Another couple of groups completed their training in Denmark last week🐾
Well done teams! 😊
#yentrahversatiledogs #cornerstoneveterinaryhospital #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #imdtaustralia
Day 4 with th
Day 4 complete.
One more day before we sadly say ‘until next time’ to the amazing Ken Ramirez.
In our lunch break today we had a talk from the elephant zoo keepers.
Here we see their female elephant “Permai” doing some nose (aka trunk) work!
She is searching for an odour (coffee) that was placed in this section of the enclosure.
As soon as she enters the keepers cue her to ‘search’.
Her indicator, that she has found the odour, is her vocalising. She also flicks her ears forward at the same time, do you see it?
Watch how her body language and movement changes when she’s getting close to pinpointing the odour. 🥰
#perthzoo #kenramirez #alwayslearning #imdtaustralia #scentwork #enrichment