Vaccination injury is real!
I have treated significant numbers of pets over my 30 years in practice who have 'never been the same since' a vaccination.
The fact that many of these vaccinations were completely unnecessary, as the animals had strong protection from previous vaccinations, is salt in the wound.
The fact that more than a few of the human guardians of these vaccine-injured pets were pressured into re-vaccinating their pets by vets (who, let's be kind, have never been taught the truth about vaccinations in pets), is frankly disturbing.
Before I dig into what vaccination injury is, how vaccines cause it, and what you can do to prevent and treat it - a little refresher is necessary.
C3 and F3 (core) pet vaccines give a LONG-LASTING immunity - at least 5-7 years, and often longer.
Titer testing your pets is how you tell if they have immunity (and therefore do not need a so-called booster). This is the most effective way to AVOID VACCINATION INJURY (never give unnecessary vaccinations).
Vaccination injury happens when the vaccine, which is a modified live virus, is INJECTED into the body.
Your pet has evolved over millions of years to respond to infection of viruses coming in through the mucus membranes of the mouth and nose. There is a complex, highly efficient immune response here.
When you inject a virus under the skin, you are sidestepping the body's wisdom. Suddenly there is a virus where the body has NOT evolved to deal with it.
And not only one virus, but THREE, all at the same time. (It's incredibly rare to have wild infection with two of these viruses at the same time, let alone three.)
In some pets, this shock, this unnatural infection, causes dysregulation (confusion, over-activation) of the immune system. This is the INJURY.
Sometimes you have symptoms develop relatively soon after vaccination (days-weeks) - Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia is a particularly deadly vaccine injury that tends to be more acute.
Sometimes the shock to your pets immune system can take time to develop into illness. Allergies, IBD, Autoimmune disease, behavioural issues, all sorts of chronic illnesses can be triggered by a vaccination, but not become symptomatic until months later.
Any animal that develops chronic illness within 6 months of a vaccination, I will have a high index of suspicion for a vaccine injury.
With NECESSARY, UNAVOIDABLE VACCINATIONS, you should use homeopathy, flower essences, energy healing, and supplements to support peak vitality and a strong, balanced immune system.
To repair vaccination injury (not always possible, but often helpful) I use homeopathy, energy healing, diet, faecal transplants, flower essences, and so on. I have had some great successes in turning vaccination injuries around, healing them.
If you need help with a vaccine-injured pet, message me here!
I help animals all over the world heal and be well + happy with holistic veterinary care, kind training, and energy healing. If you want me to help your pets, message me! Zoom and in person appts available.