Wow! What an experience. Our four NEGS representatives to compete at the Hainan Interschools Exchange have just returned from an absolutely amazing trip experiencing the people, the culture and the food of China.
The team consisting of Annabelle Dunlop, Ruby Holgate, Jasmine fleming and Charlotte Johnson all demonstrated their abilities and experience riding an eclectic mix of horses and ponies in several events. Only having a few minutes to get to know each of the horses was no problem for the international teams, and our girls were able to get the very best out of each horse that was allocated to us.
It was such a pleasure watching each NEGS student work out every horse and how it needed to be ridden giving it the best opportunity to perform when it mattered and perform they did, medalling in every event.
It was great fun battling it out for many of the medals with New Zealand and we were super impressed with the quality of the Chinese teams who gave both the NZ and the Aussie Teams a run for their money on many occasions gaining Silver in the 80cm teams event.
The Chinese riders have gone from strength to strength since I first went to China with an International Team several years ago which is a testament to the hard work China Pony Club coaches are putting into lifting the standards of Chinese riders. Equestrian is only a relatively new sport in China so it is taking time for clubs and riding centres at the foundation level to get the numbers to compete regularly but they have gone ahead in leaps and bounds in only a few years so the future looks bright.
Huge Thanks to China Pony Club and the Hainan Equestrian Academy for hosting us during the week. They went above and beyond to make sure we had a good time.
Finally we finished the tour with a few days touring the Island of Hainan, staying in a stunning resort in Sunya where we got to visit rainforest parks, heritage sites, and temples.
All of the Chinese people were incredibly kind and generous and were so much fun to be around. Certainly a trip we will never forget!