Coonity Maine Coons

Coonity Maine Coons C**nity MCo Cattery is well known for working with outcross and old/rare showlines. Our focus is on health, great temperament and low inbreeding!

Ich züchte seit 2001 unter dem Zwingernamen C**nity anfangs im kleinen, heute mittelgroßen Rahmen mit sehr viel Liebe und Sorgfalt Maine C***s aus vorwiegend sehr alten und seltenen Linien abseits des in Europa üblichen Mainstreams. Meine Zuchttiere wähle ich sehr gründlich aus und hole sie fast durchwegs aus den USA, dem Mutterland der Maine C**n, wo die genetische Vielfalt noch sehr viel größer

ist als ein Europa und auch die ursprünglichen Rassemerkmale noch erhalten geblieben sind. Neben dem Ziel, möglichst gesunde und menschenbezogene Tiere zu züchten, gilt mein Hauptaugenmerk vor allem der Reduzierung der leider mittlerweile sehr hohen Inzucht in der Rasse sowie der Erhaltung der einstigen genetischen Vielfalt und dem ursprünglichen Aussehen abseits von Fledermausohren und einem absurden Wahn nach Größe und Gewicht, den die Katzen zunehmend mit orthopädischen Problemen (wie zB schlechten Hüften bzw HD) bezahlen müssen. Sollten Sie sich näher über meine Zucht und meine Pläne interessieren, sind Sie herzlich willkommen, mit mir in Kontakt zu treten. Nach Terminvereinbarung können die Babies gerne besucht werden. Wir sind ca. 30min Autobahnfahrt von Wien entfernt. ACHTUNG - reine Preisanfragen werden nicht beantwortet! Der Preis ist sicher für den Interessenten nicht unwichtig, jedoch kann man den Preis nicht ohne die gebotenen Leistungen sehen, die sich von Züchter zu Züchter stark unterscheiden. Und mal ganz ehrlich - gibt es nicht noch andere Faktoren, die für Sie wichtig sind, wenn das Tier zu Ihnen passen soll? Da gibt es ja ruhige und lebhafte, grobe und sanfte, große und kleinere, kinderliebe und eher schüchterne, usw. Was also nützt günstiger Preis und richtige Farbe, wenn die Katze selbst Ihren Erwartungen und Bedürfnissen nicht entspricht?? Ich bekomme jedenfalls bei reinen Preisanfragen das Gefühl, dass es dem Interessenten leider nicht um die sorgfältige Auswahl eines neues Familienmitgliedes geht, sondern eher um Rassekatze (zum Angeben???), aber soll möglichst nix kosten. So etwas wünsche ich mir aber nicht für meine Tiere! ;)

C**nity Maine C***s was founded in 2001 and is working very seriously and dedicated with outcross-, foundation- and (rare) showlines. We focus on health, great temperament and low inbreeding! We are located in Austria (Europe), only a 30 minutes drive from both Vienna and Bratislava International Airports. We do only sell very rarely to breeders and require full introduction and references. Still we have managed to have a good name in the breeder world by only giving very healthy and carefully selected examples of the breed with special pedigrees to trusted breeder friends. So our offspring can be found with some good breeders in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA and New Zealand and they do us proud.

C**nity Meryld, silver classic tabby white male with white tailtip  says hi! ❤️ Meryld is 4 months old and has already p...

C**nity Meryld, silver classic tabby white male with white tailtip says hi! ❤️ Meryld is 4 months old and has already passed a preliminary cardiac echo with flying colours. He's very sweet character, is cuddly and playful. Despite a bit smaller than his brother He is (in my opinion) better in type. His brother (left in the couple pics) will join a pethome.

For Meryld I am hoping to find a breeder who has at least 1 girl with a white tailtip so we can finally find out more about the inheritance pattern of that as it has definitely nothing to do with spotting white - I had white tailtips twice in kitten without white in the past.

Please note that i only work with breeders who do cardiac echoes on all their breeding cats repeatedly. No keeping in remote cattery buildings, pens or alone in a room as a single cat. My males are very social and get along with other fertile males when introduced young enough. So no need for isolating them.

parents: C**nity Catelyn x C**nity Frostfire Phoenix;2:1715425&g=4&p=mco

Top 2 = 32,6%
Top 3 = 47,4%
Top 5 = 63,0%
Clones = 26,3%

inbreeding: 1% in 9 generations (9.45% complete)


Can't resist to share this super cute video of C**nity Mhysa in her new home. I delivered her late Saturday evening and she has never met aby other human but me and a vet before. Isn't she just doing fabulous?

Last but not least for today some current pictures from C**nity Missandei @ 10 weeks old. Missi is currently on hold for...

Last but not least for today some current pictures from C**nity Missandei @ 10 weeks old. Missi is currently on hold for a breeder home but may become available later again.

Sire: C**nity Frostfire Phoenix of Rebelpawz
Dam: C**nity Catelyn


Inbreeding in 9 generations = 0,1% (9,45% complete)

Top 2 = 32,6%
Top 3 = 47,4%
Top 5 = 63,0%
Clones = 26,3%


No words needed 🤣🤣🤣
The cat is from me, from Saffron's 1st litter 3.5 years ago.


Jaadu copes with bad music taste of his breeder with dignity and grace 🫣😅

Inquiries welcome, safe a life 🤣

C**nity Jaadu says "no comments" when beeing asked his opinion on the kind of music his breeder throws onto his ears dai...

C**nity Jaadu says "no comments" when beeing asked his opinion on the kind of music his breeder throws onto his ears daily! Evidence video coming!

Jaadu hopes someone is going to rescue him as soon as possible. Applications welcome! Little extra info: Whole maternal family seems to like men with beards. 🤣🤣🤣

C**nity Jaadu, June 9th 2024
black white male

Sire: C**nity Frostfire Phoenix of RebelPawz Maine C***s
Mother: C**nity Daenerys


Inbreeding = 0,271% in 9 generations (8,28% complete)

Top 2 = 30,5%
Top 3 = 44,5%
Top 5 = 59,1%
Clones = 24,6%

Unser Überraschungs-Einzelkind C**nity Laea (4 Monate alt)  sucht noch nach einem liebevollen Zuhause. Laea hat sich in ...

Unser Überraschungs-Einzelkind C**nity Laea (4 Monate alt) sucht noch nach einem liebevollen Zuhause. Laea hat sich in mühevoller Kleinarbeit den Spitznamen Ratzi gesichert - sie hat einen bemerkenswerten Dickschädel, ist überall dran, drauf und drin, alles ist Spielzeug und wenn man ihr was verbietet oder sie wegträgt, wird lauthals protestiert. Rumpelstilzchen-Modus "ich will aber!!!!" Im nächsten Moment kommt sie aber wieder angerannt und kuschelt einen nieder. Unmöglich ihr jemals böse zu sein!

Sie ist das letzte Kind von Mainemarie Quesadilla, der mittlerweile kastriert ist.

Anfragen von Leuten, die Herausforderungen lieben, sind herzlich willkommen.

C**nity Laena, geb. 14. Juli 2024
blue silver classic tabby white female

Vater: Mainemarie Quesadilla of C**nity
Mutter: C**nity Zanyah


Inbreeding (NO FOUNDATIONS!!!) = 0,0546% in 9 Generationen (10,8% complete)

Top 2 = 35,3%
Top 3 = 51,0%
Top 5 = 67,5%
Clones = 28,6%

C**nity Catelyn macht ihren Gefühlen zum Thema Herbstwetter 2024 Luft ... 🙄😅😂

C**nity Catelyn macht ihren Gefühlen zum Thema Herbstwetter 2024 Luft ... 🙄😅😂

UPDATE: BOOKED!Ishtar Queen of Heavens is still available. Rare pedigree combining old UK lines with interesting US CFA ...


Ishtar Queen of Heavens is still available. Rare pedigree combining old UK lines with interesting US CFA lines. Paternal ancestors cardiac echoed over many generations, maternal ancestors known for longevity and robust health.

C**nity Ishtar Queen of Heavens, geb. April 18th 2024
brown classic torbie white
Father: US*Averill Voodoo Child of C**nity
Mother: UK*Avismar Saffron of C**nity

A bit belated finally some pictures from our C**nity M5 kittens with plusminus 7 weeks of age - the last and final gift ...

A bit belated finally some pictures from our C**nity M5 kittens with plusminus 7 weeks of age - the last and final gift from Frosty before he moved to New Zealand. The brown ones are the girls, the silver ones are the boys.

I am looking for a breeder for one of the boys who would be willing to research inheritance pattern for white tailtip. My personal suspect is that it is recessive and always wanted to mate 2 partners with 2 tailtips together. Since i stop breeding it would be nice if somebody with decent genetic knowledge would look into this idea.

C**nity M5 litter, born Sept 7th 2024
2 girls (1 booked), 2 boys
Father: C**nity Frostfire Phoenix
Mother: C**nity Catelyn


C**nity Laea (Bedeutung: die schöne allmächtige weise Göttin, Mondschein)ist unser verzogenes Einzelkind und eine ziemliche Primadonna. Sie wird leider von Catelyn, die gerne selber Primadonna wäre, inbrünstig gehasst und gemobbt. Laea kann Ende November kastriert werden und ist ab dann ausziehbereit.

C**nity Laea, geb. 14.07.2024
blue silver classic tabby white
Vater: Mainemarie Quesadilla of C**nity
Mutter: C**nity Zanyah

Good morning, weekend!First baby from our youngest litter managed climbing into bed this morning 😍😂

Good morning, weekend!
First baby from our youngest litter managed climbing into bed this morning 😍😂

UPDATE: VERGEBEN! Unser allerletztes weißes Kitten: C**nity Kendrick Whaithair sucht seine Für-immer-Menschen! Eigentlic...


Unser allerletztes weißes Kitten: C**nity Kendrick Whaithair sucht seine Für-immer-Menschen! Eigentlich sollte er zu einer Züchterfreundin in die Schweiz, weil er ja wirklich besonders hübsch ist ... bis es plötzlich unübersehbar wurde, dass er leider völlig taub ist. Kendrick macht das aber mit viel Charme, Liebe und Anhänglichkeit wett. Durch die Taubheit ist er buchstäblich schußfest, laute und lebhafte Haushalte mit zb Kleinkindern oder Hundegebell machen ihm nix aus. Staubsauger findet er ganz besonders toll und spannend.

Kendrick kann gerne auch zusammen mit seiner tollen Mama Welarya - white blue-eyed voll hörend - abgegeben werden, falls jemand besonders gerne weiße Katzen mag.

Weitere Informationen und Auskünfte gerne via Privatnachrichten oder Telefon! :)

LOOOL! Never leave your raw rice unattended when you have cats! 🤣🙈🤪

LOOOL! Never leave your raw rice unattended when you have cats! 🤣🙈🤪

Lassen Sie Ihren ungekochten Reis niemals unbeaufsichtigt 🤣.


We've been to our cardiologist this morning and can report great results on all 4 echoed cats! 😍😍😍

(Again) free of all cardiac and kidney issues are:
Mainemarie Quesadilla
Avismar Saffron
C**nity Zanyah
C**nity Daenerys

Quesadilla sucht immer noch ein Zuhause als Einzeltier. Bewerbungen sind herzlich willkommen. :)


Please people, READ this research paper on dominant blue eyes genetics!

It is a recent study, and it needs action in our breeding rules! We must call our registries to action and ban it completely. Study finally proofs that DBE is no harmless fancy of nature but has Waardenburgh Syndrome features. And this goes for all 4 currently present sources for it, the very far spread Rociri Elvis lineage from NL beeing one of it.

The current rules to allow it as long as the cat comes with spotting white is idiotic. Please read carefully, the study proofs that most of the xats they were given for examination had various amounts of spotting white. So these cats could be perfectly shown. And all this "excluded from the showhall but free to register" is a totally outdated concept anyways! Hundreds if not thousands of breeders join american registries only because of that. They could not care less if they can show it or not as long as they can make big bucks on their whatever oddity they come up with.

I will leave the breed community very soon as it too much breaks my heart to see how it goes down more and more every year with not enough people fighting wrong trends and more and more acceptance for dead wrong features, wrong foundations, wrong wrong wrong. I mean, honestly, let's just take now DBE example: has it really taken this study to notify us there is something very wrong with these DBE cats. No, everyone could see the malformed faces, the very broad nose ridge, the telecantus, making them looking obviously handicapped! But even established breeders seem to get used to it and applaud such cats - i guess because the breeder is nice and they want to be kind or whatever, but it is wrong. It's THE F**K WRONG!!!

Well, this study now proofs that it is not just weird looks that you can breed away from but comes with a price, a REALLY high one. With the price of health! So I need you guys to take over. It will be my last fight for the breed and i can't do it alone! Stand up and approach your registry to stop accepting this. Stop them from issuing papers for it. Make them ban breeders from their organisation. Sure, someone will issue papers for every crap but ban papers from such organiaations/clubs from beeing accepted. I only say ACA, it's looooong overdue to stop accepting from them as they even register cats that never existed, as well as all those crap Clubs in Europe like ICF, ECE and too many more who issue papers for everything. It’s time to stop all this fraud. It will not have a happy end otherwise.

Yes, that's a long one. I hope our social media rotten minds will not be overchallenged by something longer than 300 words and i could motivate you to not only really read the study but also start moving and take motion against this trait. ;)

UPDATE: BOOKED!C**nity Iconic still looking for the right home.  He had already been spoken for to a friend but has beco...


C**nity Iconic still looking for the right home.

He had already been spoken for to a friend but has become available again due to her personal circumstances. Imho he is pick of the litter by size, boning and headtype, so I would love to place him in a breeder home.

C**nity Iconic
Red silver classic tabby white male
Sire: US*Averill Voodoo Child of C**nity
Dam: UK*Avismar Saffron of C**nity

Inbreeding: 0,146% in 9 generations (complete: 9,06%)

Top 2 = 32,3%
Top 3 = 47,4%
Top 5 = 63,3%
Clones = 22,7%

Small cattery with focus on health and genetic diversity preferred. Not to USA and NL.







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