Lhasa-Apso Zucht von Niederottnang

Lhasa-Apso Zucht von Niederottnang Lhasa-Apso Zucht Die Lhasa-Apso-Liebhaberzucht "von Niederottnang" besteht seit 1980. Uschi Eisner lebt im Land Salzburgmitten im Gebirge nur mit Hündinnen.

Sie ist internationale Formwertrichterin für mehr als 80 Rassen und war jahrelang Zuchtwartin des öst. Klubs für tibetische Hunderassen. Rüden hält ihre Tochter in Schörfling am Attersee im idyllischen Salzkammergut. Der Erhalt dieser alten Rasse mit allen so typischen Merkmalen ist beiden wichtig.

Birgit isn't able to take care herself for her dogs any longer. So she looked for new places. The first one is Tschugtsc...

Birgit isn't able to take care herself for her dogs any longer. So she looked for new places. The first one is Tschugtschi: She lives in Switzerland with two old Apso-ladies and - much more interesting for her - three young boys.



Today at IDS Graz our sweet Tschugtschi (Merriott's Masquerade, bred by Jette Yeoman) got Ex1, Youth Best and Best Young...

Today at IDS Graz our sweet Tschugtschi (Merriott's Masquerade, bred by Jette Yeoman) got Ex1, Youth Best and Best Young Apso. Judge Primož Peer: "1y old female lovely young bitch exc type, proportions and size; very nice feminine head; enough body for the age; very good front; exc angulation both ends; typical coat for age; excellent mover."
A big thank you to Sophie Konrad for her helping hands at handling!

The next girl in our pack that is Veteran Champion.

The next girl in our pack that is Veteran Champion.

We wish all our friends around the world some wonderful weeks now and a successful year 2020. Not that much happend 2019...

We wish all our friends around the world some wonderful weeks now and a successful year 2020. Not that much happend 2019 beside a happy life with our dogs: Tschugtschi (Merriot's Masquerade) came to us and won twice Best Junior at her first shows in age of 9 months and a week. Kali (Mahakala von Niederottnang) is Austrian Champion. Dolkar (von Niederottnang) is Veteran Champion (and we promised her to never show her again). And next week Vranzi (Vixie of Ugo de Koempfer) will celebrate her 15th birthday.

Birgit's granddaughter won't get cold feet any longer. She can wear the whole pack on her feet. Almost ready.

Birgit's granddaughter won't get cold feet any longer. She can wear the whole pack on her feet. Almost ready.

We helped Heidi to plan the first Apso Congress. Of yourse we will be there!

We helped Heidi to plan the first Apso Congress. Of yourse we will be there!

Our new girl Tschugtschi (Merriotts Masquerade) had her first show today in puppy class. Seems that she likes it.

Our new girl Tschugtschi (Merriotts Masquerade) had her first show today in puppy class. Seems that she likes it.


Today at IDS Tulln: Kali (Mahakala von Niederottnang) finished her Austrian Championship.

Tschugtschi (Merriot's Masquerade) is 6 months old.

Tschugtschi (Merriot's Masquerade) is 6 months old.

It's hot. No matter for Kali (Mahakala von Niederottnang).

It's hot. No matter for Kali (Mahakala von Niederottnang).

15 years between these pics: Amarone just some hours in this world the first time in the hands of her later owner. and e...

15 years between these pics: Amarone just some hours in this world the first time in the hands of her later owner. and exaktly 15 years later. Congrats to our A²-litter! And thanks to Andrea for the pics.

Nothing to do than pose and sleep on a rainy day.

Nothing to do than pose and sleep on a rainy day.

All our dogs (and one guest) had to help Birgit at work: Kids learning how to deal with dogs. Even Tschugtschi did a gre...

All our dogs (and one guest) had to help Birgit at work: Kids learning how to deal with dogs. Even Tschugtschi did a great job!

We proudly present: Merriott's Masquerade (Merriott's Ex**cy x Temple Fontana's Cranberry Deluxe), our new pack member. ...

We proudly present: Merriott's Masquerade (Merriott's Ex**cy x Temple Fontana's Cranberry Deluxe), our new pack member. Her name in daily life: "Tschugtschi" (for English speaking persons maybe Chug-Chi). That's Tibetan and means 11. She is the 11th bitch in the Niederottnang-kennel.

Uschi's special breeding success 😉

Uschi's special breeding success 😉


Stöcklhubsiedlung 34
Sankt Johann Im Pongau


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