Brief update on the enclosure display plates!
They're literally being cut as I type this, and I'm pretty happy with them!
Check out this short video on the first few to go through :)
Keep your eyes peeled, tomorrow I'll be uploading the **17** designs I've done thus far, with many more to come! And I'll finally have prices for anyone interested!
Just wanted to share this cute little video. These are some of our first home bred rats!
In case you hadn't seen our prior post, we've decided to start breeding our own rats and mice. Why? Because I want to ensure that our feeders have had good, humane lives. I provide these guys with with adequate space, bedding, toys, and enrichment for them to engage with, rather than these intelligent, beautiful little critters being kept in a generally overcrowded tub with zero enrichment. (Note. This is a tub I used just for the video, they live with their mums in 90cm x 55cm x 80cm enclosures)
These little cuties will actually be going for pet homes, as I don't need rats any time soon. We have 17 at the moment, not quite old enough to leave their mummas yet though.
Laser cut finger grips
Here's an example of engraving then cutting some of the finger grips with the laser :)
Dinner time for Draco
Following the photos yesterday of the pure jungle pythons Draco and Rogue, I thought we'd share a quick time lapse of Draco swallowing his rat for dinner! I think its time to bump him up to medium rats next time, so I might feed two at a time next feed :)
Soldering ventilation holes into plastic hatchling tubs
For newbies with Antaresia or other hatchies asking about housing... I Just thought I'd share this quick dodgy video of using a soldering iron to melt holes in plastic hatchy tubs. I like the soldering iron as it leaves smoother edges and doesnt crack the plastic.
These are to go into a rack system, 5L Quadrant branded tubs for Antaresia. Yes i know the holes dont line up but im doing so many i dont care so long as there are an equal number of holes/ventilation for each tub.
Apologies for the dodgy video, I had to prop my phone as I had noone to video for me, and then dad started the angle grinder in the distance!