Akita pet shop

Akita pet shop we are passionate about taking care of our little furry friends. we know the importance of having the

Yes, cats and dogs can be friends. While their different species and behaviors can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, ...

Yes, cats and dogs can be friends. While their different species and behaviors can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, many cats and dogs live together harmoniously and even form close bonds. ❤️

Successful friendships often depend on:

1. Gradual Introductions:Introducing them slowly and carefully, allowing both animals to get used to each other's presence.✨

2. Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding calm and friendly behavior from both pets to encourage positive interactions.❤️

3. Separate Spaces: Providing separate spaces for each pet to retreat to if they need a break.✨

4. Supervision:Monitoring their interactions, especially in the early stages, to ensure safety and prevent conflicts.📍

With patience and the right approach, cats and dogs cannot only coexist but also develop a strong and loving friendship.🐕❤️🐈

Signs your pet might have been bitten by an insect:❗1. Redness and swelling where they were bitten.💥2. They scratch or l...

Signs your pet might have been bitten by an insect:❗

1. Redness and swelling where they were bitten.💥
2. They scratch or lick the area a lot.🐕
3. They seem uncomfortable or in pain.💥
4. You can see bite marks or hair loss.✨
5. In rare cases, they might show more serious signs like vomiting or breathing problems.❗

If you see any of these signs, keep an eye on your pet and talk to your vet if you're worried.📍

إليك علامات قد تشير إلى أن حيوانك الأليف قد تعرض للدغة حشرة:
1. احمرار وتورم في مكان اللدغه.
2. حك أو ل*ق المنطقة المصابه كثيرًا.
3. ظهور علامات بعدم الراحه أو الألم.
4. فقدان الشعر.
5. قد تظهر علامات أكثر خطوره على بعض الحالات مثل القيء أو صعوبه في التنفس.💥

إذا ظهرت أي من تلك العلامات، فراقب حيوانك الأليف وراجع الطبيب البيطري.📍


To avoid insect bites for your pet, follow these tips:1. Keep your pet away from areas with high insect activity, such a...

To avoid insect bites for your pet, follow these tips:

1. Keep your pet away from areas with high insect activity, such as tall grass, wooded areas, and stagnant water.🫷

2. Use flea and tick preventives recommended by your veterinarian regularly. These products can help repel insects and prevent infestations.✨

3. Use lightweight clothing or insect repellent sprays designed for pets when going to areas with high insect activity.📍

4. Check Your Pet after outdoor activities for any signs of insect bites or ticks. Pay close attention to areas such as ears, belly, and between toes.✨

5. Wash your pet's bedding frequently.✨

6. Ask your vet about additional preventive measures, such as vaccines or specific insect repellents.💫

We assist you in ensuring your pet's health and happiness.❤️

لتجنب لدغ الحشرات لحيوانك الأليف، اتبع هذه النصائح:❤️

1. احفظ حيوانك بعيدًا عن الحدائق _حيث الأعشاب الطويله_ أوالمياه الراكدة.❌

2. استخدم الأدويه المضاده للبراغيث والقراد بانتظام. هذه المنتجات يمكن أن تساعد في طرد الحشرات ومنع الاصابة.📍

3. استخدم ملابس خفيفة أو البخاخ الطارد للحشرات المصمم للحيوانات الأليفة عند الذهاب إلى الحدائق.✨

4. افحص حيوانك الأليف بعنايه بعد العوده من الخارج للبحث عن لدغات الحشرات في الأذنين والبطن.💫

5. اغسل فراش حيوانك الأليف بانتظام.📍

6. تحدث مع الطبيب البيطري عن وسائل إضافية لحماية حيوانك الأليف من الحشرات، مثل اللقاحات وغيرها.❤️

نحن نساعدك على الحفاظ على صحة وسعادة صديقك ❤️

🐾 Your dog's fur and skin are important! Here's what you need to know:1. Healthy Coat: A good dog coat is shiny and soft...

🐾 Your dog's fur and skin are important! Here's what you need to know:

1. Healthy Coat: A good dog coat is shiny and soft, without bald spots or too much shedding.✨

2. Smooth Skin: Healthy dog skin is smooth and not red or itchy.✨

3. Regular Care: Brush your dog's fur often and keep them clean with baths when needed.💦

4. Good Food: Feed your dog a balanced diet with all the right nutrients for healthy skin and fur.💥

5. Watch for Issues: Look out for scratching, licking, or flaky skin - they might mean your dog needs help❗

🐾 يجب عليك الاعتناء بفراء كلبك وبشرته لكي تبقى صحيه ولامعه💥

• يجب أن يكون فراء الكلب لامعًا وناعمًا، بدون بقع صلعاء أو تساقط زائد.❗

• بشرة الكلب الصحية تكون ناعمة ولا تحمر أو يشعر بأي حكة بها.

• قم بتمشيط فروة الكلب بانتظام وحافظ على نظافتهم بالاستحمام عند الحاجة💦

• قدم لكلبك نظام غذائي متوازن يحتوي على جميع العناصر الغذائية الصحية.

• انتبه للحكة، أو البشرة المتقشرة - قد تعني أن كلبك بحاجة إلى مساعدة❗

نحن نساعدك وأليفك في الاهتمام بصحته وسعادته ❤️🐕

🐱 Not only humans, kittens also go through a teething phase around 3-4 months old, which can last until they're about 6-...

🐱 Not only humans, kittens also go through a teething phase around 3-4 months old, which can last until they're about 6-9 months old.

Symptoms to watch for:💥

- Chewing more than usual
- Drooling
- Swollen gums
- Being a bit cranky or uncomfortable

Here are tips to help your kitty:✨

- Provide appropriate teething toys.
- Avoid giving them fingers or household items.
- Soothe their gums with cold items like frozen wet washcloths or baby carrots.
- Consider switching to wet food during teething.

We help you and your furry friend sail through their teething phase with ease! ❤️💫

🐱 قد تلاحظ بعض التغيرات في سلوك قطتك الصغيره ولا تعلم لماذا، إليك الإجابه:
تمر القطط بمرحلة تسنين مثل البشر تمامًا، عندما تصل إلى عمر 3-4 شهور تقريبًا، وقد يستمر التسنين حتى يصل عمرها إلى عمر 6-9 شهور.

الأعراض التي يمكن أن تظهر:
- مضغ أكثر من المعتاد
- زيادة اللعاب
- انتفاخ اللثة
- يزداد الإحساس بعدم الراحه وقد يصل إلى الغضب أحيانًا

لذلك نقدم لك بعض النصائح التي تساعد قطتك:📍

- توفير ألعاب تسنين مناسبة.

- تجنب إعطائهم أصابعك أو أشياء منزلية.

- تهدئة اللثه باستخدام أشياء باردة مثل مناشف مبللة (بعد وضعها بالفريزر لبعض الوقت)أو جزر صغير مجمد(تجنب القطع الصغيره التي قد تؤدي إلى الاختناق. ❌

- تقديم الطعام الرطب خلال فترة التسنين لسهولة مضغه وبلعه. ✨

نحن نساعدك وصديقك الصغير على تخطي مرحلة تسنينه بسلاسة!❤️💫

Showering your dog is an essential part of their grooming routine. Here are some tips for a successful dog shower:✨1. Pr...

Showering your dog is an essential part of their grooming routine. Here are some tips for a successful dog shower:✨

1. Preparation: Gather all necessary supplies before you start, including dog shampoo, towels, and a brush. Make sure the water temperature is comfortable for your dog.❤️

2. Brushing: Brush your dog's coat before the shower to remove any tangles or mats.🐕

3. Wetting: Use a handheld sprayer or cup to wet your dog's fur thoroughly, starting from their neck and working your way down to their tail.✨
Be cautious around their face and ears to avoid getting water in their eyes or ears.❗

4. Shampooing: Apply a small amount of dog shampoo to your hands and gently massage it into your dog's fur, focusing on areas that are particularly dirty or oily.✨
Avoid using human shampoo, as it can irritate your dog's skin.❌

5. Rinsing: Thoroughly rinse your dog's fur with water.✨
Any leftover shampoo residue can cause skin irritation.❗

6. Drying: Use a towel to gently dry your dog's fur.🐕

7. Reward: reward your dog for their good behavior during the showering process. 💥

This will help make future showers a more positive experience for them.❤️❤️

إليك بعض الخطوات البسيطه لتجربة إستحمام ممتعه لكلبك: ❤️❤️

1. التحضير: اجمع كل اللوازم المطلوبة، مثل شامبو الكلاب والمناشف.

2. التمشيط: قم بتمشيط فروة كلبك قبل الاستحمام لإزالة التشابك.

3. التبليل: ابدأ بتبليل فروة الكلب بالماء من الرقبة وحتى الذيل.

4. وضع الشامبو: ضع قليلاً من شامبو الكلاب على يديك وافركه بلطف في فروة الكلب.

5. الشطف: اشطف فروة الكلب جيدًا بالماء الفاتر لإزالة كل بقايا الشامبو.

6. التجفيف: استخدم منشفة لتجفيف فروة الكلب بلطف، ثم جفف الباقي بمجفف الشعر على وضعية منخفضة.

7. المكافأة: قم بمكافأة كلبك عندما يكون سلوكه جيدًا خلال الاستحمام.❤️🐕

Keeping your dog's teeth healthy is essential for their overall well-being. ✨🐕Here are some tips:1. Regular Brushing: Br...

Keeping your dog's teeth healthy is essential for their overall well-being. ✨🐕

Here are some tips:

1. Regular Brushing: Brush your dog's teeth regularly with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste.✨

2. Dental Chews and Toys: Provide your dog with dental chews or toys designed to promote dental health.🐕

3. Healthy Diet: Feed your dog a balanced diet that supports dental health.✨

4. Regular Vet Check-ups: professional cleanings if necessary.💥

5. Monitor Signs of Dental Issues: such as bad breath, swollen gums, or difficulty eating. If you notice any concerns, consult with your vet.✨

إليك بعض النصائح للحفاظ على صحة أسنان كلبك 🐕❤️

1. التنظيف بانتظام: قم بتنظيف أسنان كلبك بانتظام باستخدام فرشاة أسنان خاصة بالكلاب ومعجون أسنان عدة مرات في الأسبوع لمنع تراكم البلاك وتكون الجير.✨

2. العض واللعب: قدم لكلبك ألعاب وحلويات تساعده على الحفاظ على صحة أسنانه وإزالة الجير منها.🐕

3. نظام غذائي صحي: قدم لكلبك نظامًا غذائيًا متوازنًا يدعم صحة أسنانه.✨

4. الفحوصات الطبية المنتظمة والمتابعه مع الطبيب البيطري.🐕

5. مراقبة أي مشاكل بالفم: مثل رائحة الفم الكريهة أو اللثة المتورمة أو صعوبة الأكل.❗

Remember, a healthy smile leads to a happy dog – so let's keep those tails wagging and those teeth shining bright! ✨❤️

For cats and dogs, there are different behaviors in rainy weather.🌧️✨Some dogs may enjoy the rain and be more willing to...

For cats and dogs, there are different behaviors in rainy weather.🌧️✨

Some dogs may enjoy the rain and be more willing to go outside.🐕🌧️

While, most cats prefer to stay indoors and avoid getting wet whenever possible.🐈🌞

However, both cats and dogs benefit from having access to shelter and protection during rainy weather to ensure their comfort and well-being.❤️✨

Did you know cats can see in the dark way better than us? 💥They have a special layer (tapetum lucidum) in their eyes tha...

Did you know cats can see in the dark way better than us? 💥

They have a special layer (tapetum lucidum) in their eyes that helps them see in low light. ✨

That's why sometimes their eyes seem to glow in the dark! 🌟🐱

🐱 Is your feline friend experiencing hair loss? It might be more than just shedding! 🐾 Cat hair loss can be caused by a ...

🐱 Is your feline friend experiencing hair loss? It might be more than just shedding! 🐾

Cat hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, parasites, skin infections, hormonal imbalances, or stress.📌

If you notice your kitty losing fur, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. ❤️🐈

To help your cat relax ✨, try the following:1. Provide a safe and quiet space: Create a comfortable area where your cat ...

To help your cat relax ✨, try the following:

1. Provide a safe and quiet space: Create a comfortable area where your cat can retreat to when feeling stressed.😺

2. Regular playtime: Engage your cat in interactive play sessions to stimulate its mind and release excess energy.😻

3. Provide hiding spots: Offer hiding places such as boxes or cat trees where your cat can retreat if feeling anxious.💫

4. Gentle petting: Offer gentle strokes and petting to help your cat relax, but be mindful of its body language to ensure it's comfortable.✨

5. Reduce stressors: Identify and minimize sources of stress in your cat's environment, such as loud noises or unfamiliar animals.🌟

6. Consult a veterinarian: If your cat's stress persists or worsens, consult with a vet to rule out any underlying health issues and discuss potential treatment options.✨❤️

🐱 Is your feline friend showing signs of aggression? Understanding the root cause is key! 🧐 Your cat's behavior could be...

🐱 Is your feline friend showing signs of aggression? Understanding the root cause is key! 🧐

Your cat's behavior could be linked to stress, fear, or feeling threatened. Environmental changes, health issues, or lack of mental and physical stimulation may also play a role. 🌟

Observing its behavior closely and consulting with a veterinarian can help pinpoint the underlying cause and find effective solutions.

Let's ensure our furry companions are happy and healthy! 💕

🐱 هل تظهر أية علامات عدوانية على قطتك؟

يمكن أن يكون هذا السلوك مرتبطًا بالضغط، الخوف، أو الشعور بالتهديد. وقد تلعب التغييرات البيئية، والمشكلات الصحية دورًا أيضًا. 🌟

لذا -------> فإن مراقبة سلوكه عن كثب والتشاور مع طبيب بيطري يمكن أن يساعد في تحديد السبب وإيجاد حلول فعالة.✨ ....


Celebrate a happy day with your little friend ❤️

Celebrate a happy day with your little friend ❤️

National Holistic Pet Day, on August 30th ✨Just like our holistic development, the holistic development of our pets is e...

National Holistic Pet Day, on August 30th ✨

Just like our holistic development, the holistic development of our pets is equally essential. Warm greetings on National Holistic Pet Day.🥰✨


Nutromix ® Lysine* High Availability L-Lysine Nutritional Supplement for Felines"* Oral GelEach 100 g contain:L-Lysine H...

Nutromix ® Lysine

* High Availability L-Lysine Nutritional Supplement for Felines"

* Oral Gel

Each 100 g contain:
L-Lysine HCl ………………………………………… 8.58 g
Excipients c.s.p ……………………………. 100g

Conditions that respond to lysine, such as upper respiratory problems or Feline Herpes Virus (FHV-1). In the acute phase of FHV-1, to reduce the severity of symptoms, accelerate healing and minimize the ability to of the sick cat to spread contagion. As FHV-1 infection is chronic, L-lysine is especially indicated as preventive maintenance in order to improve the quality of life of cats with chronic symptoms, avoid relapses and minimize the risk of contagion to other cats in the home.

Administer orally :

Cats: 500-1,000 mg of L-Lysine HCl / animal (6-12 g, 10-20 cm or 1-2 teaspoons). Kittens under 6 months: half the dose. Once or twice a day. Chronic or latent phase: Adult cats, 500 mg (6g, 10 cm or 1 teaspoon); Kittens: half the dose. Once a day. As a preventive: daily or at least during periods of stress (eg, entry of a new cat into the house, pregnancy, change of season, etc).


Amyco Shampoo 200 ml.                                               🐾

Amyco Shampoo 200 ml


Bravecto chews tab Large Dog (20 – 40kg)Bravecto® by MSD Animal HealthJust one Bravecto® chewable starts killing in just...

Bravecto chews tab Large Dog (20 – 40kg)

Bravecto® by MSD Animal Health

Just one Bravecto® chewable starts killing in just 2 hours, and provides up to 12 full weeks of continuous protection. Plus, Bravecto®’s active ingredient is also a completely new compound, so there is no known insect or tick resistance to it – making protection worry-free.

With such fast-acting, continuous and innovative protection, you gain the most powerful defense available in a chew against a flea infestation on your pet or in your home. Studies show that it takes about 3 months to drive a flea infestation into “extinction” in the home environment. Monthly treatments can add to your stress during an infestation by requiring you to reapply the treatment every month to ensure continuous protection until the fleas are driven out. And, what if you accidentally miss an application or if the treatment allows fleas to lay eggs before it is reapplied? It could mean your home is never free of fleas.

With Bravecto®’s long-lasting efficacy against adult fleas. You can potentially drive fleas to “extinction” in your household with just one treatment.

Active Ingredients

Each chew contains 25 mg Fluralaner per kg body weight.


Ilium Meloxicam Suspension for Cats Contains 0.5 mg/mL MELOXICAM in a palatable suspension for cats. Used to relieve inf...

Ilium Meloxicam Suspension for Cats

Contains 0.5 mg/mL MELOXICAM in a palatable suspension for cats. Used to relieve inflammation and pain from acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders.
Available in 10 mL and 30 mL containers, with a measuring syringe.

Bioline eye care 50ml💥💥Eye Care Balm for eyesThis product is used for care and cleaning of the eyes.This is mild cleaner...

Bioline eye care 50ml💥💥

Eye Care Balm for eyes

This product is used for care and cleaning of the eyes.

This is mild cleaner which frees the adjacent areas of the eyes from dirt, dust etc.


Category Type: Health supplies
Species : Cats - dogs - small pets 🐈🐕🐇


Ilium Ear Drops 20 mL💥Contains 5 mg/mL dichlorophen, 5 mg/mL piperonyl butoxide, 500 mcg/mL pyrethrins to control ear mi...

Ilium Ear Drops 20 mL💥

Contains 5 mg/mL dichlorophen, 5 mg/mL piperonyl butoxide, 500 mcg/mL pyrethrins to control ear mites, bacterial and fungal infections in dogs and cats. Also contains 5 mg/mL lignocaine.🧪

Available in a 20 mL dropper bottle with a flexible tip.

Due to the sensitivity of cats to pyrethrins, the label dose rate should be closely followed.


ilium dermotic ear & skin suspensionAn antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal suspension containing 23mg/mL MIC...

ilium dermotic ear & skin suspension

An antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal suspension containing 23mg/mL MICONAZOLE NITRATE, 5mg/mL PREDNISOLONE ACETATE and 0.696 mg/mL POLYMIXIN B.
To be used for the treatment of otitis externa and skin infections caused by fungi, yeast and Gram-positive & Gram-negative bacteria in cats and dogs.
Available in 20 mL and 40 mL plastic bottles with a flexible tip. Separate applicator attachment to convert for syringe dosing available from Troy Animal Healthcare upon request.


ilium Neocort Skin Emollient Cream is for use in dogs, cats, horses and cattle for the topical treatment of skin conditi...

ilium Neocort Skin Emollient Cream is for use in dogs, cats, horses and cattle for the topical treatment of skin conditions caused by neomycin-sensitive organisms and where anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic effect is desired.


Dewormer 12 tab for cats and dogs

Dewormer 12 tab for cats and dogs

Troy Puppy and Kitten Worm Syrup is a palatable syrup for the removal of roundworm (Toxocara canis) in puppies, kittens,...

Troy Puppy and Kitten Worm Syrup is a palatable syrup for the removal of roundworm (Toxocara canis) in puppies, kittens, adult dogs, cats and guinea pigs.


💥Ideal for cleaning and care of the auditory canals🐈🐕Mildly cleans earsEnhances process of self-cleaning and deodorize 💥...

💥Ideal for cleaning and care of the auditory canals🐈🐕

Mildly cleans ears

Enhances process of self-cleaning and deodorize

💥With special dropper for easy use

Easy to use with amazing results 💥💥

يزيل الاوساخ من الأذن، و يعمل على التخفيف والقضاء على الحكة، ويساعد فى منع العدوى
يمكن استخدام هذا المنتج للعناية اليومية لعلاج الحيوانات الأليفة
من نقطه لنقطتين يوميا او حسب توصيات الطبيب وشده الاصابه
يحتوي على العديد من أنواع الزيوت العطرية النباتية💥





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