Failte Ivory An Gra Aibrean

Failte Ivory An Gra Aibrean This webpage is dedicated to our Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.

We had a veryyyy busy end of the week and Freiya did a great job!On friday we went to another retirement home where we p...

We had a veryyyy busy end of the week and Freiya did a great job!
On friday we went to another retirement home where we practiced some fine motor skills with the use of Freiyas tools😁
On Saturday we had fun with the scouts🫶
Thanks to the best mum Patricija, Freiya had an awesome vest (which mum made by herself) in which she carried around tasks for the kids!❤️

What an incredible experience! Yesterday, Freiya and I had our first therapy session at the retirement home, and she abs...

What an incredible experience! Yesterday, Freiya and I had our first therapy session at the retirement home, and she absolutely rocked it!
She showed amazing patience and kindness while engaging in various activities aimed at improving fine motor skills, stimulating the brain with brain games, and even enjoying some sporty activities together. 🏓
The highlight? The hilarious moment when the elderly affectionately called her Breja, Treja, and Frajla – Freiya did not mind it at all, she was happy to get the cuddles! 🐶
Seeing the smiles on their faces made our day. Can't wait for our next visit! ❤️

Sunset and sunrise walks in great wheaten company❤️

Sunset and sunrise walks in great wheaten company❤️

Big city girl!Ta teden bo Freiya preživela z mano v Ljubljani, saj greva opravljati prve pripravniške ure, kot terapevts...

Big city girl!
Ta teden bo Freiya preživela z mano v Ljubljani, saj greva opravljati prve pripravniške ure, kot terapevtski par v sklopu Tačk Pomagačk. 🫶
Najino potovanje se je začelo z vožnjo z vlakom. Na slovenskih železnicah so bili izjemno prijazni - Freiya je bila prava ⭐️, neizmerno pridna❤️
Ta teden pa stanujeva skupaj s Freiyino hčerko Noro ( Azorina Styrian Wheatens ). Res sem hvaležna za to, da smo v stiku z vsemi Freiyinimi otroki in lastniki ter se z veseljem občasno podružimo🫶
Sem pa prepričana, da bo ta teden precej zanimiv in poln presenečenj🤣

Sunday mood🫶

Sunday mood🫶

Today Freiya is celebrating her 5th birthday!We wish a happy birthday to the whole litter F!❤️

Today Freiya is celebrating her 5th birthday!
We wish a happy birthday to the whole litter F!❤️

Sleeping beauty👸🏽

Sleeping beauty👸🏽

Danes sva s Freiyo uspešno zaključili najin prvi dan uvajanja na URI Soča, kot terapevtski par in ne bi mogla biti bolj ...

Danes sva s Freiyo uspešno zaključili najin prvi dan uvajanja na URI Soča, kot terapevtski par in ne bi mogla biti bolj ponosna na najino sodelovanje.
Freiya je bila neverjetno predana in odzivna, skupaj sva ustvarili čudovite trenutke in se učili kako pomagati tistim, ki bodo potrebovali najino podporo. Veselim se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z novimi ustanovami in priložnosti, ki se nama bodo ponudile na tej poti 🐾❤️
Kot vidite na zadnjih dveh slikah, je bilo vse skupaj zelo naporno💤💤


Raje se plazimo doma po čistih tleh…ampak kljub temu naredimo še vedno vse za priboljšek🐾


There is nothing better than a morning walk with my lovely Freiya❤️
In two weeks we are going to visit an institution, in which we will try ourselves out, for the first time, as a therapy couple!👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🐶






Nora, Freiyas daughter, such a lovely girl❤️

Monday mood🥰

Monday mood🥰


Maraton treh src —> here we come! ❤️
Freiya se z mano prav tako pripravlja na maraton, natančneje na “tek s kužki”- 1 km dolga trasa, tek v tandemu z mami❤️


In loooove with the cute little “Freiya jumps”🤣❤️
Not very coordinated but still cute🤣


Witnessed something truly heartwarming yesterday! Kids reading fearlessly in front of their peers, thanks to the therapy dog! 🐶Each child reads a story about our furry friend, with the tale rolled up on his collar like he's speaking.
After the reading session, they get to pet the dog and give him a treat. 🐕❤️ Such a PAWSITIVELY motivating experience!❤️
Can not wait to try something like this with Freiya!

Just wrapped up a whole day at a Tačke pomagačke (therapy duo) seminar and it was an absolute delight! 🐾 Learned so much...

Just wrapped up a whole day at a Tačke pomagačke (therapy duo) seminar and it was an absolute delight! 🐾 Learned so much, met wonderful people, and can't wait to start applying this newfound knowledge with my furry friend. Exciting journey ahead!✨

Mummy-daughter reunion after 5 months!❤️

Mummy-daughter reunion after 5 months!❤️

THE START of our therapy couple journey!❤️Today, my furry friend and I took our first steps towards becoming a therapy d...

THE START of our therapy couple journey!❤️

Today, my furry friend and I took our first steps towards becoming a therapy duo for special needs individuals. Excitement filled the air as we embarked on this heartwarming journey together. Here's to hoping we aced the trial, and we can't wait for our official adventure to begin! 🐾
Freiya behaved really well, I couldn’t be more proud of her! The past year has really been HER year, with becoming a mum and a therapy dog!❤️
Fingers crossed that all goes well!


Freiya loooves the snow, salty streets - not that much😬
Gentle paws can not walk in the salty streets of Ljubljana🥺
Since your family loves you unconditionally, you get a lift with an awesome view!






Some habits just tend to stay the same❤️
Azorina Styrian Wheatens, Nora
5 weeks old->7 months old




Cuddles and a lot of kisses with Freiya junior, Nora - Azorina Styrian Wheatens❤️
Such a happy dog!


Sankt Veit Am Vogau





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