Extending our hand to a dog's face is stressful for them, not to mention rude. We can seem like giants looming over them. They don't need to sniff our hands - they can sniff our shoes or clothes to gather information about us.
Sniffing (information gathering) is not an invitation to touch them either...how would you like it if the person you were asking directions from suddenly touched you? Eeeeeckkkk....I would freak out!
If they want us to touch them, they will paw us or nose us...these are clear consent signals for touch. Sniffing is NOT consent for touching.
1. stand still and let the dog come and sniff you if they want to
2. keep our hands to ourselves (mind our own business😉)
3. doing as little as possible puts little pressure on the dog and hence the less threatening we seem
4. wait for consent cues before petting them
5. Don't pet their head - this is intimidating for most dogs
6. Touch them, if there is consent, for 3 seconds or 3 strokes on the chest or back. Stop and wait for more consent.
My 9 year old niece understands these principles clearly...as adults, we can understand this if we try, no matter how old are habits are or how we were brought up to engage with dogs...😉