Kittens need help building up their natural defenses
To become great explorers in their first stages of growth, kittens require unique solutions to support their immune systems.
Feed your kitten’s unique needs with ROYAL CANIN precise nutrition.
1st & 2nd Stage of Growth : Build up an immune system to become a great explorer.
From balls of fluff to bounding adolescents, puppies have unique health needs that evolve in stages as they grow.
ROYAL CANIN Puppy Growth Programs help you to nourish their unique needs with precisely the right nutrients at every stage.
Feed your puppy needs with ROYAL CANIN precise nutrition.
Behind every stage of growth there are unique needs.
📊 Each year, millions of dogs and cats are abandoned, and the frequency increases dramatically when pet owners go on holiday.
🏡 Adopting a pet is enriching, but is not a decision that should be taken lightly.
🐱 Pet ownership is a life-long commitment with many responsibilities; to care for their health, well-being and development.
⚠️ It is our responsibility to fight against pet abandonment, because pets make the world a better place.
🐶 #ROYALCANIN has been committed to the health and well-being of cats and dogs for over 50 years.
#BetterWorldforPets #ResponsiblePetOwnership
📊 Each year, millions of dogs and cats are abandoned, and the frequency increases dramatically when pet owners go on holiday.
🏡 Adopting a pet is enriching, but is not a decision that should be taken lightly.
🐱 Pet ownership is a life-long commitment with many responsibilities; to care for their health, well-being and development.
⚠️ It is our responsibility to fight against pet abandonment, because pets make the world a better place.
🐶 #ROYALCANIN has been committed to the health and well-being of cats and dogs for over 50 years.
#BetterWorldforPets #ResponsiblePetOwnership
At ROYAL CANIN we are passionate about your cat's health. Talk to your vet about how tailored nutrition can help care for your cat's needs.
During the first months of life your puppy will go through an amazing transformation. ROYAL CANIN Puppy Growth Program diets offer nutrition tailored to their unique needs at this vital time.
Behind every stage of growth there are unique needs.
Your kitten is learning about the world - this exciting time is filled with discoveries, it’s also the most delicate stage of your kitten’s life. As their little bodies are experiencing big changes, they need specific nutritional support to help them grow up to become confident young cats.
Behind every stage of growth there are unique needs.
What kittens eat has a big impact on how they grow and how healthy they are. They have complex nutritional requirements, a delicate digestive system, an immature immune system and their brain is developing mode. They need a food which provides them with all the energy and nutrients they need to sustain healthy growth. That’s why we have created ROYAL CANIN Kitten Growth Program, a stage-based feeding solution containing all the nutrients a kitten needs so your kitten always gets the right food at the right time.
Behind every stage of growth there are unique needs.
Today is "Hairball Awareness Day"! Did you know that an indoor cat can lose up to 120g of hair per year? Or that cats can ingest almost 67% of their shed hair which causes hairballs? Hairballs are the result of healthy grooming habits but they can cause digestive issues. Watch to find out what you can do to help minimize hairballs.
Today is "Hairball Awareness Day"! Did you know that an indoor cat can lose up to 120g of hair per year? Or that cats can ingest almost 67% of their shed hair which causes hairballs? Hairballs are the result of healthy grooming habits but they can cause digestive issues. Watch to find out what you can do to help minimize hairballs.
ROYAL CANIN Canine Care Nutrition Exigent
Is your dog a fussy eater? ROYAL CANIN Canine Care Nutrition Exigent's unique recipe is irresistible to even the choosiest of dogs. Watch to find out more.
Now available
What puppies eat has a big impact on how they grow and how healthy they are. They have complex nutritional requirements, a delicate digestive system, an immature immune system, and their brain is in developing mode. They need a diet that provides them with all the energy and nutrients they need to sustain healthy growth. That’s why we have created the ROYAL CANIN Puppy Growth Program, a stage feeding solution containing all the nutrients a puppy needs so your puppy always gets the right food at the right time.
Behind every stage of growth there are unique needs.