Annie became exhausted watching Zuske being ridden this afternoon that she had to lay down and have a sleep. It’s tiring work cooking a little baby inside (even though she’s only 73 days along 😂) Zuske had to make sure she was ok before we were allowed to go and take her gear off. And get a squirt in there too 🙄
It’s a very humid day today waiting for the rain to arrive. So it didn’t take Arwen long to discover it is much nicer in the car under the air conditioner than outside. Shes a clever cookie this one with personality +
Annie sure puts those pregnancy hormones to good use 😂👹😈 Varlia knows not to go anywhere near that back end with Annie’s lightning fast ninja kicks
This is the best Christmas present ❤️ this angry hormonal tail swishing means our little blob is still cooking away in there. Annie likes to make her opinions known in whatever way she can 🫢
I have missed riding so much ❤️🐴 Words can’t describe how much I love this mare who didn’t have many hours on the clock when she took up mum duties 3 years ago. Proof now I can just pull her out of the paddock, jump on and go 🖤🖤 #kfpsroyalfriesian #friesianhorse #equestrianlife #equestrian #lovemylife #farmlife #equine #equinelife
The look on Varlia’s face when she realised her favourite Aunty Annie was home 🖤
Arwen loves her big uncle Ydwer. And being in different paddocks definitely isn’t going to stop her from annoying him over the fence
Apparently the girls were feeling so amazing today after a chiro session and a bath that Varlia forgot to put her legs in 4wd and went splat 😬🤦♀️😂 she wasn’t hurt but her pride was and came sulking up to me knowing I got it on camera 😂
You know it’s a good scratch when the camel face comes out 🤣 #friesian #friesianhorse #CamelFace #thatsthespot #equine #equestrianlife
Here comes the ‘everything goes in my mouth’ stage. Her face going from “Hey mum watch me!!” to “oh crap sorry” cracks me up every time. If only they could talk.
Desensitising disguised as fun
Saturday arvo shenanigans to help create a sound minded and playful kidlet.
Float training
First time being introduced to the scary float and seeing it up close. Managed to get her on quite quickly being led on with mum on board as encouragement. Then I let them loose to do whatever and it resulted in Varlia and Arwen fighting over who got to play in the metal box first 😂 It’s just another play toy to them