Pope, are hosting today's LIVE to share more tips and strategies you need to know for preventing (and treating) cancer! 🐶🐱
They’ll be covering some very important topics, including info about:
🌱 Herbs and supplements
💉 Natural and novel IV treatment options
🥦 Food and nutrition
⚠️ The Big 4: osteosarcoma (bone cancer), hemangiosarcoma (most often spleen tumors), Lymphoma and mast cell tumors.
Join us today at noon ET for this insightful and important discussion.
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