
Equisoul Natural Hosemanship und ganzheitliche Pferdegesundheit. Für „Problempferde“ und Besitzer.



Wahre Worte.

Wahre Worte.


THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HORSE WHISPERER. There never has been and never will be. The idea is an affront to the horse. You can talk and listen to horses all you want, and what you will learn, if you pay close attention, is that they live on open ground way beyond language and that language, no matter how you characterize it, is a poor trope for what horses understand about themselves and about humans. You need to practice only three things, patience, observation and humility, all of which were summed up in the life of an old man who died Tuesday (July 20, 1999) in California, a man named Bill Dorrance.

Dorrance was 93, and until only a few months before his death he still rode and he still roped. He was one of a handful of men, including his brother Tom, who in separate ways have helped redefine relations between the horse and the human. Bill Dorrance saw that subtlety was nearly always a more effective tool than force, but he realized that subtlety was a hard tool to exercise if you believe, as most people do, that you are superior to the horse. There was no dominance in the way Dorrance rode, or in what he taught, only partnership. To the exalted horsemanship of the vaquero -- the Spanish cowboy of 18th-century California -- he brought an exalted humanity, whose highest expression is faith in the willingness of the horse.

There is no codifying what Bill Dorrance knew. Some of it, like how to braid a rawhide lariat, is relatively easy to teach, and some of it, thanks to the individuality of horses and humans, cannot be taught at all, only learned. His legacy is exceedingly complex and, in a sense, self-annulling. It is an internal legacy. The more a horseman says he has learned from Dorrance the less likely he is to have learned anything at all.

That sounds oblique, but it reflects the fact that what you could learn from Dorrance was a manner of learning whose subject was nominally the horse but that extended itself in surprising directions to include dogs, cattle and people. If you learned it, you would know it was nothing to boast about.

There is no mysticism, no magic, in this, only the recognition of kinship with horses. Plenty of people have come across Bill Dorrance and borrowed an insight or two, and some have made a lot of money by popularizing what they seemed to think he knew. But what he knew will never be popular, nor did he ever make much money from it. You cannot sell modesty or undying curiosity. It is hard to put a price on accepting that everything you think you know about horses may change with the very next horse.

From an article by Verlyn Klinkenborg 'Death of a Legendary Horseman' - NY Times July 24, 1999 - http://www.nytimes.com/1999/07/24/opinion/editorial-notebook-death-of-a-legendary-horseman.html

Image is of Bill on 'Alkali' at 'Rancho Tularcitos' back in 1968 and is care of Steven and Leslie Dorrance - http://www.billdorrance.com/about.htm

Das erste Mal oben sitzen. Das erste Mal einen Reiter tragen. Für alle immer ein großer Moment.Für den Reiter, weil die ...

Das erste Mal oben sitzen. Das erste Mal einen Reiter tragen. Für alle immer ein großer Moment.
Für den Reiter, weil die Knie weich werden. 😵‍💫
Fürs Pferd, weil es Kekse gibt. 🍪
Für mich, weil der nächste große Schritt gemeistert ist. 😍

Es werden zwar bei allen Fotos die Gesichter verpixelt, aber das Grinsen und die Freude ist jedesmal ein Wahnsinn. ☀️

Und Gott Lob, (ok, der Bodenarbeit Lob) ist mir bis heute noch niemand abgehoben. 😁 ☠️

Ich bin wahnsinnig stolz auf euch und freue mich schon euch das erste mal frei reiten zu sehen! 🥰 🏇🏿

Liebe Freunde samt 4-Beinern!Ich wünsche euch alles Gute fürs neue Jahr 2023 und bedanke mich vielmals dass ich euch tra...

Liebe Freunde samt 4-Beinern!

Ich wünsche euch alles Gute fürs neue Jahr 2023 und bedanke mich vielmals dass ich euch trainieren darf. Es macht wirklich jedesmal Spaß und freut mich sehr wenn ich sehe, wie ihr Stück für Stück glücklicher werdet.

Passt gut auf euch auf, bleibt schön brav und rutscht nicht aus 😉💓💓💓


✨Allen frohe Weihnachten ✨



Ja manchmal….

Ja manchmal….

Sehr wichtig! Es gilt das immer im Kopf zu haben! Gerade wenn es mal schwer ist, ja so richtig zach, dann gilt es weiter...

Sehr wichtig! Es gilt das immer im Kopf zu haben! Gerade wenn es mal schwer ist, ja so richtig zach, dann gilt es weiter zu machen. Denn die Blohnung wenn man es dann geschafft hat sind mehr wert als die kleinen Erfolge bei denen es easy ging 🧡





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