Scratch and Sniff - Ballina & Yamba

Scratch and Sniff - Ballina & Yamba Holistic pet options for dogs and cats and accessories sourced from the Northern Rivers & Australia. Yamba store at 1A/4 Treelands Drive


Did you know that a dog’s wet nose is like a superpower? 🌟

The special mucus their nose secretes helps them catch and absorb scent chemicals better, enhancing their incredible sense of smell. 🐾

And when they lick their noses, they’re actually tasting those scents to understand them even more! It’s all part of how they explore the world. 🌍

Plus, that clear, watery fluid their noses produce also helps them cool down. Who knew a wet nose could do so much? 🐕


Does your dog experience hay fever or other environmental allergies? The natural treatments in this article can help alleviate discomfort and treat symptoms such as:

- Drippy, congested nose.
- Congested lungs.
- Runny, irritated eyes.
- Itchy, inflamed, irritated skin.
- Inflamed, irritated paws.

Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is caused by hypersensitiveness to e.g. mold spores and pollen from grasses, trees, wild flowers and weeds. Environmental allergies can also be caused by hypersensitivities to e.g. dust mites, insects, mold etc.

In this article:
1.0 Does Your Dog Have Hay Fever or Other Environmental Allergies?

2.0 Health Benefits of Raw Honey, Mullein, Nettle and Rooibos
2.1 Raw Honey
2.2 Mullein Leaf
2.3 Nettle Leaf (stinging nettle)
2.4 Rooibos Tea

3.0 How to Use Raw Honey, Mullein and Nettle
3.1 How to Use Raw Honey
3.2 How to Use Mullein Leaf and Nettle Leaf
3.2.1 Choose How You Want to Use Mullein and Nettle
3.2.2 Daily Dosage Guideline by Body Weight

4.0 Herb Infusion Recipes
4.1 Mullein Leaf Infusion
4.2 Nettle Leaf Infusion
4.3 Rooibos and Nettle Infusion

5.0 Herbal Paw Soak Recipes to Soothe and Help Heal
5.1 Himalayan Salt Soak
5.2 Calendula Tea Paw Soak
5.3 Rooibos Tea Paw Soak
5.4 Herbal Tea Paw Soaks
5.5 Natural Paw Soaks

Continue to the article here:

Karen Rosenfeld, Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Behaviorist

Holistic Diet, Nutrition, Wellness Services Tailored to Your Individual Dog and Cat

For information about my holistic diet, nutrition, wellness services visit my holistic wellness services page:

Maintain good health | Address acute and chronic health issues | Pre and post surgery support and recovery

My holistic wellness services are available worldwide via video consultation.

🌎 USA | Canada | UK | Europe | Australia | New Zealand | Asia | South and Central America | Africa | UAE

📱 FaceTime | Facebook | Skype | WhatsApp

To set-up your holistic wellness consultation get in-touch via email:

Holistic Behavioral Services For Your Dog

For information about my holistic behavioral services visit my behavioral services page:

For dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds

My holistic behavioral services are available locally in-person and worldwide via video session.

🌎 USA | Canada | UK | Europe | Australia | New Zealand | Asia | South and Central America | Africa | UAE

📱 FaceTime | Facebook | Skype | WhatsApp

To set-up your holistic behavioral session get in-touch via email:

Affiliations to Companies
✓ None.
✓ I don't sell food or supplements.
✓ I'm not aligned with any companies.

Article and graphics by Karen Rosenfeld, Holistic Practitioner

We are looking at getting our first order of Raw 4 Paws at the Ballina store on Tuesday the 20th August….we will be stoc...

We are looking at getting our first order of Raw 4 Paws at the Ballina store on Tuesday the 20th August….we will be stocking every protein available…plus the cat option. These will be available in 1kg and 1.6kg options…Only the Chicken and the turkey options include bone…all options include organs.

RAW 4 PAWS | Real Nutrition for Dogs & Cats

Our team of qualified pet nutritionists have combined a specific selection of nature’s ingredients to create the best quality, balanced, raw diet for your canine and feline friends.

Discover the range today ➡️

We have an Organic Paws order arriving on this Friday in Ballina.

We have an Organic Paws order arriving on this Friday in Ballina.


Just a little reminder to everyone of the importance of giving your dog or cat a regular raw bone as part of their diet.

Giving your dog a raw bone 2-3 times per week is nature’s solution to providing excellent dental care, proper digestion and they also contain a highly digestible and balanced source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. The same goes for cats however smaller sized appropriate bones like the tips of chicken wing cut up into smaller pieces if necessary, is ideal to add to their meal. You can also use our Chicken Rumps cut into smaller pieces with kitchen scissors.

Chewing on the right kind of raw bones is the equivalent of a good dental cleaning, it removes plaque build up and in turn helps prevent gum disease. When dogs chew on a meaty bone not only is it delicious and provides mental stimulation, it is also great exercise for the muscles of the jaw. Their front paws/legs and shoulders even get a bit of a workout when they are required to hold the bone down in order to tear off the meat.

Please do not be fooled into believing that feeding kibble cleans your pets teeth as this could not be further from the truth.

We have been able to get another brand of wood cat litter in store and still Australian made and owned Elite…that we can...

We have been able to get another brand of wood cat litter in store and still Australian made and owned Elite…that we can sell at a great price of $25 for 15kg


Hey guys!
Today, let's talk about something important for our beloved dog-family members—what they eat!
Have you ever heard of "prescription feed"? It sounds like a special kind of food, right? But let’s see what it really means and how it might affect our pets.

What's the Difference Between Feed and Food?
First, let’s understand the difference between “feed” and “food.” The AAFCO, which stands for the Association of American Feed Control Officials, helps decide what words mean in the world of pet food.

Feed is usually for animals like cows or chickens. It's made to give them just enough nutrients to grow big and strong.

Food is what we and our pets eat, and it should be healthy and tasty!

What is "Prescription Food"?
You might think its like medicine for pets. But, guess what? Think "Prescription Feed" It’s not! The name "Prescription Diet" is just a fancy way to make people think it’s special. There are no special medicines inside. The food companies who can afford to pay the immense registration fee, then they can register their food as a prescription diet. Each individual product costs over
$1,000,000 to register, with recurring annual fees of over $300,000
per product.

The Real Deal About Nutrition
Some people say all proteins are the same. They think protein from a cow's heart is the same as protein from corn husks. But many believe this isn't right. Real, healthy food comes from good sources, and it helps us and our pets feel better and stay healthy.

A Better Way to Feed Our Pets
Instead of buying expensive "prescription feed," why not try something different? Talking to a holistic or TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) veterinarian can be a good start. These vets see food as medicine. They can help us choose the right foods to help our pets heal and stay healthy. It’s like giving them a super tasty medicine made from nature!

Why It Matters

In her very thought provocative dog parenting book "Tender Paws: How Science-Based Parenting Can Transform Our Relationship with Dogs" Wendy Sunshine captured how I learned the hard way with my dog, Siggi, how important dog food is in helping with aggression: "Siggi was the first dog that led me to practice the holistic dog training I do today. Before, I only thought about obedience and training behaviors. Now, I look at everything, literally: food, sleeping, water, work, energy, exercise, emotions, environment, trauma, and attachment relationship. Everything’s considered, including my lifestyle, because that affects my dog’s environment too.

When we give our pets food that’s good for them, they feel happier and healthier. Plus, it’s better for our planet, too!
my dear colleague and don no harm advocate Linda Michaels MA writes in her book The Do No Harm Dog Training Handbook: "Feeding a Biologically Appropriate, Nutritionally Balanced Diet Feeding a truly nutritionally balanced diet requires selecting quality sources so that all essential vitamin, mineral, amino acid, macro and micronutrient requirements are met. A balanced diet requires a variety of healthy meats and veggies. Most vegetables and some fruits can and should be a part of your dog’s diet. For many pet parents, that means finding a few reliable brands and rotating between whole protein sources such as chicken, beef, and salmon, within and between brands. Transition between brands or protein sources over the course of a week or two, gradually adding the new food to the old. Continuously feeding the same food may create allergies and nutritional deficiencies."

So, next time you think about what your pet should eat, remember that healthy, natural food can be the best medicine of all!

Often the fresh Food Medicine is a better investment for your dog than investing to conglomerate's businesses.

Species appropriate diet is made of nature-appropriate resources.

For Book Worms:
The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook: Featuring the Hierarchy of Dog Needs

Tender Paws: How Science-Based Parenting Can Transform Our Relationship with Dogs

For Science Nerds:
Shurson, G. C. (2020). “what a waste”—can we improve sustainability of food animal production systems by recycling food waste streams into animal feed in an era of health, climate, and economic crises?. Sustainability, 12(17), 7071.

Patrick, J.S. (2006). Deconstructing the Regulatory Facade: Why Confused Consumers Feed their Pets Ring Dings and Krispy Kremes.

Ovca, A., Bulochova, V., Pirnat, T., & Evans, E.W. (2024). Risk perception and food safety practices among Slovenian pet owners: does raw meat feeding of pets make a difference? Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Jewel, D.E., & Jackson, M.I. (2023). Ensuring healthier pets through improved nutrient precision in pet foods. Open Access Government.

You Can Feed Healthy, - Fresh, - Restorative and Safe:


Resources for learning about and dealing with side effects associated with the use of the canine arthritis drug Librela (bedinvetmab) from Zoetis


👇 Myth or Fact? 👇

Contrary to popular belief, many adult cats are lactose intolerant & can't digest milk properly.

Feeding them milk can lead to diarrhea & upset stomach, however raw or fermented raw milk is a more digestible option (only if you know where your milk comes from!)

Some cats can also have food sensitivities to certain proteins, including fish & seafood.

There are plenty of myths out there that get confused for facts. Let us know if there is one you would like to share, so we can all find out if it is myth or fact!

Have a pawsome day! ❤🐾


🧐 A Must-Read for Dog Owners!

A recent study out of the UK has shed some light on what might be lurking in your dog's kibble, and it's definitely worth your attention.

Researchers examined the microbiological safety of 35 different types of dry dog food, both grain-included and grain-free. The findings? The grain-included foods were more likely to contain harmful bacteria like E. coli and coliforms, indicators of contamination. Luckily, no Salmonella was found in any of the samples.

So, what does this mean for your dog? While these bacteria don't always cause illness, they raise concerns about the quality of ingredients and the food production process. It’s a reminder to be mindful of what you’re feeding your dog and to choose products that prioritize safety and quality.

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one might not work for another.

👉 Dive into the full study here:


Do size and breed really influence the lifespan of dogs?

Companion dogs are one of the most phenotypically diverse species, with around 350 different breeds. Variability between breeds extends not only to appearance and behaviour, but also to longevity. Despite this fact, there has been little research devoted to assessing the variation in life expectancy between breeds or evaluating the potential for phylogenetic characterisation of longevity.

A new UK study analysed an enormous dataset of 584,734 unique dogs, including 284,734 deceased. The researchers presented variation in longevity estimates within the following parameters - parental lineage (purebred vs crossbreed), body size (large, medium, small), s*x, and cephalic index (brachycephalic/flat faced, mesocephalic/medium length and width head, and dolichocephalic/elongated head).

The 12 most popular breeds accounted for half of all purebred dogs. Average lifespan of some popular purebreds includes Labrador Retrievers with a median life expectancy of 13.1 years, Border Collies also averaged 13.1 years, Border Terriers 14.2 years, Bulldogs and French Bull dogs 9.8 years, whilst Mastiffs averaged 9 years.

The researchers found that small dog breeds with elongated noses, such as Whippets, generally live the longest, whilst medium-sized breeds with flat faces, such as Bulldogs, have the shortest lifespans.

Overall median survival for small sized breeds was 12.5 years, medium breeds 12.7 years, and large breeds 11.9 years. Variation was evident between pure and crossbred dogs, with purebreds living longer averaging 12.7 years, whilst median survival for crossbreds was 12.0 years.

The study found evidence linking breed longevity to domestication and artificial selection, providing evidence to inform discussions about health amongst breeds, which is potentially helpful for owners, breeders, policy makers and welfare organisations.


Packed in Ballina today… Duck wings, necks & feet. Turkey necks & meat. Venison diced, Lamb diced, Chicken chunks, Salmon mince


Some are here because they have a challenging dog at home and want to turn their experience into expertise, helping others facing similar issues.

Others are driven by a passion for a career in the animal industry. They see this course as a stepping stone towards becoming professional dog trainers, animal shelter workers, community educators or even starting their own pet-related businesses.

And then there are those who simply love dogs and want to challenge their brains by learning new information. They delight in understanding canine behaviour and mastering the skills needed to help dogs and their owners thrive.

No matter the motivation, everyone finds something valuable in our course. It's not just about training dogs—it's about shaping a rewarding career and sharing a passion for these amazing animals. Are you ready to start your journey with us?


Finally, we’re at a turning point in veterinary nutrition. ✨ Vets are the last group of formally trained medical professionals to still actively (and sometimes aggressively) promote the exclusive feeding of ultra-processed, pelleted food for a lifetime (birth to death), as a means to achieve longterm health. 🥺❓
This incongruent and unorthodox recommendation is a result of our nutrition education during veterinary medical school. As of now, every vet school around the world is endowed by a Big Pet Food brand, so their nutrition curriculum is funded, prepared and executed (taught) by the top (ultra-processed) pet food manufacturers (or faculty funded by them), so our future vets don’t have access to unbiased nutrition information. But our Next Generation vet students are asking more questions 💥; aren’t less processed, fresher foods healthier for all mammals? How does heat and extended, unregulated, storage temps affect added nutrients, flavorings, palatants and additives 🌡️? Where are all the synthetic nutrients coming from, and is anyone regulating safety? In the U.S., there’s no limit on the amount of copper and other minerals in pet food… and what happens when we feed excessive amounts in perpetuity?
While some vet med students may not feel nutrition is relevant to their future (see link in graphic), and some (correctly) feel they aren’t adequately prepared for the job ahead of them, we have a whole new generation of intelligent, inspired, and empowered veterinary students who actually understand all of these issues, and are moving forward with a clear sense of what needs to happen in veterinary hospitals around the world, but also what has to happen in the industry ☄️. The next generation of present-knowledge vets is here… let’s support the heck out of them❣️


Group Classes are going to start back up this week.

Thursday afternoons 3pm and 4pm

But also Wednesday afternoons 3pm and 4pm

I’m going to run them a little differently and for new people starting I want them to attend the first 2 lessons where we will cover foundations after that they can be selective about which weeks they come.

It’s important that people register with me beforehand if they are going to attend or not as the idea is to keep the classes in small groups so everyone gets the most out of it.

I’m going to develop 3 levels of classes - beginner, intermediate and advanced with obedience tests that need to be passed before you can move up to the next level with your dog. I think this will help to motivate people and set goals with their dogs.

For now the foundation classes will be on Wednesday 3pm and 4pm.

$20 per class

Please send me a msg if you would like to register for the classes.

Cheers Shayde

This article has some great information about quail and the benefits it offers especially for pets know to be sensitive ...

This article has some great information about quail and the benefits it offers especially for pets know to be sensitive or allergic to certain proteins…..for all those people using crocodile as an option, maybe you should look into considering quail. We stock fresh frozen human grade quail in our freezers that include the meat, bone and organs..a much suitable option over crocodile which inhibits high mercury and also it’s not a protein that dogs would typically be consuming. We also stock quail eggs as well,that also have many benefits and much lower fat than a chicken egg…plus suits pets allergic or reactive to chicken.

What is quail meat? Quail meat is the meat of quails, small birds from the pheasant family. Quails are mainly kept as farm animals in Asia, Africa and…

Being independent pet stores we can select and stock great quality and beneficial options for your pets health and well ...

Being independent pet stores we can select and stock great quality and beneficial options for your pets health and well being… and we also like to be supporting local businesses be that in the Northern Rivers or anywhere in Australia…

I came across recently Hello Paws who offer air dried quail treats and toppers, quail being not such a mass produced meat option, plus suiting many dogs and cats with allergies and intolerances.. I got in touch with these guys and they have sent out a heap of samples to try out at the Ballina store. So far our two dogs are loving the treats we tried, as we are looking at stocking a number of options in store to offer more variety for dogs and cats.


FOX 45 Investigates: Are 💉 Harmful to Our Pets?

Thousands of pet owners are raising concerns about 💉, claiming they lead to severe side effects like tumors, autoimmune diseases, and even c*ncer. Despite these alarming reports, most veterinarians maintain that 💉 are safe and not the cause.

Let's stay informed and always prioritize the health and well-being of our dog.

To read more click this link: #


Bagged up today in Ballina, Chicken hearts, Turkey, Lamb, Venison meat diced,
Buffalo liver & Heart


Packed today… Lamb brisket, Pork necks, Roo arms, Whole Quail,Lamb hearts, Duck wings, Turkey, Lamb, Venison & Emu meat

We have been stocking The Butchers Dog since August 2020 and was thrilled to find a pet food that aligned more with what...

We have been stocking The Butchers Dog since August 2020 and was thrilled to find a pet food that aligned more with what we are about and want to offer our customers in terms of quality a chunkier texture and less packaging.

But as The Butchers Dog has grown more they have scaled the business to the point where they will be stocking in Petbarn stores all over NSW. There has been a number of price increases, where we can’t compete with the big guys buying power as for our delivery costs coming up from Sydney.. So we have made the decision to no longer be stocking The Butchers Dog and what stock we have left now is the last we will have, until we bring in a new range of meals into our stores..

So stay tuned and keep an eye out in our freezers as there is about to be some more protein options coming and at an affordable price for everyone.


206 River Street
Ballina, NSW

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 1:30pm


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Our Story

Scratch and Sniff started as an Organic handmade treat business....sold at local markets and selected stores in the Northern Rivers since December 2013.

We then went about adding other product lines to the stall that kept to the philosophy of holistic and raw feeding foods and products for both dog and build the business into the two shop locations we have today Ballina, 206 River St opened February 2017 and Yamba, 3/72 Yamba Rd, opened March 2019....we also stock raw ready to go meals and meats,organs and bones for those wanting to make their pets meals from ‘Scratch’.

We are always looking out for other product options to bring into the business that are beneficial for your pets health and well-being and not typically found at other pet stores, vet clinics or the supermarket...that’s where Scratch and Sniff is more like a health food shop for dogs and cats.....Natural Health for your pet! We attend every 4th Sunday - Yamba Markets