Epol Equine

Epol Equine Quality horse feeds

FAN FRIDAY !! 🥳❤🐴🥳❤🐴Catherine Berning.Cath lives in Caversham, KZN and her deep passion and love of horses has been in h...

FAN FRIDAY !! 🥳❤🐴🥳❤🐴
Catherine Berning.
Cath lives in Caversham, KZN and her deep passion and love of horses has been in her veins from birth.
Her exceptional results are a direct result from her hard work and dedication. You can visit her on her beautiful farm and find her riding her magnificent horses daily, come rain or shine.
She has a strong bond to all her horses and it is seen in the affection and love shown between them.
A highlight of Cath's career was winning a Grand Prix in Darmstadt, Germany.

Her brilliant horse, Bravado boats an impressive breeding lineage that includes Flemish HOLST and KWPN Sire of the century, Nimmerdor KWPN. He is definitely upholding the legacy of his sire, Bacio KWPN.

The bond between Cath and Bravado is clear to see as he nickers to her every time she walks into the barn and puts his best foot forward for her in each dressage test she competes in.
Bravado and Cath recently won the DSA Advanced Challenge.
Cath's future dream is to ride in the Prix St George.
Well done Cath on your hard work. You are a testimony to hard work and dedication paying off in the results.
May all your dreams come true.

DID YOU KNOW?🧐🐴In these hot weather conditions the welfare of our equine is closest to our heart.❤Horses can loose betwe...

In these hot weather conditions the welfare of our equine is closest to our heart.❤
Horses can loose between 4-15 litres of water and hour, depending on climate temperature, work load and duration and how fit your horse is.
A 500kg horse holds 300 litres of water in its body both extracellular and intracellular.
A loss of 10 litres/hour is about 3% of the total horse's body water.
It is thought that a 1% loss of hydration equates to 4% reduction in your horse's performance.
Loosing 10 litres of water is equal to loosing 110g of the body's electrolytes.
The body's electrolytes are made up of 5:
➡ Sodium - most important
➡ Chloride - second most important
➡ Potassium - third most important
➡ Magnesium
➡ Calcium

If you are feeding good quality hay the horse will be able to receive adequate supplies of potassium as roughage is high in potassium.

As in previous articles we have reiterated that Sodium is vital and Chloride second to that. Again a reminder how vital salt supplementation is to your horse.

The thirst response in horses is a physiological prompt to drink to prevent dehydration under normal circumstances and is dependent for the most part on electrolyte balance. In cases of light water loss (such as water in faeces, urine, exhalation and light sweating), water is released but the level of electrolytes lost is minimal leading to a higher concentration of sodium within the blood. This causes the body to seek out water to replace the loss, and thus the horses thirst response is triggered, and water is received.

However, when the horse sweats heavily and/or for long periods of time water and sodium are both lost and thus the sodium concentration in the blood is not so large and the horses thirst mechanism is effectively turned off. Therefore, some performance horses will not drink even though they are dehydrated.

Please supplement your horse's diet with salt (Sodium and Chloride) it keeps your horse drinking and rehydrating itself in this hot weather.
References - Dr David Marlin, Dr Martha Misheff & Dr Peter Whitehead, 2018

TRIBUTE TUESDAY 🐴🥳🐴🥳Today we congratulate Daphne Byers in KZN for her amazing horse Macfire.Born 28/1/1999All Fired Up T...

Today we congratulate Daphne Byers in KZN for her amazing horse Macfire.
Born 28/1/1999
All Fired Up TB off the track.
Winner of 5 races and now enjoying a life after racing with Daphne.
And fantastic that he is 25 years old and still competing successfully!!!
Look at the shine and condition.
We at Epol are proud to showcase him. Macfire is on our Cool Rider cubes.
Beautiful partnership between horse and rider, well done Daphne.

As a new week starts we wanted to remind you that each day is a new day, to start again, try try again and make the day ...

As a new week starts we wanted to remind you that each day is a new day, to start again, try try again and make the day your own.
Have a happy and productive week everyone.

Fan Friday 🥳🐴❤ Anele FerreiraEpol are proud to showcase the talented Anele Ferreira.Anele lives in Howick, KZN and comes...

Fan Friday 🥳🐴❤ Anele Ferreira
Epol are proud to showcase the talented Anele Ferreira.
Anele lives in Howick, KZN and comes from a competitive, hard working equestrian family. One of 6 siblings Anele is currently in Grade 9 and has a few shows left in ponies and will move up to junior level.
Anele loves drama, singing and gymnastics with horse riding as one of her biggest passions.
We love watching Anele in the arena. Anele rides beautifully and has numerous accomplishments under her capable belt.
We look forward to supporting Anele and watching her in the arena this coming year.



While the humidity and heat will increase heat stress in your horse, a horse's body temperature can reach 39 degrees while exercising in cold climates so care must always be taken to cool your horse down post exercise.
The repeated application of cold water to a hot horse post exercise is the MOST efficient way to reduce the body temperature quickly to avoid heat exhaustion.
Horses rely on sweating to normalize the body's natural temperature. By leaving a wet towel on your horse you block this evaporation of sweat and increase your horse's body temperature.
Research done by Verdegaal using gastrointestinal temperature pills recorded differences in horses body temperature responses during exercise and recovery. Know your horse's response to heat during exercise and recovery and use cooling methods to safe guard them from heat related illnesses.
Water left on a sweaty horse warms up and consequently evaporates, which cools the horse but, once the water has evaporated, the horse feels hot again. Owners should continue applying cold water until the horse has cooled down because this increases the evaporation rate. If we scrape water off, we are shortening the time water is in contact with the skin and can act as a heat sink to transfer heat from the horse to the air via evaporation.

💲⚖️💲⚖️💲⚖️With the ever increasing economic pressure us horse owners face, we at Epol pride ourselves in the quality and ...

With the ever increasing economic pressure us horse owners face, we at Epol pride ourselves in the quality and consistency of our rations.
We might not always be the cheapest per bag but we are proud to know that each kg is nutritionally balanced to perform optimally for your horses.
When feeding a lower spec diet you often have to feed more to get the result you are looking for. So while the bag might be cheaper you could end up paying more in the long run.
Give us a call for a free yard visit and I am certain with our help you could be feeding less Epol concentrates to achieve the desired body condition outcome you are looking for.
It all starts with a carefully designed diet plan for each horse.
Fully fortified there is no need for supplementation other than salt.
Perfectly balanced to perform bag by bag.

❤🐴❤🐴Don't let fear stand in the way of your dreams.Have a happy week everyone.

Don't let fear stand in the way of your dreams.
Have a happy week everyone.

A successful endurance event at Louwna, attended by Dorianne Lisa Over 🐎well done to all the competitors for looking aft...

A successful endurance event at Louwna, attended by Dorianne Lisa Over 🐎well done to all the competitors for looking after their horses in the heat.

This week we are proud to feature for Fan Friday our Anthony Ekerold.🐴🥳Anthony juggles working full time as a lawyer in ...

This week we are proud to feature for Fan Friday our Anthony Ekerold.🐴🥳
Anthony juggles working full time as a lawyer in his own practice and still managing to ride his string of horses daily. Anthony's time management and discipline is to be commended.
Through his hard work he is able to juggle both his work and to follow his love and passion of the horse and the sport he competes in. A testimony and example to all of us that ANYTHING is possible.
We at Epol are proud to be associated with Anthony and his immaculately turned out horses.
He currently has 4 exciting horses in his string and we wish him all the best for 2025 and hope he achieves his goals of competing Optimus in the 1.5m classes and Diablue and Kygo in the 1.3m.

With the heat we have been experiencing I am sure as horse owners we always want to understand how our horses cope in th...

With the heat we have been experiencing I am sure as horse owners we always want to understand how our horses cope in the heat.

An article written by Lidwien Verdegaal a lecturer from University of Adelaide, Australia and Jane Williams, PhD, associate professor and head of research in the equine department at Hartpury University, explain it so well.

'Extreme heat can put horses at risk of developing heat stress or stroke, particularly those exercised in hot and humid weather. However, an appropriate post-exercise cooldown can prevent heat-related illness from occurring in your horse.

Horses have a ‘poor engine’ since their muscle energy metabolism is not very efficient. Approximately 80% of the produced energy is released as metabolic heat.
When horses generate more metabolic heat during exercise, the body activates heat loss mechanisms to keep core temperature within the thermoneutral zone (the range of ambient temperature in which an animal’s normal metabolism can maintain an essentially constant body temperature without extra effort). Blood transports the extra heat to the skin surface, where sweat helps it evaporate. Factors such as ambient temperature, high humidity, poor barn ventilation, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, excessive work, transportation, and obesity can challenge this balance of heat loss/gain and cause horses to overheat.
Sweat is a mixture of water, electrolytes, and proteins—specifically latherin (the substance that makes sweat foam or lather). Horses produce sweat in response to homeostatic changes as a thermoregulatory mechanism.
When horses sweat a lot, they risk becoming dehydrated. Water balance in the horse’s body is controlled by hormone and electrolyte concentrations, which is why dehydration and electrolyte losses are linked. Key to this is sodium; when sodium levels are high in the blood, antidiuretic hormone reduces water losses to conserve water and address this balance.'

As we know salt is made up of Sodium (40%) Chloride (60%). So by supplementing with salt you replace valuable sodium. Recommended daily supplementation during summer is 40g a day, which is 2 tablespoons.

🧐🤓WHICH ROUGHAGE CUBE SHOULD I FEED?Both Epol roughage cubes are jam packed with only A grade roughage with no fillers.T...

Both Epol roughage cubes are jam packed with only A grade roughage with no fillers.
To explain further:
➡ Essential Roughage is made up of 3 different grasses. Rhodes, Teff and Lucerne in equal quantities.
➡ Premium Roughage is made up of 2 grasses. Teff and Lucerne in equal quantities.
➡Essential Roughage comes out at a 11% protein.
➡ Premium Roughage comes out at a 16% protein.
➡ Premium Roughage has added fat to take it to 4.5% fat.

Both roughage cubes make a BIG difference to condition and gut health when added to their daily diet.

Feed it as a forage extender or to add to a horse's daily intake to gain body condition.

They truly make a difference, try them today to see the difference in your horse!!

Contact our specialist equine advisors if you wish to know more.📲
Dori Over - 083 998 6824
Debbie Dick - 076 755 5164

Happy Monday everyone. ❤🐴Remember to do the basics brilliantly and success will surely follow.Wishing you all a super we...

Happy Monday everyone. ❤🐴
Remember to do the basics brilliantly and success will surely follow.
Wishing you all a super week ahead.

We proudly showcase our brand ambassador, Sone Purdon for our  Fan Friday.❤🐴Sone has been competing in endurance since 2...

We proudly showcase our brand ambassador, Sone Purdon for our Fan Friday.❤🐴
Sone has been competing in endurance since 2013 and her attention to detail and hard work ethic is paying off with her results and how magnificent her horses are turned out.
We are super proud of Sone.
Some of Sone's portfolios:
➡SANESA Limpopo Representative.
➡Jozami Arabian rider
➡ Letaba Endurance Club Vice Chairman
➡Limpopo Union Athlete's representative
➡ Limpopo Standard weight team manager
With all of these duties she still manages to put the work in so her horses are superbly conditioned to compete.
We wish you a fabulous 2025 competing in the endurance space, keep flying the Epol flag high for us.

EQUINE NUTRITION MYTHS BUSTED!🧐1.) Feeding maize causes colic.  Feeding large portions of a maize based diet CAN cause c...

1.) Feeding maize causes colic. Feeding large portions of a maize based diet CAN cause colic, adhere to the rule of meal size smaller than 2kg per meal. Feeding maize in excess of 6kg a day, decreased grazing, feeding poor quality hay or not enough roughage and decreased water intake contribute more to colic.
2.) Oil assist lubricate the GI tract helping eliminate colic. Feeding oil assists in raising slow release energy as it is digested by the body and used as fuel. The only oil to help lubricate the GI Tract is mineral oil that is not absorbed by the body.
3.) Letting your horse drink water when still hot post exercise causes colic. A horse performing in hot weather conditions needs access to water as often as possible. Just like you after a hot run, the sooner you hydrate the quicker your recover. Waiting for the horse to cool down increases the risk of dehydration.
4.) Protein makes my horse hot! Consuming high protein would in fact make the horse dull and subdued as the body tries to convert the protein to energy. Horses protein requirement is relatively low. By contrast, carbohydrates in the form of sugar and starch far more increase energy and affect behaviour.
5.) Feeding un-soaked sugar beet causes colic. Choke is caused by negative feeding behaviors created by bolting feed and improper chewing. Adding water to beet does increase its size and increases moisture intake, so always advisable. However if fed un-soaked do not panic, can only cause colic if feeding management is compromised.
For more info please contact our equine specialist advisors.
Dori Over - 083 998 6824
Debbie Dick - 076 755 5164

Featured product of the week - RIDER MUESLI🥳🐴Fabulous muesli that can be fed alone or added to a lower energy cube/pelle...

Featured product of the week - RIDER MUESLI🥳🐴
Fabulous muesli that can be fed alone or added to a lower energy cube/pellet to boost energy when needed.
Highly palatable, your horse and you will love it!!
Chat to one of our equine specialist advisors for more assistance and advice. 📲
Dorianne Over - 083 998 6824
Debbie Dick - 076 755 5164

Happy week everyone!! ❤🐴❤🐴❤🐴

Happy week everyone!!

Epol proudly presents our brand ambassador, Divan Bosman for Fan Friday.Divan is a talented up and coming rider with a b...

Epol proudly presents our brand ambassador, Divan Bosman for Fan Friday.
Divan is a talented up and coming rider with a bright future.
Riding the crest of a wave through hard work, dedication and the support of a great team.
Divan's 2024 was jam packed and highly successful.
➡Winning Maxwell's indoor grand Prix on Midgard Zhakiro
➡Winning Junior SA Championship @ Youth Champs
➡Winning 3 legs of the FEI series
➡ Adult Micro Derby (1.35m)
➡ Receiving junior Protea colours 🇿🇦
➡ Traveled to Uzbekistan in October 2024
We are super proud of you Divan and wish you everything of the best for your 2025 year.



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