Here the team at Fussy Dog Treats we are declaring this year that every dog is a good dog! Now time for us to keep prepping on all those doggy treats for your beautiful pooches.
#dogchristmas #dogchristmasgifts #dogbiscuits #spoilyourdog #homemade #adelaide #smallfamilybuisness #gawlerranges #barossavalley
This gorgeous boy celebrated his first birthday yesterday. We loved being able to make him one of our large cakes which he lovingly shared with his big sister Maple. Happy birthday Moose!
#dogbiscuits #dogbirthday #dogcake #homemade #smallfamilybuisness #gawlerranges #barossavalley
We have had lots of people ask if they can add a extra name bone to their Christmas biscuit box, and the answer is yes! As a Christmas special you can add an extra large name bone to your biscuit box for just $3! Or if you would like to purchase a name bone by itself you can buy them for $5 per bone (please note colour or writing will vary from green, Red or brown without notice). Our gift boxes and bones are a great gift for the dogs in your life and a great little stocking stuffer.
Make sure you place your orders soon so you don't miss out!
Please go to our page to see more information about our biscuit box.
#dogchristmas #dogbiscuits #spoilyourdog #ilovemydog #barossavalley #gawlerranges #smallfamilybuisness
Does your pup having a barkday coming up that will be celebrated with other dogs? Well why not treat them all to there own iced treat! There are lots of different ones to choose from and they will be sure to get tails wagging.
#dogbirthday #dogtreats #dogbiscuits #barkday #homemade #adelaide #gawlerranges #barossavalley #smallfamilybuisness
We have been busy getting a cake ready for a very special pup. Base has been iced, now for the fun part..the decorating! Keep a look to see who this cake is for.
#dogcake #dogtreats #spoilyourdog #adelaide #homemade #smallfamilybuisness #gawlerranges #barossavalley
We love creating our toppers in all different colours, but it is nice to do a blue one after a few weeks of pinks!
#dogbirthday #dogcake #dogcaketopper #spoilyourdog #smallfamilybusiness #barossavalley #gawlerranges #homemade
Here is a bit of a sneak peak of a new product will soon be adding to our doggy birthday cakes. Cake toppers! We will have a range of toppers, some of which can even be personalised with names or age. We will also have different coloured glitter paper to choose from. After all, it's not a pawty until there is glitter. So stay tuned.
We have been busy in the kitchen today as we are starting to roll out all our Easter orders. How sure are these little bunny biscuits?! No artificial colours or flavours, and of course we use carob to ensure they are safe for your dogs.
#dogeaster #dogtreats #dogbiscuits #spoilyourdog #homemade #smallfamilybusiness #adelaide #gawlerbusiness
Who said a dog can't have their cake and eat it too?! This cake is going out tonight to a pup for his 1st birthday.