SAODC offers invaluable foundation and life skills training for dogs and their carers.
We also provide pathways into trialling in Obedience, Rally and Tricks.
Over the coming months we will focus on trial teams, their successes and goals.
Today we acknowledge Graham & Peppa, a 5 year old Border Collie. They are a great team who, this year, have achieved their Rally Advanced title and 2 passes towards their Open Obedience title.
Dom & Harvey, another Border Collie, have had an amazing year in their first year of trialling. They have gained their Obedience CCD and Rally Advanced titles, Congratulations! Harvey also trains in Agility.
Helen & Riva, a 5 year old Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, have
have gained titles in CCD & Rally Advanced. Riva's favourite discipline is Scent Work, where she is working towards her Excellent title.
Let us know about your successes and challenges!