⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This film may forever change the way you look at that wadded-up paper in your wastebasket. 🗑️
When scientists crumple a sheet of paper... chaos theory takes an unexpected turn. "Flat sheets transform into mysterious objects that exist between dimensions – not quite surfaces, not quite volumes, but a puzzling 2.5 dimension in between," says CSH scientist and video co-star Vito Servedio.
Through careful measurements and some enthusiastic paper-throwing sessions, our hero discovers that these fractal balls don’t just defy conventional geometry – they travel through the air with surprising stability, while flat sheets just flutter and dive.
Isn’t it wonderful? -- The hidden mathematics of everyday objects, where a humble crumpled page reveals the beautiful complexity that surrounds us all.
🎥 "Foundations of Complex Systems E03"
Performance by the marvelous Mirta Galesic and Vito Servedio, CSH scientists and clearly unrecognized acting talents
Film by Karol Jalochowski
Music by Kajetan Jalochowski
"Foundations of Complex Systems E02"
Complexity is revealed by a sand pile.
CSH scientist Vito Servedio and filmmaker Karol Jalochowski explore the concept of self-organized criticality, one of the mechanisms by which complexity arises in nature.
"A classic example of a system with such a property is a sand pile. A random addition of grains causes avalanches of different sizes -- which are described by a power law. Complexity emerges from simple local interactions between grains spontaneously. Vito is working on making it happen," says Jalochowski.
🎥 "Foundations of Complex Systems E02"
Performance by Vito D. P. Servedio
Film by Karol Jalochowski
Music by Kajetan Jalochowski
#shortmovie #documentary #complexity #complexsystems #sandpile #physics
How can local food initiatives foster systemic change? And what strategies can expand their impact?
Gain insights from Helga Nowotny, who leads the new research project #Socioscope, funded by the NOMIS Foundation, alongside Saadi Lahlou.
Our 🌐 world 🌐 is becoming ever more interconnected 🤝 and interdependent – and thus, complex. Today's problems span beyond traditional disciplines, calling for interdisciplinary research to find solutions. But what these problems often have in common is the necessity to manage immense volumes of data to understand and solve these problems. That’s where we step in 🗝️.
👀 Explore 👀 our research topics, where we address issues that (will) affect citizens every day and where scientists with diverse expertise collaborate to tackle them: https://bit.ly/42MwKlc
Find out more about Eddie Lee's research bridging biology and society at CSH.
"What’s a fascinating conundrum for me is the fact that the sort of science and the mathematics that we have for biological and social systems doesn't distinguish between them. But, if we look at the world around us, they are qualitatively different. So why is that? Is it because they're just materially different, but following the same dynamics? Or are the dynamics really different? Are the mathematics really different and how do we get at that?"
Take a look at the full interview here: https://youtu.be/z0wzXlpKDGQ?feature=shared