We had a great Working Equitation clinic at Elcho Park on Saturday. The focus for riders in session 1 was using turns to create bend rather than using the reins and legs to manipulate the horse.
We divide the training of the obstacles into two groups. Those that help with bending and those that help with straightening. Then we use both those groups of obstacles to increase suppleness and collection.
It is very easy for riders to see how classical dressage principles can be applied to the practical applications of Working Equitation. That is also why my dressage clinics run at Oakover Lodge are referred to as CDPA clinics (Classical Dressage Practically Applied). :D
Here's some video we shot with the Go Pro of Sammy doing turn around the forehand. Once you go past the "learning how to do it" you start to discover that mobilising the hindquarter & stabilising the forehand in TOF has huge advantages and works harmoniously with stabilising the hindquarters & mobilising the forehand in turn around the haunches.
Now this is a CANTER. 😃
Royal Argent BFD
(Rose D'Argent BFD x Royal Lyric BFD)
During last weeks rough weather young TB Salvatore had some float training. He was a little champion and in the lovely weather on Sunday he travelled off to his new home
Argie on a not so dusty track this morning.