Alfresco dining 😁
We're heading into Autumn, but still having some really hot days. We're making the most of the cooler mornings and the puppies have been eating and playing outside.
I'm weaning them onto @Lyka mixed with goat's milk.
If you've not tried Lyka and fancy giving it a go, use the following code to receive 50% off your first box:
Lilly Pilly Way's Precious Holly x Karrah Creek Sunlit Fred
#Cobberdog #Cobberdogs #CobberdogPuppy #CobberdogPuppies #AustralianCobberdog #AustralianCobberdogs #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAuatralia #CobberdogBreeder #SunAndMoon #BuddyAndHollyCobberdogs #PlayTime #Weaning #PuppyFood #Lyka
Is there anything better than coming home to puppy cuddles?
Watching my children interact with the puppies has been so beautiful. After a day at school, Oscar loves hopping in with the puppies and enjoying some cuddles.
Lilly Pilly Way's Precious Holly x Karrah Creek Sunlit Fred
#Cobberdog #Cobberdogs #CobberdogPuppy #CobberdogPuppies #AustralianCobberdog #AustralianCobberdogs #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAuatralia #CobberdogBreeder #SunAndMoon #BuddyAndHollyCobberdogs #PlayTime #PuppyCuddles
The puppies explored overhead toys today 🤩
And whilst I sat with my cuppa I whipped up a tug toy from some fabric scraps (something I have a lot of 😬😄) which the puppies really enjoyed.
Lilly Pilly Way's Precious Holly x Karrah Creek Sunlit Fred
#Cobberdog #CobberdogPuppies #AustralianCobberdog #AustralianCobberdogs #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAuatralia #CobberdogBreeder #SunAndMoon #BuddyAndHollyCobberdogs #PlayTime #TugToy
Still here... just busy preparing for when Holly decides it's puppy time 😁
I'm not the most patient of people, so being busy is definitely helping with the waiting...😳
This space is now a great secure area for the dogs to play, and I can pootle or sit with a cuppa ☕
#HollyTheCobberdog #WhiskeyTheCobberdog #Cobberdog #Cobberdogs #CobberdogPuppy #CobberdogPuppies #CobberdogBreeder #WaitingPatiently #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAustralia #AustralianCobberdog
Holly looking beautiful and fluffy after a brush 😍
All ready to find some puddles 😂🤪
#HollyTheCobberdog #Cobberdog #Cobberdogs #CobberdogPuppy #CobberdogPuppies #CobberdogBreeder #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAustralia #AustralianCobberdog #Adelaide #DogGrooming #SlickerBrush #LowShedding #EmotionalSupport
Puppy Play Dates. 🎉 A fun and enriching way to socialize your furry friend.
I feel so blessed to have met Alana from @lillypillywayac She has been a great support and a font of knowledge as I have treaded through muddy paw prints.
This was one of our first play dates with Whiskey and Eden. Eden has just had a beautiful litter with @misty_creek_rose_acds Tug. Go check them out, they're gorgeous ❤
Active Dog Month - Day 11
Socialisation: Puppy play days provide valuable opportunities for young pups to interact with other dogs in a safe and supervised environment. This helps them learn important social skills, such as appropriate play behavior and communication, which are crucial for their development into well-adjusted adult dogs.
#WhiskeyTheCobberdog #EdenTheCobberdog #Cobberdogs #Cobberdog #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAustralia #CobberdogCapers #CobberdogPuppies #CobberdogPuppy
#PuppyPlaydate #PuppySocialisation #HappyPuppyPlay #PlayfulPuppies #PuppyFun #DogPlaydates #PuppySocial #PuppyFriends #PuppyBonding #PuppyJoy #PlaytimePuppies #PuppyParty #PuppyLove #PuppyPlaytime #PawsitivePlaydates #PuppyPalooza #PuppyPlayGroup #PlayfulPuppers #PuppyHappiness #PuppyPlayfulDays
While many envision dog walks as serene strolls through picturesque settings, the reality is that dogs are often more interested in the sensory exploration than the scenery. Dogs experience the world primarily through their sense of smell. They relish the opportunity to sniff and investigate new smells, which can be found in a variety of environments, from urban streets to wooded trails. So, rather than focusing solely on the idyllic nature of dog walks, it's important to understand that dogs derive great pleasure from the simple act of exploring new scents, regardless of the setting.
Active Dog Month - Day 10
#HollyTheCobberdog #WhiskeyTheCobberdog #Cobberdog #AustralianCobberdog #CobberdogsOfAdelaide #CobberdogsOfSouthAustralia #CobberdogPuppy
#DogWalks #SensoryExploration #CanineAdventure #SniffingJourney #NewSmells #DogSense #UrbanExploration #NatureTrail #DogLife #Walkies #DiscoveringScents #OutdoorAdventures #FurryExplorer #PawsomeWalks #DoggyDiscovery #TrailTails #ScenicSniffs #PupPerspective #CityPaws #BarkAndExplore
Sometimes all you need is your Buddy and a ball 😊🥎
Active April - Day 3
🌻Lilly Pilly Way Precious Holly🌻
🐾Tegans Southern Whiskey🐾
#whiskeythecobberdog #hollythecobberdog #buddyandhollycobberdogs #cobberdog #cobberdogs #cobberdogcapers #activeapril #activedogmonth #cobberdogpuppy #cobberdogpuppies #cobberdogbreeder #cobberdogsofadelaide #cobberdogsofsouthaustralia #cobberdogsofaustralia #australiancobberdog #acd
APRIL - Active dog month
Although it's not always easy for me to be active. I'm setting myself a little challenge to see if i can be active everyday with the dogs this month.
Inspire me with your ideas...
🌻Lilly Pilly Way Precious Holly🌻
#hollythecobberdog #buddyandhollycobberdogs #cobberdog #cobberdogs #cobberdogpuppy #cobberdogpuppies #cobberdogbreeder #cobberdogsofadelaide #cobberdogsofsouthaustralia #cobberdogaustralia #australiancobberdog #australiancobberdogsofinstagram #activeapril #lillypillyway #lpwcobberdogs
The eyes of the Cobberdog are often described as Soulful, Expressive & Human like.
Strong eye contact is a trait selected in breeding dogs. Having eye contact with your dog releases oxytocin, strengthening the bond you have together.
🐾Tegans Southern Whiskey🐾
🌻Lilly Pilly Ways Precious Holly🌻
#cobberdog #cobberdogs #cobberdogsofadelaide #cobberdogsofsouthauatralia #cobberdogsofaustralia #cobberdogpuppy #cobberdogpuppies #cobberdogbreeder #australiancobberdog #lillypillyway #lillypillywayac
Holly watches on, as the neighbour's dog barks.
She doesn't make a peep.
Although we're missing Holly, as she has a little "heat" holiday with my Mum and Dad, it has been interesting to observe how she has behaved in a new setting.
🌻Lilly Pilly Way's Precious Holly🌻
#hollythecobberdog #cobberdog #cobberdogs #cobberdogsofadelaide #cobberdogsofsouthauatralia #cobberdogsofaustralia #australiancobberdog #cobberdogpuppy #cobberdogpuppies #cobberdogbreeder #lillypillyway #lpwcobberdogs
Coco and I visited Holly today for a much needed play and cuddles.
She was so happy to see us, but was equally happy cuddling with Nannie and Grandad.
Not long now until Holly has her pre breeding examinations.
#cobberdog #cobberdogs #cobberdogsofadelaide #cobberdogsofsouthauatralia #cobberdogsofaustralia #australiancobberdog #cobberdogpuppy #cobberdogpuppies #cobberdogbreeder #pupppyplaytime #hollythecobberdog #lillypillyway #lpwcobberdogs @lillypillywayac