Performances for Pets

Performances for Pets Performances for Pets Performances for art-loving cats and dogs! Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey have been dealing with performances by and for pets since 2014.

Artists Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey present bespoke performances for pets in their familiar environment and take invitations from animal owners to give private shows at home – human audiences from the animals’ milieu are also welcome! In addition to exploring man’s best friends’ taste and humour in their projects, they also address the fact that entertainment provided by pets working from home is

often not properly recognised as actual work. In order to give back to the animals at least a little, Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey ended up devising their tailor-made Performances for Pets, individually adapted to the needs of dogs and cats based on preliminary briefings by their owners. The pair has already made house calls to animals in Zurich, Erlangen and Hamburg. Now, finally, the dogs and cats of Vienna will also be able to enjoy this very special art experience! To arrange appointments for house calls, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or +43 699 17 28 63 74. The project was initiated by Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey in 2014, and stems from another project AUTODOMESTICATION which deals with labour conditions of human and non-human species of creative workers. Performances for Pets features guest-performers Adriano Wilfert Jensen and Simon Asencio and is represented by the Galerie International. Performances for Pets is supported by SHIFT: Programm zur Förderung innovativer Kunst, Vienna


People performing for animals 🙂 Thank you 60 Second Docs Presents! ❤️

Attention Dogs and Cats and their humans in Mannheim and around - Performances for Pets  for cats this Sunday & next Thu...

Attention Dogs and Cats and their humans in Mannheim and around - Performances for Pets for cats this Sunday & next Thursday (3&7 oct) (home visit) and performances for dogs on Tuesday and Wednesday (5&6 oct) (at Zeitraum Exit Gallery, still private) Dm or email [email protected] for reservations!

Performances for art-loving cats and dogs! The artists Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey present performances for pets in their familiar environment and take invitations from animal owners to give private shows at home—human audiences from the animals’ milieu are also welcome! For reservations: pro...

we're on the fm4 morning show today!! 🤩🤩 thank you Johnny Bliss and radio FM4

we're on the fm4 morning show today!! 🤩🤩 thank you Johnny Bliss and radio FM4

we'll be talking with the students of music and dance science in Salzburg today!

we'll be talking with the students of music and dance science in Salzburg today!

Heute findet um 13:15 ein Artist Talk im Rahmen des Proseminars "Skandalon Bühnentier?" bei Johanna Hörmann statt.
Zu Gast sein werden die beiden Künstler:innen Krõõt Juurak und Alex Bailey, die mit den Studierenden über ihr Projekt Performances for Pets sprechen werden. 🐈

thank you Arte tracks! 🥳

thank you Arte tracks! 🥳

Le duo d’artistes Krõõt Juurak et Alex Bailey a inventé la performance pour animaux ! Considérant que nos amis les bêtes ont toujours eu à nous divertir, que ce soit au sein des cirques ou sur Internet, les deux humains décident d’inverser les rôles et conçoivent depuis 2014, des specta...


Greetings from 2019! Thank you NKR for the video :)

For all the pets bored at home -- Kunst trotz(t) Corona on Kulturzeit - thanks for having us! 3sat

For all the pets bored at home -- Kunst trotz(t) Corona on Kulturzeit - thanks for having us! 3sat

Wir bieten Künstler*innen, die derzeit keine haben, eine Bühne, und Zuschauer*innen Kultur frei Haus. Wir stellen vor: das Künstlerduo Performances for Pets.

We talked with Katharina Cichosch in Monopol and have this exhibition "Kunst für Tiere" opening in Rüsselsheim (DE) next...

We talked with Katharina Cichosch in Monopol and have this exhibition "Kunst für Tiere" opening in Rüsselsheim (DE) next week - go see!

Das Künstlerduo Krõõt Jurak und Alex Bailey entwickelt Performances für Tiere und lässt Hamster Workshops geben. Im Interview sprechen sie darüber, was Menschen dabei lernen können - und ob Haustierhaltung eigentlich moralisch vertretbar ist

Happy World Cat Day!

Happy World Cat Day!

Gestern fand die erste Performance von Alex Bailey für die Katze Fine statt. Am 8. August ist wieder Weltkatzentag, dann performt das Künstlerduo Krõõt Juurak und Alex Bailey für ein menschliches Publikum unter dem Motto »Denken wie eine Katze« in den Opelvillen. Ins Leben wurde der Gedenktag eigentlich gerufen, um auf Missstände aufmerksam zu machen, unter denen Katzen leben und gehalten werden. Mittlerweile wird er von Katzenfreunden insbesondere genutzt, um ihre Katzenliebe mit anderen zu feiern. Die Popularität der Vierbeiner führte zum Performance-Nachmittag am Weltkatzentag und zum Ausstellungsprojekt »Kunst für Tiere« ab Oktober 2020, um humorvoll über neue Erkenntnisse zum Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis zu informieren, die ihren Niederschlag auch in der zeitgenössischen Kunst finden.

Bildnachweis: © Kunst- und Kulturstiftung Opelvillen Rüsselsheim, Foto: Frank Möllenberg

»Kunst für Tiere« ist Teil der Kooperationsprojekts »Artentreffen« entlang der S-Bahnlinie 8 gemeinsam mit dem DLM Deutsches Ledermuseum und dem Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden.


Greetings from Opelvillen!

           ? @ Vienna, Austria

? @ Vienna, Austria

We did a little performance for the wonderful Trixie, Roxie, Tinna, Tommi and Klukka - currently in residence at the Cat...

We did a little performance for the wonderful Trixie, Roxie, Tinna, Tommi and Klukka - currently in residence at the Cat Cafe Reykjavík @ Kattakaffihúsið



Wer sind die beiden Artists genau und was hat ihre Kunst mit Hunden und Katzen zu tun? Unsere Hosts sprechen mit ihnen über die Ideen und Anfänge ihrer Kunst-Performances.

.sushi and wonderful Luna and us! We talked and made a little show for Luna, you can see it on Friday night if you’re in...

.sushi and wonderful Luna and us! We talked and made a little show for Luna, you can see it on Friday night if you’re interested. @ Vienna, Austria

Yesterday at Southwark Park Galleries 💕

Yesterday at Southwark Park Galleries 💕

Animals (including humanz) of Manchester - apply now and come teach with us in July!

Animals (including humanz) of Manchester - apply now and come teach with us in July!

Manchester International Festival (MIF) is the world’s first festival of original, new work and special events. The Festival is staged every two years in Manchester, UK – the next edition will take place 4 – 21 July 2019 at venues all over the city.




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