Nogometna tekma, brez Freiye?? No way!
Freiyina najljubša aktivnost = napad na Urbana💪🏻
Edino včasih pozabi, da ima samo 18kg in je 3x manjša od nasprotnika🤣
Dogwatch but from the shadows✨
Practicing some new tricks🐾
Jutranja stimulacija za pasje možgančke in smrček💪🏻
Obedience training🏋🏻♀️
There is nothing better than a morning walk with my lovely Freiya❤️
In two weeks we are going to visit an institution, in which we will try ourselves out, for the first time, as a therapy couple!👩❤️💋👩🐶
Maraton treh src —> here we come! ❤️
Freiya se z mano prav tako pripravlja na maraton, natančneje na “tek s kužki”- 1 km dolga trasa, tek v tandemu z mami❤️
In loooove with the cute little “Freiya jumps”🤣❤️
Not very coordinated but still cute🤣
Witnessed something truly heartwarming yesterday! Kids reading fearlessly in front of their peers, thanks to the therapy dog! 🐶Each child reads a story about our furry friend, with the tale rolled up on his collar like he's speaking.
After the reading session, they get to pet the dog and give him a treat. 🐕❤️ Such a PAWSITIVELY motivating experience!❤️
Can not wait to try something like this with Freiya!
Some habits just tend to stay the same❤️
Azorina Styrian Wheatens, Nora
5 weeks old->7 months old
Cuddles and a lot of kisses with Freiya junior, Nora - Azorina Styrian Wheatens❤️
Such a happy dog!
Christmas doggo
Everyone got a Christmas present! ❤️
Merry Christmas!❤️