Haven't been doing much with the dogs lately but Jack was the lucky one who got to go find and bring back a handful of naughty escapees from my neighbours 400 acres the other day and walk them home up the mountain a couple of k; then he got to come out on the Polaris with me for a few hours yesterday checking and repairing fences where the wombats create new and inventive ways out for several of the craftier sheep, who seem to much prefer eating the nice lush pastures of Greenhills next door than the native bush grasses here (despite also getting fed lucerne or oaten hay twice a day plus pellets). Good level headed boy Jack also yarded them all up to help me check them and give them a shot before we return them to the bush tomorrow morning. Got about 50 new sheep recently (all shedding breed crosses) and they've been subjected to wild dogs so they are definitely NOT fans of being worked by dogs; and there were some challenging moments yesterday particularly with a big black ewe but Jack was the perfect dog to have as my offsider and got the job done.