SuperDogs Positive Behavioural Training

SuperDogs Positive Behavioural Training Force free, relationship-based group training in Grange. Positive reinforcement dog training services. Group classes held at O'Halloran Hill & Grange.

In-home private training and behavioural consults.



The more emails we get and the more people we talk to about their dogs, the more often we see a complete disconnect as to what dog training is and can do and ultimately what sharing a life with a dog looks like.

Pet dog training should more accurately be called 'dog education' in my opinion. The connotations for 'training' suggests there is an end goal which there may be but one where once achieved we can stop the training. This isn't true. It's similar to weight loss goals. It's almost cruel that once you hit a certain weight you then have to carry on avoiding all the tasty things you enjoyed before losing the weight otherwise you will go back to your old habits and the weight will pile back on. The same is true for dog training. If you reach your a goal you have to maintain it. You can't simply stop doing the training and do what you did before otherwise the dog will fall back into their old habits as well.

Dog training is a life long education. Some dogs require more hands on work, others require more understanding and some will require more management to keep them and everyone else safe. It's a commitment. It should be an agreement knowing that when you bring a dog into your life, you will have to consistently and continually educate them throughout their life especially during the early years.

We get daily emails with people reporting 'problem' behaviours from their {usually 6 - 24 month old} dog. The 'problems' are always predictable normal dog behaviours. Digging, barking, jumping, growling, running, pulling, biting to name just a few.

Our challenge as dog trainers isn't necessarily training the dogs - it's helping owners understand their dogs better and setting realistic expectations. And this isn't the owners fault. Dog training is an unregulated industry and there is a lot of cruel optimism and guarantees that a lot of dog pros spout as a marketing strategy. Who doesn't want to hear that someone can guarantee and 'fix' their dog in one session?

Anything that sounds too good to be true, usually is and this is 100% the case with dog training. Dog training isn't so much about the dogs, it's much more about teaching humans how to understand and communicate with another species and this definitely cannot be achieved in one session. How many people have learned a new language in one session? Probably zero.

It's probably easier and even more accurate to think of pet dog training like this: Instead of thinking you are doing the training to eventually reach a perfectly obedient dog, which takes a lot of time and is VERY, VERY hard to achieve (How many dog trainers could say their dogs behave perfectly all the time?), think of it like you are doing the training to avoid the annoying or naughty stuff instead. Whenever clients come to us wanting help it's because the dog is doing something they don't want them to be doing. Once the dog has learned and practiced a behaviour for a long time that behaviour is stored nice and securely in their brains. Meaning it's learned. You can't unlearn the things you've learned. It would be great if we could just forget all the bad stuff that enters into our brains. But that's not how it works. That's why people struggle with PTSD. If only they could just forget. We can't and nor can our dogs.

So training is there to help prevent those bad and naughty behaviours resurfacing a lot of the time. We're dealing with habits. And there is no objective definition for a 'well behaved dog'. The 'well behaved' part is a human construct. Usually we simply consider a lack of behaviour well behaved. Or even worse we consider a shut down, scared dog well behaved. The amount of times we've been 'complimented' on how well behaved Sunny is to which we just smile and say 'she's just very scared'. It simply comes down to a complete lack of understanding.

And again that's what we need to help owners with. What is dog training, how do we do it and what can we expect to achieve.

Dog training is about developing habits for both humans and dogs. Dogs are learning all the time. Not just during that 1 hour class that you attend. Don't be one of those people that say 'they're great at training but as soon as we leave they drag me all over the place!'. We're educating them all the time. Just like kids. We can't expect them to do anything but behave like a dog. And if we don't like how they are behaving, that's where the training will come in to help.

If you enjoyed some of the basic obstacle fun during SuperDogs classes you will love this canine conditioning course (fo...

If you enjoyed some of the basic obstacle fun during SuperDogs classes you will love this canine conditioning course (for dogs 6-18months). Build confidence, physical fitness, skills and focus 🐢❀️

River and Archie completed Level 2 together today! They also enjoyed becoming best buds πŸ₯° Well done teams!! πŸŽ“πŸΎ

River and Archie completed Level 2 together today! They also enjoyed becoming best buds πŸ₯° Well done teams!! πŸŽ“πŸΎ

Somehow we managed two weeks of sunshine in a row for these lovely Level 1 graduates! β˜€οΈπŸ₯³πŸŽ“Well done Bruno, Che, Daisy, A...

Somehow we managed two weeks of sunshine in a row for these lovely Level 1 graduates! β˜€οΈπŸ₯³πŸŽ“
Well done Bruno, Che, Daisy, Alfie, Reggie and Jonty ❀️


No lessons today β˜”


β€œWhat breed of dog should I get?”

This is one of the most common questions we get asked! It plays a big part in the successful of addition of a dog to your family and it is a theme through our book. Breed matters. The journey starts here to perfectly match your next pet.

Truly understanding a breed's purpose and pairing it with your lifestyle can be difficult. The truth is, we too can struggle with this very same question!

3 years ago, we lost our beloved Australian Shepherd Ari. Since then, I’ve been researching and contemplating our next family pet. Ari was, to a lot of people, the perfect dog. He was extremely smart, holding the world record (in 2016) for most cued tricks in under a minute. He was connected, loved adventure and thrived on challenges. However, he wasn’t without his flaws. That intense, intuitive brain is fantastic for achieving high scores in dog sports, roles in movies, or impressing onlookers at a Dogs Day Out presentation, but makes it difficult for them to β€˜switch off’ and chill out around the home.

It was β€˜behind the scenes’ that Ari required the most focus and work to ensure he was confident and relaxed around home. I couldn’t count the amount of people that would meet Ari and ask for the breeders details, not fully understanding the enormous effort, patience, work and management that went in to maintaining this high drive, intelligent working dog in a suburban pet life (with Ryan and I both working full time).

I have looked into so many different breeds, from Bernese Mountain dog to papillon, border collie to Cavalier. Each is extremely different in energy levels, personality and smarts! I’m surrounded by high drive dogs (spaniels and Malinois) so the thought of a slightly less driven breed, like a Bernese Mountain dog or Cavalier is very attractive. These dogs still require a decent amount of exercise but not to the excessive mental and physical stimulation of a working breed.

I won’t lie, aesthetics is what initially attracts me to a breed. Surely it’s the same for most people?! Those Labrador eyes or soft retriever coat, that Staffy smile or a non-shedding coat.

But the function, practicality and suitability of a breed to your lifestyle HAS to be the FINAL DECIDING FACTOR.

I’m not sure a Bernese Mountain dog would be well suited to the warm climate we live in.

I’ve questioned the suitability of the papillon, Aussie Shepherd and border collie to a family with twin 3-year-olds.

I love cavies and, whilst this breed would be most suited to my current situation (stay at home mum with 3 kids), I would love to take on some jobs in a couple years, once all kids are at school and a Cavalier wouldn’t have enough fuel in the tank to sustain days in the field.

So, I’m still waiting. Waiting for the right time and waiting for the right breed. In the meantime, I’m researching and connecting with breeders and I’m scouting rescue sites, just in case the perfect match comes along.

How did you find your perfect match? Is there anything you would change about how you go about it?

Another Level 1 finished! Some very photogenic pooches and people 😍🐾 πŸŽ“ Well done Koda, Lily, Rocky and Buddy 🐢

Another Level 1 finished! Some very photogenic pooches and people 😍🐾 πŸŽ“ Well done Koda, Lily, Rocky and Buddy 🐢

Well done to Suzi, Teddy, Faf and Charlee, and your committed people for graduating Level 1. Can't wait to see these gor...

Well done to Suzi, Teddy, Faf and Charlee, and your committed people for graduating Level 1. Can't wait to see these gorgeous puppy faces back for more 😍🐾

Level 2 graduates in Grange 🐢 πŸŽ“πŸ’•

Level 2 graduates in Grange 🐢 πŸŽ“πŸ’•


8am class cancelled today β˜”
Later classes still going ahead at this stage 🐢

Lily, Nova and Houston graduated Level 2 with their committed people last week, well done teams! Looking forward to seei...

Lily, Nova and Houston graduated Level 2 with their committed people last week, well done teams! Looking forward to seeing you all again πŸΆπŸ…

The first Level 1 graduates of 2023! πŸŽ“Well done to Harley, Marcy, Eddie, Pluto, Frankie and their wonderful guardians 🐾❀...

The first Level 1 graduates of 2023! πŸŽ“
Well done to Harley, Marcy, Eddie, Pluto, Frankie and their wonderful guardians 🐾❀️


Wishing everyone a wonderful and love-filled end of year period, may 2023 bring you peace and joy πŸ’–

Upcoming classes beginning in January will be posted to our website before New Year and emails sent out to current enquiries.

We are looking forward to another year of supporting clients and their dogs to have strong and fulfilling relationships and fun lives together.

Congratulations to our last graduates for 2022 down South. Hope to see you all in the new year! πŸŽ‰

Congratulations to our last graduates for 2022 down South. Hope to see you all in the new year! πŸŽ‰

This lovely group are the last graduates in Grange for 2022. Well done all and I hope to see you in the new year πŸ˜πŸŽ„πŸΎ

This lovely group are the last graduates in Grange for 2022. Well done all and I hope to see you in the new year πŸ˜πŸŽ„πŸΎ


No classes in Grange today 🌧️
Have a great weekend! 🐾


Got a puppy under 12 months of age?

The University of Adelaide needs your help so we can learn more about what it’s like to live and raise these cute (and sometimes naughty!) little furballs!

If you are at least 18 years of age, understand English, and are currently the guardian of a puppy (a dog under the age of 12 months), and you acquired your puppy for companion purposes only, you can be part of our study. It’s completely anonymous and should only take you 20 minutes to complete. You can also withdraw at any stage if you wish.

This research will help us provide better and more effective support for future puppy owners and ultimately help more puppies stay in their homes and decrease rehoming rates. Now that’s a great project to be part of!

Have friends and family currently raising a puppy and might want to share their experience with us? Please share this post, tag them below, or share our survey link! The more the merrier!

Project title: When things get ruff: investigating stress in puppy guardians
(approval number: H-2022-189)

You can access the survey at:


We ❀️ puppy parkour for confidence and fitness πŸ’ͺ✨
Therapetics Canine Massage & Mobility conditioning classes have helped so much. Thanks Suzi!!


HAPPY MONDAY! Dogs are ❀️

Congratulations to our latest Level 1 grads in Grange, it was a joy to watch you all shine πŸŒžπŸΎπŸ’•πŸŽ“ Hope to see you all agai...

Congratulations to our latest Level 1 grads in Grange, it was a joy to watch you all shine πŸŒžπŸΎπŸ’•πŸŽ“ Hope to see you all again soon!!

Level 3 graduation πŸŽ‰πŸŽ“ So proud of this group and their dedication to connecting, learning and having fun together! Huge ...

Level 3 graduation πŸŽ‰πŸŽ“ So proud of this group and their dedication to connecting, learning and having fun together! Huge achievements all around πŸ‘
Well done Ruby, Bear, Walter, Finn and Louis 🐾❀️

Last weekend's wet graduation for Level 1 in Grange. Thank you everyone for sticking it out and well done on all your ef...

Last weekend's wet graduation for Level 1 in Grange. Thank you everyone for sticking it out and well done on all your efforts and progress! πŸ•πŸŽ“πŸ§€

Within 2 hours this morning I shouted over a howling gale πŸŒ€ enjoyed a gentle breeze in the sun β˜€οΈ and ran for cover in h...

Within 2 hours this morning I shouted over a howling gale πŸŒ€ enjoyed a gentle breeze in the sun β˜€οΈ and ran for cover in heavy rain πŸ’§ I don't know about you but I prefer my weather straightforward πŸ˜„

πŸ“·πŸΆ: Hazel the Husky x

Congratulations to our latest level 1 graduates! Not even the frosty Happy Valley conditions could hold them back!

Congratulations to our latest level 1 graduates! Not even the frosty Happy Valley conditions could hold them back!

Congratulations to these lovely Level 2 graduates! Some brilliant teamwork on display in this group. Excited to see you ...

Congratulations to these lovely Level 2 graduates! Some brilliant teamwork on display in this group. Excited to see you for Level 3 soon!!! πŸ˜πŸΆπŸ™Œ

Not only is your relationship so fundamentally important to both you and your dog, it underpins the training journey too...

Not only is your relationship so fundamentally important to both you and your dog, it underpins the training journey too!

Shiny new blog post!

We choose to have dogs in our homes, and therefore we choose to take care of them - not just their physical wellbeing, but their emotional health, too.

By taking attachment theory into account when we address behavior, we make a quantum shift in the quality of life for our dogs. When we do that, everybody wins.
Read the article and take the quiz to see if your favorite training technique is S.A.F.E. Then report back and let me know what you think! ❀️

Enjoy the Easter weekend everyone! No classes, see you on the 23rd 🫢🐢 Kevin the Griffon Bruxellois

Enjoy the Easter weekend everyone! No classes, see you on the 23rd 🫢

🐢 Kevin the Griffon Bruxellois

Congratulations to our latest Southern graduates! Hope to see you all soon πŸ•πŸŽ“πŸŽ‰

Congratulations to our latest Southern graduates! Hope to see you all soon πŸ•πŸŽ“πŸŽ‰

New puppy in your life? Lucky you! Get the best possible start for both of you with a top tier puppy course πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

New puppy in your life? Lucky you! Get the best possible start for both of you with a top tier puppy course πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Adelaide, SA


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