I am at the RSPCA Animal Welfare Awards today to accept a bronze award for everything thats been thrown into the rescue and welfare of our poultry and roosters. I am so thankful for all of our nominations and having this opportunity. I am hopeful that this will give us the exposure we need to be able to hit the fast forward button with approvals and funding for the much needed development of the Baldivis land.
Look I got a video of our resident Duguite 🥰
Omg 😂😂😂 this Australorp has the best crow ever 🤣
Chookys getting used to their new pen 😍
Totally cut 😭😭 another trip to the vet ending in goodbye 💔
My home made No Pellet poultry mix is a real hit. I have noticed a huge difference in the health of my entire flock. I no longer use pellets, crumbles, chicken starter or grower crumble. The mix I am making consists of,
Crushed maize
Crushed lupins
Sunflower seeds
Meat meal and
Shell grit.
Its a complete diet for everyone.
Making it means I can alter the ingredients but at the moment there's no waste so I am super happy.
Fox just killed my beautiful Plymouth Rock Hen 😭😭😭
Yoghurt container donations please 😆 we need 10 for the holding pen auto feeders. First one I made is a huge success 🥰