Today's jobs, I'll start with last night. We had a call to a corrections facility in #ararat. A #tigersnake was found behind a bbq in the visitors area. On the way home, I drove past another tiger laying on the road, which I politely asked to move off into the bush. Those videos have been added to today's. Now, onto today's job list. We only caught one snake. Can you guess which of the jobs the snake was found at, it was a #easternbrownsnake
1. A snake sighted going under a deck area surrounded by a nice extensive veggie garden. The family kept a really good eye on the area. Snake last seen going under the deck. This was in #Guildford (between #dayelsford and #castlemaine)
2. A snake was seen in an enclosed glasshouse on a midbrick building. The patio area had been turned into a glasshouse. Lots of water around for a snake. This was located near #creswick. The doors were closed, but had not been seen for some time. There were gaps between the glass and the brickwork.
3. A snake was seen in a patio area in #barkerscreek. It headed off in the direction of the garage, over a decade walkway. It was assumed to have gone under the decking (seen in the video). We first checked the garage, then We took a few boards off to minimise damage and used our inspection camera to look.
Some other calls we had today. We had a call for a caravan park in #hallsgap. A guest saw a snake go under one of the portables. But no staff member had seen it. We were on our way there when one of the other jobs called us. We called the caravan park for an update. They had a few people looking for it, but had not found it, so said it was ok for us to go to another job where they knew where the snake was.
We also had a slightly humerus one in #stawell. Someone was using the outside toilet built into the woodshed, when a snake popped in under the door, flicked its tongue a few times, then went back out. suffice to say, not impressed. Ha ha. It was assumed to have gone into the wood shed. A discu
Not only did we have a lot of jobs today, each one was really interesting and unique (in my opinion). Let me know if you thought so too. Number three should be a good reminder.
1. A #copperhead was found a little south of #ballarat near #meredith. This snake was swimming in a pond in someone's garden. We also found its skin by another pond that is dried up.
2. An #easternbrownsnake near #talbot. This snake was found in a shed, it had gotten itself tangled in some netting and ropes. Thankfully it was spotted before it got too hot.
3. A #tigersnake in #beaufort. This little snake was found under a wheelie bin. Look at the photo in the video where it was found. What can you see wrong and why? We have talked about this before. Let me know in the comments what you think needs to change.
4. Another #brownsnake. This time in #maryborough . Last year we attended this property where we had to euthanise a snake that was stuck in a wall and had been chewed on by a dog. This time, another snake, chased by the dog. And ended up in a very similar spot as last year. In the video I talk about where it was seen, and where we found it. It was only found because of our attention to detail. It was last seen climbing into a raised bed, but by the time they got back from putting the dogs idea where it had gone. I pulled the obvious stuff apart. But then noticed a tiny little
Edit*** 5. Sitting down the eat my home made peri peri for dinner when the phone rings. A prison in the #ararat area had a #tigersnake behind a bbq in the visitors area. On the way to the job I thought I saw another snake on the road, on my way back I went to confirm. Yep, another tigersnake laying on the road. Not injured, just hanging out. So I encouraged it to move off into the bush on the side of the road. I'll add both those videos to tomorrows.
If you need a snake catcher, call us on 0490 415 734 or find us at, but don't forget to like and follow our page
Back to school soon...***in my mind singing the Billy Madison song***
This post isn't to insight any fear, but just a reminder to be safe.
Anyways, some important things you should keep in mind, especially if you have children going back to school, or work at a school. Over the school holidays, we have had numerous calls from the general public about snake sightings on school grounds. Some schools have been dormant for over a month now. This means wildlife such as snakes will find school grounds quite safe. The next few weeks, historically, we often get an influx of calls from schools as it takes time for the now comfortable snakes and lizards to move on to less humany locations. Be careful in bathrooms, be careful in sports sheds, be careful in gardens, be careful around water fountains, be careful around retaining walls. Be careful under steps, be careful on narrow Pathways. Remind your children to use their eyes.
A basic education video we made a while ago about how snakes can enter your house
If a student sees a snake, it's important to step back to a safe distance and call out for a teacher, or send a friend to get a teacher to come and take over.
If you need a snake catcher, call us on 0490 415 734 or find us at, but don't forget to like and follow our page for regular information #australia
A #tigersnake from #dayelsford today, and a gap under a door that a snake for into a house
Lots and lots and lots of jobs today :) as always, have a read. Did you learn anything? Let us know in the comments.
1. A snake in #muckleford between #newstead and #maldon (sort of). This really nice barn style house has a garage built into it, Beautiful barn doors, I think I'm in love. Ha ha. Anyways, the occupant of the house went to get in the car when they saw a snake between the car and the door. They went back inside and called us. We asked them to watch the barn doors, as it's likely that's how it's gotten in, it may leave that way. Unfortunately, they weren't comfortable doing that. When we arrived, we searched the garage, searched behind boxes, cupboards, a couch, everywhere. No snake, but as suspected, there was a big gap under the door. It had left the way it came in...why was it in there though? Well, two potential reasons, 1. It was cool in there, it gets too hot outside sometimes for snakes and a cool concrete floor is very attractive. 2. They had a bin full of chaff for their horses on there, whilst we didn't see any sign of mice, it's possible there are mice, and that attracted the snake inside. We continued our search outside, but no snake was able to be located. It definitely pays sometimes to try and overcome your fear and watch.
2. Off to #mountfranklin, a few days ago a snake was spotted going down a hole in a chicken coop. Those followers who have been reading along for a long time will already know that coops means snakes are inevitable. They wanted us to come out to check out the situation. We put our camera down the hole, the snake was not home, so we filled in. We also fixed a few other issues for them, nesting box off the ground, water and feed in the middle of the yard...things like that. We have a detailed education video on this topic that's worth a watch.
3. A #tigersnake in #hepburn #hepburnsprings. This snake was fleeing two dogs, it fled into an enclosed patio area, where we found it behind some stuff that had been stored in a c
Another interesting day, I bet I can guess everyone's favourite job from today, but before I jump the gun, I'll let you tell me yours in the comments.
1. A bank in #castlemaine had a snake in the oddest location, an overhead light above the teller. It was in the case holding the two glass tubes with a frosted cover When we arrived, it was 16ft in the air. I was told there was a ladder but there was no ladder, so I had to improvise. Good thing I have a camera snake. I was able to slip it in to grab some images. No snake, the electrical cable running to the lights had slipped and was partially laying on the frosted cover...that's all it was. But, better safe than sorry. Crisis averted.
2. A #redbelliedblacksnake in #stawell. It had been seen going under the house two hours prior. When spotted, the human went inside, and by the time they came back out it was gone. They assumed it had gone under the house. Over the phone I explained the potential of us finding him...he may not even be on the property any more. For peace of mind, they still wanted us to come out to check, they were concerned about one of their dogs in particular, so wanted to be sure. When we arrived we looked under the house, no snake, nothing to hide under, very clear. We performed an extensive search of the gardens, looking under pots, in bushes, behind sheds, everywhere. No snake at that time. The snake could have gone under the housez and then through the fence to next door...or...more likely, gone along the house to the nature strip, then across the road to the bushland adjacent. In these situations, we can only give you peace of mind that there is no snake there NOW, tomorrow is a different situation. This is where part two comes in. Giving advice for the property in general, we noted a few hazards and ways they can improve things. It's never a waste of our time if we don't find the snake, a lot of the timez people find value in our thoroughness when it comes to advice tailored to you
Another interesting day, I bet I can guess everyone's favourite job from today, but before I jump the gun, I'll let you tell me yours in the comments.
1. A bank in #castlemaine had a snake in the oddest location, an overhead light above the teller. It was in the case holding the two glass tubes with a frosted cover When we arrived, it was 16ft in the air. I was told there was a ladder but there was no ladder, so I had to improvise. Good thing I have a camera snake. I was able to slip it in to grab some images. No snake, the electrical cable running to the lights had slipped and was partially laying on the frosted cover...that's all it was. But, better safe than sorry. Crisis averted.
2. A #redbelliedblacksnake in #stawell. It had been seen going under the house two hours prior. When spotted, the human went inside, and by the time they came back out it was gone. They assumed it had gone under the house. Over the phone I explained the potential of us finding him...he may not even be on the property any more. For peace of mind, they still wanted us to come out to check, they were concerned about one of their dogs in particular, so wanted to be sure. When we arrived we looked under the house, no snake, nothing to hide under, very clear. We performed an extensive search of the gardens, looking under pots, in bushes, behind sheds, everywhere. No snake at that time. The snake could have gone under the housez and then through the fence to next door...or...more likely, gone along the house to the nature strip, then across the road to the bushland adjacent. In these situations, we can only give you peace of mind that there is no snake there NOW, tomorrow is a different situation. This is where part two comes in. Giving advice for the property in general, we noted a few hazards and ways they can improve things. It's never a waste of our time if we don't find the snake, a lot of the timez people find value in our thoroughness when it comes to advice tailored to you
Today's three jobs, plus some other stuff...have a read and feel free to discuss in the comments.
1. A #tigersnake in #hepburn #daylesford. This snake was in someone's hallway. They had one inside last week where they were able to relocate it themselves, today they weren't as confident so called us. We found it behind a wardrobe, but also found a hole in the floor where it could have come in from. It could also have come in under the door too, as there was a big gap there.
2. An #easternbrownsnake between #maryborough and #clunes. This snake was seen going into a garden bed alongside the house. I was assured that it could not get out of the garden bed. When we arrived it was not in the garden bed, but I did find it not too far along under some empty boxes in the carport.
3. Another #brownsnake in #starnaud this little snake was found under a paver used as a front step to the house. It had been raised up using gravel that had started washing away. We suggested something more permanent as a replacement.
We also had a job yesterday in #castlemaine, but no video yesterday as we didn't catch it. This snake was actually seen the day before, and then yesterday it was back, discovered under the lid of a water meter, it then moved under a lomandra along the side of the house. That's where it was, when we arrived, it was not there, so an extensive search of the property took place, which also led to the vacant block next door and a garden across the road. Alas, no snake to be found. Where it was last seen there was a drain pipe, so potentially went down there too.
If you need a snake catcher, call us on 0490 415 734 or find us at, but don't forget to like and follow our page for regular information #australia
Today's three jobs, plus some other stuff...have a read and feel free to discuss in the comments.
1. A #tigersnake in #hepburn #daylesford. This snake was in someone's hallway. They had one inside last week where they were able to relocate it themselves, today they weren't as confident so called us. We found it behind a wardrobe, but also found a hole in the floor where it could have come in from. It could also have come in under the door too, as there was a big gap there.
2. An #easternbrownsnake between #maryborough and #clunes. This snake was seen going into a garden bed alongside the house. I was assured that it could not get out of the garden bed. When we arrived it was not in the garden bed, but I did find it not too far along under some empty boxes in the carport.
3. Another #brownsnake in #starnaud this little snake was found under a paver used as a front step to the house. It had been raised up using gravel that had started washing away. We suggested something more permanent as a replacement.
We also had a job yesterday in #castlemaine, but no video yesterday as we didn't catch it. This snake was actually seen the day before, and then yesterday it was back, discovered under the lid of a water meter, it then moved under a lomandra along the side of the house. That's where it was, when we arrived, it was not there, so an extensive search of the property took place, which also led to the vacant block next door and a garden across the road. Alas, no snake to be found. Where it was last seen there was a drain pipe, so potentially went down there too.
If you need a snake catcher, call us on 0490 415 734 or find us at, but don't forget to like and follow our page for regular information #australia
Today we had two seems like we are having a run of two this week. Our first came from a house in #hepburn #daylesford. This magnificent #tigerssnake seen in this video was found under a box used to store fire wood ... This box was kept by the door onto the balcony, where the outdoor entertaining area is. A very heavy traffic area. We aren't using firewood atm, these boxes, and all firewood should be moved away from the house this time of the year. They make a good place for frogs and lizards, and that's good for snakes. Also, seeing as they are undesturbed for a good few months, come autumn, it may make an attractive place for a snake to set up for winter...this goes for all fire wood piles, making it a good idea not to store firewood by your house, bring over an amount you will burn over a few days only in winter.
Our second job was in #meredith. We were called yesterday, when the dog was seen shaking the snake and it fled into some rocks. The dog is ok after a vet checkup. Well, this afternoon, the snake was back, a few boulders further along. It was seen popping out of two separate holes around one. We were called out to inspect closer...we put our inspection camera down but couldn't see anything of use, so out with the shovels. Excavating around one big boulder where we discovered the tunnel going behind. Again we checked with the camera, but no good. We went around the other side of the boulder and started digging, only to reveal the tunnel goes behind the next boulder too. Time to try some water, and what we discovered, the tunnel looks to go behind all the boulders, about 20-30m of them. And these are boulders needing machinery to move. Alas, we won't be able to get this snake unless we get lucky when it comes out and it goes to a specific area. We offered some advice in terms of maintenance that should help make the family safe. After the few hours of digging, we had a bbq with family which was really delicious. But then the phone rang again so he
Today we had two jobs, but lots of other calls that didn't require our attention. Some lessons perhaps? Let us know your thoughts.
1. An #easternbrownsnake in #talbot near #maryborough for those who don't know. This snake found itself trapped in someone's backyard. It was doing laps trying to find a way out. Surely, if it got in, it can get out. The yard had been snake proofed previously, so I suspect the snake had climbed something and dropped in over the fence, unable to get back out.
2. A #lowlandscopperhead in #ballarat. This snake was seen going under some blue stones which make up the garden edging, but also against a brick wall. When we arrived, the snake had not made another appearance, so under the bluestone it must be, lifted the stone it was seen going under, but there wasn't even any room under the stone for a snake. I believe, a trick of the light, the snake went in the crack between the rock and the wall, made it look like it was going under, when it went through into the garden bed. We searched further but no luck finding the snake.
Some other calls we received. In #castlemaine, someone saw their dog shaking a snake. They yelled, and the dog dropped the snake, where it fled into an area of boulders and long grass. When we got the call, we told them to contact the vet immediately, which they did, last we heard, the dog is ok. But talking to the family, they are obviously concerned, and the snake is probably also injured, and they have young kids that play in the area. We offered a few suggestions. We can come out and move the boulders, we may or may not find the snake (as they weren't sure exactly where it had gone, and being on 2 acres, it may not even be in that garden). Or. Keep an eye on the area, see if it shows up again in the next hour or so. Or, have a closer look at the area, identify some holes, might find some blood, something to indicate where the snake is. We always give people options moving forward. What makes you and your family feel
Hey everybody!!!
Today was more relaxing than normal, but we still had two jobs and a few other calls. Read the list and hopefully you learn something new.
1. Our first call came in this morning for #willaura. A few weeks ago they had a #tigersnake in their laundry/bathroom extension. Last night whilst going to the bathroom, they noticed some odd mess on the floor and immediately jumped to the thinking... she went to stay at her grandson's house. In the morning, the grandson comes over to check it out and finds something sticking out of a wall, but wasn't confident enough to get much closer. He decided to call me. Whilst on the phone he sent me a photo, at that point it had been about twenty minutes since it was found, it had not moved. The photo wasn't really much to go by, zooming in made it blurry, but I could make something out, definitely reptilian, but definitely no longer alive. Also, what had made that mess? They were concerned it was snake poo. They decided to get us out to check out the situation. When we arrived, it turned out to be a mummified frog. Unfortunately, the poo had been cleaned up by the time we arrived, and all that was left was a brown dried stain on a cupboard and floor, I confirmed that it wasn't snake related (poo wise) but I still have no idea what it would be from, it appears like something splashed there and dried leaving a dusty mark. Good news though, we were able to identify three or four gaps in the area that the previous snake could have used to enter. We also found a few other improvements around the property for her safety which her grandson will put into action :)
2. A #copperhead in #creswick. This snake was seen going into a 30m row of agapanthus of my existence. Thankfully, when I arrived, it had come out and was laying on the driveway waiting for me.
We also had a few other calls, one for #ballarat where a neighbour saw an #easternbrownsnake going under a fence, but no one had seen it since, so