New Year New Pet? What is the best fit for your family and lifestyle!
Picking out a new member of your family can be a big decision, and one that should be done with a couple of considerations in mind listed below. ⬇️
🐛 Purpose: Is your new pet for companionship for yourself, your family, or another family pet? Some animals make better companions than others, and will be more suited to a household with young children and other pets. Introducing any new pets to other animals will take some time and planning to achieve a harmonious living situation
⛳️ Space: Each type of animal has unique space requirements whether it be cage or tank size, space outdoors to roam, or a combination of areas, to be fully enriched and exercised. This space may have certain requirements such as high fencing, shelters or bedding areas, or different types of substrate.
⚽️ Exercise and enrichment: How much time can you spend each day training, playing or exercising your pet? Certain animals, such as working breeds of dogs, will need a high level of exercise and enrichment to prevent them becoming bored and exhibiting problematic behaviour such as destruction of property, barking, or general anxiety.
💸 Cost: Most companion pets will require an initial schedule of vaccines, followed by an annual vaccination, as well as parasite control, food and treats, bedding and comforts, toys, grooming supplies, training classes, and unexpected vet bills. To prevent unwanted litter, sterilisation of your pet is recommended, which will have varying costs depending on animal size and type.
🤔 How do you choose? Make sure you research all of the needs of your potential pet to see what suits you best - there are many quizzes online to help like the ones below to find the best breed of dog!
👋 Ask your vet! If you are thinking of adding to your family, we would love to hear from you and can give advice on species, breeds, and other consideration to help find the best fit you for!