Proteklog vikenda smo učestvovali na izložbi u Halllein-u, gde je naš mačak Nelson pokazao sav svoj šarm i eleganciju ✨
Pod stručnim okom sudija ostvario je sledeće rezultate:
-sudija Thea Friskovec Keller
BIV Total
-sudija Lena Venclikova
Iako je dan bio naporan zbog dva suđenja i duge vožnje automobilom nakon toga, uopšte nam nije nedostajalo dobrog raspoloženja. 😊
Još jedna izložba za pamćenje! 🐾💖
Last weekend we participated in the show in Halllein, where our cat Nelson showed all his charm and elegance ✨
Under the expert eye of the judge, he achieved the following results:
-judge Thea Friskovec Keller
BIV Total
-judge Lena Venclikova
Although the day was exhausting due to two judging sessions and a long car ride afterwards, but we were not lacking in good spirits at all. 😊
Another show to remember! 🐾💖