Performances for Pets

Performances for Pets Performances for Pets Performances for art-loving cats and dogs! Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey have been dealing with performances by and for pets since 2014.

Artists Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey present bespoke performances for pets in their familiar environment and take invitations from animal owners to give private shows at home – human audiences from the animals’ milieu are also welcome! In addition to exploring man’s best friends’ taste and humour in their projects, they also address the fact that entertainment provided by pets working from home is

often not properly recognised as actual work. In order to give back to the animals at least a little, Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey ended up devising their tailor-made Performances for Pets, individually adapted to the needs of dogs and cats based on preliminary briefings by their owners. The pair has already made house calls to animals in Zurich, Erlangen and Hamburg. Now, finally, the dogs and cats of Vienna will also be able to enjoy this very special art experience! To arrange appointments for house calls, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or +43 699 17 28 63 74. The project was initiated by Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey in 2014, and stems from another project AUTODOMESTICATION which deals with labour conditions of human and non-human species of creative workers. Performances for Pets features guest-performers Adriano Wilfert Jensen and Simon Asencio and is represented by the Galerie International. Performances for Pets is supported by SHIFT: Programm zur Förderung innovativer Kunst, Vienna




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