Beyond Dogs

Beyond Dogs Dog Trainer. PDTA Member. Our goal is to help people develop a better relationship with their dog 🐢

Pharaoh back for a follow up 😍This handsome German Shepherd cross Kelpie boy has made SO much progress since our first s...

Pharaoh back for a follow up 😍
This handsome German Shepherd cross Kelpie boy has made SO much progress since our first session.
His owner had done such a good job following the training program we set out for them, but over time, the rules and boundaries had started to slip and Pharaoh had started to once again push the boundaries.
Dogs will take the path of least resistance. They look for reinforcement in everything that they do and it's SO easy to unintentionally reinforce the wrong behaviour!
A quick run through of the problems, a quick recap of the rules and boundaries, a quick pep talk about being more self-confident and our client couldn't have been happier! Sometimes we all just need to check in and hear that we're doing a good job πŸ™‚
Do you need help getting your dog to follow the rules? Get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Adonis πŸ’ͺThis BIG Doberman boy joins us for a series of training sessions to address some problem behaviours that a lot o...

Adonis πŸ’ͺ
This BIG Doberman boy joins us for a series of training sessions to address some problem behaviours that a lot of big dog owners struggle with! He's 11 months old and already+35kg.
A lot of big dogs, particularly when they are puppies, don't know their own size. Adonis loves to run into, and jump onto people when meeting them, or when he wants attention (he's VERY needy).
His owners also really struggled to get him walking on a loose leash, as he would throw his weight around and pull like crazy.
We helped them address the root cause behind these issues and fix the problems at the source. A lot of the time, people lack structure in their relationship with their dog. It's so important to have clear rules and boundaries, along with accountability and consistency.
If you're not happy with how your dog behaves but don't know where to start? Get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!


We promote intervention over medication.
What do you think?

Huey helping Eevee with her reactivity This Swiss Shepherd girl has come a long way since we started working together. H...

Huey helping Eevee with her reactivity
This Swiss Shepherd girl has come a long way since we started working together. Her owners have done an excellent job following the training program we set out for them and her foundational obedience is better than most!
They were still struggling to walk her in the presence of other dogs. She was easily distracted, overly aroused, and would escalate to aggressive reactivity very very quickly. This is where Huey comes in to help.
Sometimes it's far easier for one dog to tell another dog that their behaviour is not ok than for a human to do it. Huey has a way of remaining calm in the face of adversity, but he will also not put up with being insulted.
During the session, he let Eevee know her behaviour was not ok after she had a go at him. After this, she was much more respectful of him and was actually able to relax in his presence. Her owners commented "She hasn't been this close to another dog in over 5 years!".
If this sounds all too familiar and you would like help addressing your dog's reactivity, please get in touch with the Beyond Dogs team today!

Yuki joins our training program 😍This cute little Japanese Spitz girl is a real pocket rocket πŸš€ with loads s***k and det...

Yuki joins our training program 😍
This cute little Japanese Spitz girl is a real pocket rocket πŸš€ with loads s***k and determination. This tenacious attitude meant she was displaying some unwanted behaviours.
Hers owners contacted us to get help with her barking, her behaviour when guests arrived at the home and to get her walking on a loose leash.
We started with an assessment of her general obedience and helped her owners understand how to improve her engagement and leverage her training to start building a better relationship!
We also spent time inside developing some good routines around crate training and a front door routine. This is something we work through with almost ALL of our clients and is key to success when it comes to having people over to the home.
If this sounds all too familiar and you need help managing your dog's behaviour, get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Huey enjoying sunset at GoolwaCan you trust your recall under high levels of distraction? Can you give your dog off leas...

Huey enjoying sunset at Goolwa
Can you trust your recall under high levels of distraction? Can you give your dog off leash freedom? If you answered NO to these questions, don't worry, you're not alone!
Recall can be easily taught, but can also be easy to get wrong! Additionally, under varying degrees of distraction, it can all too easily fall apart. If your dog chooses to ignore you while off leash, then what?
Building a solid relationship with your dog and training excellent foundational obedience are two of the keys to success for reliable recall. Layering in profound reinforcers into both training and play can enhance these two factors. How do you do this? That's what we're here for!
If you want reliable recall while your dog is off leash get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!


Not bad for 4 months old! 🀩
Following on from our last post, this is Xena, the XL Bully puppy, showing off her loose leash walking skills! 😎
So many things in this video make us happy. Her focus and engagement with her owner, the fact that she knows what's expected (you can see her get distracted by me filming, but stays on task!!), and that she's more than happy to be working, evident by her posture and wagging tail 😍
At only 4 months old she is a superstar in the making and her owner has just booked in more sessions to continue the excellent work that they're already doing under our guidance. 😁
If you want results like this for you and your puppy (or adult dog), get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today! 🐢

Xena back for round 3!This cute little chunk of XL Bully is doing so so well! Her owner came to us knowing full well wha...

Xena back for round 3!
This cute little chunk of XL Bully is doing so so well! Her owner came to us knowing full well what he'd gotten himself into, wanting to give Xena the best possible start and ensure she could enjoy the freedom all dogs deserve.
Following the training program we set out for them, she is focussed, obedient, and very enthusiastic! All credit to her owner, as this takes time and effort to achieve. More content of her progress to come 😎
If you want the same results for you and your dog, get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!


Mila and her owner.
This video may not look like anything special, but for Mila's owner, it means the world.
Before working with Beyond Dogs, this German Shepherd girl was very dog reactive, and would pull her owner down the street. This meant that Mila didn't get walked very often, as the whole experience was not enjoyable for either of them.
With some simple training routines to follow in the backyard, a couple of weeks of practice under our careful guidance, and using Huey our helper dog, you can see the results for yourself!
Yes, it's not perfect, but small steps forward every day, achievable goals and a clear plan make approaching big problems a lot easier!
If you want results like this or are struggling to walk your dog, get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Beautiful Mila back for a follow up This lovely German Shepherd girl has made some big improvements since we started wor...

Beautiful Mila back for a follow up
This lovely German Shepherd girl has made some big improvements since we started working together. After trying several other trainers, her owners reached out to us for help.
Mila, like a lot of German Shepherds, had some full on dog reactivity, making walking her a very stressful exercise for both dog and owner (sound familiar?).
So, we gave her owners a training program to work through that involved lots of engagement and training in their backyard. Our approach involves teaching the behaviours you want before adding in distractions or triggers.
Mila is now able to walk on a loose leash and understands that her job is to simply follow her owner around. This does NOT include reacting to the presence of other dogs. She can now confidently walk her without any pulling or reactivity! An amazing transformation.
If this sounds familiar and you want the same results, please get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Addressing reactivity with Alby and Wilber These pint sized Dachshunds definitely packed a punch. Alby (brown) needed he...

Addressing reactivity with Alby and Wilber
These pint sized Dachshunds definitely packed a punch. Alby (brown) needed help with excessive barking and reactivity at the front door. Wilber (blonde) needed help addressing his aggression towards other dogs (our client had been told to never take him out of the home again).
So where to start? Well, first the owners needed help understanding why the two dogs thought this was ok, and secondly how to address the behaviour. We also spent a significant amount of time teaching them how to train their dogs what they wanted to do instead. This gives you the ability to provide an alternative to unwanted behaviour.
Then, we got Huey our helper dog to help address their behaviour outside the home. These two needed another dog to tell them their behaviour was NOT ok. It's often far more efficient and long lasting when coming from another dog, rather than a person. I trust Huey and he did exactly what we needed him to 😍
If your dogs are aggressive or reactive and you've been told there's no fixing their behaviour.... Give the team at Beyond Dogs a call. We will help you or your money back!

Billie practicing place This gorgeous Weimaraner girl needed some help with her behaviour. Her owners were struggling to...

Billie practicing place
This gorgeous Weimaraner girl needed some help with her behaviour. Her owners were struggling to control her when guests arrived (she was very over-protective). They also needed help with her obedience as they had a baby on the way and couldn't walk her without getting hauled down the road.
We worked through some obedience drills in the backyard and attempted to play with her. As the session progressed, the root cause of the above behaviours started to become clear. She lacked self-confidence and had no idea how to manage her emotions.
During the session we spent time working through some confidence building games, while also helping our clients develop a routine to run through when someone arrived at the front door. With lots of homework assigned they now have a roadmap to success and we're looking forward to sharing their achievements in the coming weeks.
If you need help getting your dog's behaviour under control, please get in touch with the Beyond Dogs team today!

Zeus joins us for some private training This Husky x German Shepherd (one of Huey's younger brothers!!) is a real sweeth...

Zeus joins us for some private training
This Husky x German Shepherd (one of Huey's younger brothers!!) is a real sweetheart. Him and Huey are so similar, but also very different!
His owners were struggling to control him inside and outside the home. His obedience needed a tune up as they had a baby on the way πŸ‘ΆπŸΆ
We worked through obedience drills using different training methods and Zeus showed how much potential he has! We also worked through some loose leash walking drills and again he did so so well!
We left the owners feeling confident that they now knew what to do and how to connect with him, with lots of homework to work on, and a new sense of pride for their fur baby 😍
If you need help with your dog's obedience or are struggling to control them, please get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Zoltan & Zimba join our training program These big boys needed some help with their manners and their confidence. Their ...

Zoltan & Zimba join our training program
These big boys needed some help with their manners and their confidence. Their owner needed help controlling them too, because as you can imagine - that's a lot of dog!
Zoltan the Great Dane would get VERY over excited around guests, so we spent time working on obedience, in particular "place" training. He also had an incident with another dog when younger that has led to some fear based dog reactivity.
Zimba on the other hand, one of the biggest Ridgebacks we've worked with, lacked self-confidence and so we spent time getting him engaged and building enthusiasm through play. This allows us to put him out of his comfort zone and brings about progressive improvement!
Watch this space for updates on these two as we work to address all their behavioural issues. If this sounds familiar and your dogs could use some help with their manners, get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Mila back for a follow up session This beautiful German Shepherd girl has made some big improvements since our first ses...

Mila back for a follow up session
This beautiful German Shepherd girl has made some big improvements since our first session.
Her owner has done a great job of working through the training program we set out for them and they're now seeing the results of their consistency.
One of the biggest improvements was the reduction in her reactivity. This is a common problem and something we get asked to help with A LOT! Training is often the answer, particularly teaching your dog how you want them to walk with you.
If you need help training your dog, get in touch with us today to find out about our essential life skills training.

Big boy Cujo 😍This lovable Rottweiler boy was giving his owners a tough time. He was assigning himself a lot of jobs to ...

Big boy Cujo 😍
This lovable Rottweiler boy was giving his owners a tough time. He was assigning himself a lot of jobs to do. However, these jobs were not in line with what his owners wanted or needed from him.
We helped them outline some clear rules and boundaries for the big boy. We started with improving his basic obedience and giving him an outlet for his big Rottie energy.
We also worked intensively on some firm rules inside the home. He would often jump and bark at the door when people arrived (friend or foe) and made it very difficult to have people over. We gave the owners back control.
If your dog thinks it's their job to let guests in, jumps all over people, or barks uncontrollably, get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

Helping Lotti shine 🀩This bubbly Boxer girl was a lot of fun. Her owners needed help with her manners, both inside and o...

Helping Lotti shine 🀩
This bubbly Boxer girl was a lot of fun. Her owners needed help with her manners, both inside and outside of the home.
During the session we ran through a number of obedience drills to help improve Lotti's focus and change the way she perceived her relationship with her owners.
We also spent time playing with her. Play is such an underrated tool when it comes to interacting and training your dog. This does not include standing there like a ball throwing machine.....
If you would like to improve your relationship with your dog, get in touch with the team from Beyond Dogs today!

FLIRT POLES back in stock!A busy day at Beyond Dogs HQ today means that our handmade Flirt poles are back. We know some ...

FLIRT POLES back in stock!
A busy day at Beyond Dogs HQ today means that our handmade Flirt poles are back. We know some of you have been waiting for these and we appreciate your patience.
They are a great training tool and fun for dogs of all shapes, sizes and ages! All our dogs LOVE playing with them, even Huey 😝
For more information about any of the products and services we offer, please get in touch with the Beyond Dogs Team today.


Rocky showing off!
Here we're using our helper dogs Huey and Scout to add higher levels of distraction to the "heel" command.
Loose leash walking needs to be taught. We teach our dogs a series of criteria that go along with the command. Once the dog has a good understanding of the rules, we then add distraction and triggers to proof the obedience.
Rocky passes with flying colours! You can hear how impressed I am with him and his behaviour. When we first met he couldn't be with 20m of another dog without blowing up on leash.
If you want to teach your dog loose leash walking, get in touch with the Beyond Dogs Team today!

Rocky making big improvements!This regal German Shepherd boy has really impressed us with the progress he's made.When we...

Rocky making big improvements!
This regal German Shepherd boy has really impressed us with the progress he's made.
When we met he was aloof and VERY reactive. His owner has done an awesome job of following through with the training we set out for them. Consistency is key.
He is now a loose leash walking champion, is focused and obedient, and best of all - his reactivity is all but gone!
If this sounds all too familiar and you want a change, get results with the team at Beyond Dogs.

Follow up sessions with DustyThis cute Border Collie girl has made some big improvements since we first met. This sessio...

Follow up sessions with Dusty
This cute Border Collie girl has made some big improvements since we first met. This session focused on helping our clients smooth out some of the bumps and really foster that leader-follower relationship with Dusty.
We started with conditioning calm behaviours inside. This is incredibly powerful, especially if you want your dog to have a good understanding of what your expectations are while they are in the house.
We then worked through some loose leash walking. This can be tricky depending on what tools you're using to communicate with your dog. There are certain techniques that can make the difference between a walk being frustrating and tiresome, to an amazing loose leash walking experience!
Is your dog displaying behaviours you don't know how to deal with? Do you feel like you've tried everything? Get in touch with Beyond Dogs today and find out how we can help!

Vali you handsome devilThis big Golden Retriever boy is a real handful! He's got a lot of energy, a lot of attitude and ...

Vali you handsome devil
This big Golden Retriever boy is a real handful! He's got a lot of energy, a lot of attitude and demands a lot of attention. His owners were struggling to control him.
We helped them get back control. We took them through a number of obedience drills, utilising the power of play to tire him out, and worked through some loose leash walking.
He showed so much improvement in this first session we are looking forward to being a part of this journey and helping him and his owners change their relationship.
If you have lost control of your dog and you want to get it back, get in touch with Beyond Dogs today!

Your feedback really does mean the world!Sanjay came to us needing help. Odin is a big, BIG dog and they were really str...

Your feedback really does mean the world!
Sanjay came to us needing help. Odin is a big, BIG dog and they were really struggling to control him. All Odin needed was a bit of guidance and direction and Sanjay just needed to change the way they interacted with him to get instant results!
Our training programs are designed to empower YOU. To teach YOU how to train your dog! We continually go above and beyond for our clients and it's feedback like this that really make us smile.
If you need help with your dog, why not get in touch with us today to hear how we can get 5 star results for you!


Proofing Oatie's learning
Following on from yesterday's post, this is Oatie and her owner practicing loose leash walking in public. She's doing a great job!
We teach our dogs a series of criteria associated with the target behaviour (loose leash walking). This skill is trained under low levels of distraction. Once understood, distraction and triggers can be layered in.
Here one of our helper dogs, Huey, is providing added distraction. Previously, Oatie was over-excited around other dogs. Look at her now. Calm, engaged, walking beautifully on a loose leash!
If you want results like this, get in touch with Beyond Dogs today to find out how we can help you and your dog.

Oatie back to show off her improvement!This cute Koolie mix girl has been a challenging nut to crack. But consistency is...

Oatie back to show off her improvement!
This cute Koolie mix girl has been a challenging nut to crack. But consistency is key and her owner has done an amazing job!
This session focused on exposure, de-sensitisation and socialisation. These factors are incredibly important for proofing your obedience. They are a good test to see where your dog is at in their understanding of any learnt behaviours.
We focused on loose leash walking and eliminating her CRAZY reactivity towards bicycles. She has come such a long way and is continuing to improve with every session.
If your dog is reactive, regardless of the stimulus, please get in touch with us today and find out how we can help YOU get results!


Adelaide, SA


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