Welcome to the Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club! The club accepts all fully vaccinated dogs of different breed, age, size, shape, and personality! Our club is run by experienced and qualified instructors! We will teach you to train your dog in basic obedience to become a well mannered and socially accepted member of the community! You will learn to teach your dog how to;
-Stay on
-Come when called
-Walk quietly at your side
-Behave in the company of other dogs
-Train for obedience trials (if desired)
Your dog must be fully vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo. You will be required to provide your current vaccination certificate when joining and every year thereafter. Your dog should be fitted with a suitable slip-collar and a lead. These can be purchased in the club room if needed. There is a one off joining fee of $35. Yearly membership is $55 single and $65 for a family. No other fees are required once you are a member, attend as often as you like. Please note- the membership fee is reduced to half price to those new members joining after July 1st each year. Members are required to wear closed shoes when training. The Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club Inc. is an affiliated club of the South Australian Canine Association. Class Times
Sunday – New registrations received from 8:45am
9.00am – 9:30am: Puppies including First Day Induction Class , Grade 1
9:45am – 10:15am: Grade 2 & Grade 3
10.30am – 11:00: Grade 4 and Advanced and special needs