Here's my top tips for how to get the maximum benefit from your horse's massage or other body work treatments. These are the common factors that set clients apart who enjoy really significant progress in muscle health between sessions 💪 🐎 massage in itself is an amazing modality, but you can really turbocharge results by having a plan and great team.
#equusential #equinemassage #horsestretching #horsehealth #EquestrianLife #HorseWellness
This is my big baby girl, Ardilla. Well, she's nearly 7 😱 but she'll always be my baby as she's my first homebred. She's out of my heart horse clydie x Squirrel and by a purebred Andalusian.
Ardilla has unfortunately suffered 2 major paddock injuries in her young life that have seriously injured her neck and chest 😢 💔 the past almost year she has been unridden and under veterinary chiropractic care. Her next vet appointment is this week, so I'm hoping for good news🤞 Ardilla's rehab involves mobility exercises, lunging & stretching.
If you would like some inspiration on stretches you can do for your horse, please DM me the word STRETCH, and I will send the first 5 responders a free copy of my stretching guide. 😊 🐎 hopefully, building stretching into your routine can help your horse, too 🌟
#equusential #ardilla #equinemassage #horsestretching #carrotstretches #horserehab
As a decidedly non-confident weenie of a human, I have somehow managed to achieve a lot of things outside my comfort zone with my horses & running a successful small business in the horse industry..
Here's some tips that have helped me when I have a goal or something I really want to get better at... don't get me wrong, I still get imposter syndrome sometimes, but keep proving to myself what I am capable of achieving when I set my mind to it 💪 I hope they can help others!
1️⃣ *Set clear goals* - that scare you just a little. Define what success means to you, quantify it, and set a date for achieving it. Write it down. 🎯
2️⃣ *Make a Plan* - once you have your goal, write it in your calendar and work backwards with a written plan on how to achieve it, broken down into smaller steps 📝
3️⃣ *Positive Team* - surround yourself with a good support system to achieve your goals, including friends, family, and your coach. 🤗🐎 People who encourage you and don't make you feel incapable.
4️⃣ *Celebrate the small victories* towards achieving your goal. Personally, I like to pop a bottle 🍾 🥂 but it can be however you like to throw a mini party 🥳
5️⃣*Stay consistent*. Your plan should include regular check-ins to monitor progress. Daily action towards your goal can accumulate into bigger achievements. 💪
Remember, at the end of all this, it is OK if your goal might have stretched or changed, but you will have achieved so much towards it and your future ambition that you will have heaps to look back on and celebrate along the way. This then helps you to shape up for the next challenge. 🌟
#equusential #equestrian #smallbusiness #horseindustry #saddlefitter #bitfitter #EquineMassage #growthzone #womenownedbusiness
It's tough being such a handsome and v good golden child but i think Patrick has the gig nailed 🌟🐎😍
Comfy and secure in our @peter_horobin_saddlery Pilbara Fender saddle ❤️
#equusential #ashlynpatrick #buckskin #younghorse
What an incredible year! my first full year of saddle fitting, combined with my massage & bit- fitting it's been my busiest year yet in business. So grateful to be able to help countless horses & their owners across Gippsland ❤️🐎
#CapCut #equusential #equinemassage #saddlefitter #bitfitter #healthyhorses #equinebackhealth #peterhorobinsaddlery #alwaysstridefree
This is your sign from the universe to stop the guess work about the back health of your horse.
For years I struggled with issues with my mare's back. She was increasingly unsound, hated being saddled and had scars from bad saddle fit. I bought and sold numerous saddles that didn't fit her. I was really at a loss.
8 years on I've studied and work in equine massage therapy and saddle fitting. My mare's back health is vastly improved and in her 24th year and a foal later, she's still going strong and ridden regularly.
If you're like I was back in 2016: you're probably playing a guessing game of if your horse's back hurts, how badly it hurts, what you can and can't do with it and wondering if your saddle actually fits.
Let's take the mystique out of your horse's back health. Book a saddle-fitting or equine massage (or both)! to get started on understanding how comfortable is your horse's back. DM the word "BACK" for more information.
#equusential #equinebackhealth #saddlefit #equinemassage #horseprofessional #soreback #horsehealth #saddlefit4life #healingjourney #alwaysstridefree
Lake splash this morning was a bit windy & choppy, but horses, dogs & humans had fun 😁 ⛱️ 🌊 good workout for the horses, having to step over the little waves
#equusential #squirrel #zephyr #tinydog #tambobay #gippslandlakes
Well, that's a wrap on my first marquee event at the Cattlemens Get- together! Huge thank you to Trav (& Tiny) for helping me this weekend. It was a success! We chatted to so many lovely people!
#equusential #equinebackhealth #saddlefitting #bitfitter #EquineMassage #cattlemen #omeo #highcountry #horseevent
Here's a preview of some informative videos I'm doing for an exciting new project! This one is about gullet channel width and why it's an important check for saddle fit!
Oof, this is a tough one to accept! But I’ve been there! 😓
If you have a custom saddle with a fixed tree, there’s a chance your horse might outgrow it. As your horse gains muscle and repairs damaged tissue from previous ill-fitting saddles, the custom saddle can become too tight. Even a partially adjustable saddle can become the wrong shape as your horse builds muscle. This is especially true for saddles with an A-shaped gullet, which can quickly become a vice grip on the wither and shoulder. 😕
That’s why I prefer fully adjustable saddles. Make sure to have your saddle checked by a saddle fitter every 6-12 months or whenever you have concerns. Do your research and choose a fitter who understands how the saddle tree should support muscle development. 🐴
#Equusential #SaddleFitting #SaddleFit4Life #AlwaysStrideFree #EquineBackHealth #PeterHorobinSaddlery #DressageSaddle #SwingingFender #AustralianSaddlery #JumpingSaddle
Lovely afternoon at Randalwood, a great venue and company. Let's do it again soon, ladies!
#equusential #squirrel #horsefriends #mountaintrail #hearthorse❤️🐴