However you’re celebrating this long weekend, we hope you’re having good quality time with your favourite people and hounds 🐾🖤
💋The sweetest kisses Miss MaeMae #kaitiakidachshunds #puppykisses #longhairedchocolatepied #dachshundpuppy #radelaide #dackel #doxie
Always looking for lick-licks
Maeva-Mae and Molly the Boss #kaitiakidachshunds #dackel #doxie #sausagedogs #snags #minidachshund #longhairedchocolatepied #puppy #radelaide
Besties, even while he’s trying to snore 👃🏻💤
Water 💦 Babies………… Stinky, Muddy , Happy Water Babies #adelaidebreeeder #dackel #dachshundssouthaustralia #sausagedog #longhaired #smoothcoat #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppies #chocolate #kaitiakidachshunds #perfectpuppy #dachshundsofadelaide #blackandtan #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #sabreeder #dachshundsofradelaide #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #dachshundobsessed #puppiesofinstagram #furbaby #dachshundlife
Does your Sausage tap dance in their sleep? Little Maeva-Mae goes hard-out when she naps. We calling Nap tapping 🫶🏼#adelaidebreeeder #dackel #dachshundssouthaustralia #sausagedog #longhaired #smoothcoat #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppies #kaitiakidachshunds #perfectpuppy #dachshundsofadelaide #blackandtan #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #sabreeder #dachshundsofradelaide #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #dachshundobsessed #puppiesofinstagram #furbaby #dachshundlife
It’s been such a long time since we’ve posted - but these three scally’s are still here running a muck 🐾
🖤 Gentle, 🐾 fluffy, 🫶🏼 little long haired black and tan pointed doxie, ready to come home and cuddle with you from August 13th - Kaitiaki_Dachsunds Adelaide 🖤🐾
#adelaidebreeeder #dackel #dachshundssouthaustralia #sausagedog #longhaired #smoothcoat #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppies #avail #kaitiakidachshunds #perfectpuppy #dachshundsofadelaide #blackandtan #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #eoi #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #sabreeder #dachshundsofradelaide #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #dachshundobsessed #puppiesofinstagram #furbaby #dachshundlife
Kaitiaki_Dachsunds Adelaide 🖤🐾
#adelaidebreeeder #dackel #dachshundssouthaustralia #sausagedog #longhaired #smoothcoat #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppies #kaitiakidachshunds #perfectpuppy #dachshundsofadelaide #blackandtan #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #dapple #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #sabreeder #dachshundsofradelaide #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #dachshundobsessed #puppiesofinstagram #furbaby #dachshundlife
One Long haired Black and Tan baby boy waiting to come home to your place furever
🫶🏼 Kaitiaki Phinius (Phin)
avail from Aug 13
Two gorgeous long haired black and tan boys available from Aug 13th - DM us for EOI 🐾🖤🫶🏼
Such a patient soul 🫶🏼 Just a couple of dapples chewing their mummy’s ears.
Getting strong with treats - Master Marcelo preparing to be a Daddy again!
Puppies due soon! Dm EOI [
#dackel #dachshundssouthaustralia #sausagedog #longhaired #smoothcoat #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppies #kaitiakidachshunds #perfectpuppy #dachshundsofadelaide #blackandtan #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #dapple #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #sabreeder #dachshundsofradelaide #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #dachshundobsessed #puppiesofinstagram #furbaby #dachshundlife
The very very best of wishes and love from Kaitiaki Dachshunds - We sincerely hope everyone has had some time with those who are special to them. 🐾🖤
🖤🐾 We’ll just leave this here 🐾🖤
Tiny little hound dogs 🐾 Puppies due soon! Dm for EOI [
#dachsundpuppies #mistermarcelo #dachshundsofinstagram #doxiedog #sausagedog #goodgollymissmolly #dapple #chocolateandtandapple #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppieslookingforforeverhomes #blackandtan #puppies #kaitiakidachshunds #dachshundsofadelaide
#takingeoi #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #instadog #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #bestiesorlovers #puppiesofinstagram #furbabies #furbaby #dachshundlife ]
Never let size define you 🐾 Puppies due soon! Dm for EOI [
#dachsundpuppies #mistermarcelo #dachshundsofinstagram #doxiedog #sausagedog #goodgollymissmolly #dapple #chocolateandtandapple #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppieslookingforforeverhomes #blackandtan #puppies #kaitiakidachshunds #dachshundsofadelaide
#takingeoi #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #instadog #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #bestiesorlovers #puppiesofinstagram #furbabies #furbaby #dachshundlife ]
I miss your baby face 👶🏻 [
#dachsundpuppies #mistermarcelo#dachshundsofinstagram #doxiedog #sausagedog #goodgollymissmolly#dapple #chocolateandtandapple #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppieslookingforforeverhomes #blackandtan #aperfectpair #kaitiakidachshunds #dachshundsofadelaide
#radelaide #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #instadog #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #bestiesorlovers #puppiesofinstagram #furbabies #furbaby #dachshundlife]
Baby chatter v sleeping baby [
#dachsundpuppies #mistermarcelo#dachshundsofinstagram #doxiedog #sausagedog #goodgollymissmolly#dapple #chocolateandtandapple #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppieslookingforforeverhomes #blackandtan #aperfectpair #kaitiakidachshunds #dachshundsofadelaide
#radelaide #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #instadog #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #bestiesorlovers #puppiesofinstagram #furbabies #furbaby #dachshundlife]
Oh baby - sooooooo soft [
#dachsundpuppies #mistermarcelo#dachshundsofinstagram #doxiedog #sausagedog #goodgollymissmolly#dapple #chocolateandtandapple #dachshundlove #kaitiaki #puppieslookingforforeverhomes #blackandtan #aperfectpair #kaitiakidachshunds #dachshundsofadelaide
#radelaide #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #minidox #dogstagram #instadog #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #bestiesorlovers #puppiesofinstagram #furbabies #furbaby #dachshundlife]
Gimme gimme those slippers 😂 [
#dachshund #goodgollymissmolly #dachshundsofinstagram #sausagedog #dogsofinstagram #dapple #doxie #blackandtan #whatalady #dachshundlove #perfectpuppy #dachshundpuppy #littlewiener #dachshundsofadelaide #chocolateandtan
#radelaide #sausagedogcentral #minidachshund #doxiesofinstagram #kaitiakidachshunds #dogstagram #instadog #miniaturedachshund #puppylove #doxielove #truelove #puppiesofinstagram #furbabies #furbaby #dachshundlife]