Update: A highly pathogenic strain has been found. Please go onto the Agriculture Victoria page for the latest information
With Avian Influenza being found in Victoria, this is the perfect time to look at biosecurity.
Please contact a veterinarian if you have sick and dying birds. This is about protecting everyone!
Whether you're a commercial producer, or only keep a few chickens in your backyard, good biosecurity practices protect you and your birds from disease.
1. Where possible, restrict contact between your birds and wild birds
2. Keep poultry sheds, yards, aviaries, and equipment clean
3. Limit visitors to your birds and wear clean footwear
4. Always wash your hands before and after handling birds or eggs
5. Isolate new birds before integrating with existing birds
Visit: https://brnw.ch/21wK0JR Learn more: https://brnw.ch/21wK0JT
On rare occasions, some strains of Avian Influenza (AI) virus can infect and cause disease in humans.
AI viruses infect people following close contact with infected poultry and other bird species, or through contact with contaminated feathers, faeces or other waste from poultry or bird facilities.
For information on AI visit: https://brnw.ch/21wK0JQ
☎️ If you see unusual signs of disease or suspect an exotic disease in your poultry, immediately call your veterinarian, an LLS District Vet https://brnw.ch/21wK0JS or the Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Hotline 1800 675 888.
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