K9 Training Solutions

K9 Training Solutions Dog obedience training
Dog management


Hey all!

I am easing back into work so if you’d like to book in please pm me asap to secure a session. I am now taking on bookings for July.

Thank you for being patient with me during the last few months it’s been challenging but I’m so keen to start working with your dogs and puppies again!

If you’ve already emailed/pm’d me I will reply to you by the end of this week 😊

Hope you’re all having a great long weekend!


Balanced training vs positive only training. Most people who come to me for help to train their dogs think the only ethi...

Balanced training vs positive only training.

Most people who come to me for help to train their dogs think the only ethical and humane way to train is through positive only training however, it then becomes part of my job to educate these people on what balanced training truly is and why i teach this sort of training.

I am a balanced dog trainer. I provide a method of training that uses positive reinforcement and positive punishment.
Balanced training means we reward the dog with treats for walking on a loose leash but we then give a positive correction if the dog lunges and pulls on the leash. This could be with a choker chain or martingale collar where we give the collar a little quick “pop” in an upward motion and turn in the opposite direction. So in this example, we are using positive rewards, positive punishment and using the choker which is balanced training.
When this is performed correctly, there is nothing cruel about it. Balanced training is a must for long term success and most dogs out there need the balanced method.

Positive only training is when you are literally only giving treats to the good behaviour and never correcting the bad behaviours. This will only get you by for a short time.

I use a lot of praise, treats and positive controlled play in my training session while also incorporating properly conditioned training tools for better communication and correct behaviour that does not need to continue.


Hey guys, I’ve been a bit MIA lately on socials, I haven’t been well so I’m putting my focus on getting fully recovered.
All sessions have been put on hold until I’m up and about.
If you have an enquiry, please send me a dm and I will respond when I can. If I haven’t responded to you yet I will when I’m feeling a bit better.
In the meantime, to all my current clients keep doing your homework and I look forward to see you all again soon! 🐶🐾

How to choose the right breed for you and your family! This is something I get asked a lot and it’s a great question bec...

How to choose the right breed for you and your family! This is something I get asked a lot and it’s a great question because there are so many breeds out there it can get overwhelming but a lot of people choose cute over suitability.

Break it down into simple steps to follow;

1️⃣ Do you have an active or inactive lifestyle?
2️⃣ What size dog do you want? 11kg? 25kg? 60kg?
3️⃣ Do you have or are going to have kids?
4️⃣ What do you want the dog for? Family companion? Personal protection? Lap dog? Guardian for kids and the family home? Agility? Sledding?
5️⃣ What sort of personality do you have? Believe it or not this can play a huge part in what dog breed would suit you.
6️⃣ What size house yard do you have? While some large breeds are okay living in a 1 bedroom flat, others aren’t. This also depends on your lifestyle outside of the house.
7️⃣ how much work are willing to put into the training side of things? Some breeds like huskies and German shepherds and basenji’s require so much more effort than a golden retriever.
8️⃣ How much maintence could you handle when it comes to grooming? Do you have allergies or sensitivities to dog fur?
9️⃣ Do you want one that’s more independent or dependent?
🔟 How many hours per day will the dog be left alone? Some breeds handle being alone better than others.


I have a session available tomorrow at 10:45am and one available on the 25th March at 9:30am.
If you would like any of these please message me to secure 🙂🐶🐾

As the next few days including today are going to be very hot please, keep all animals cool. If you cannot have them ins...

As the next few days including today are going to be very hot please, keep all animals cool.

If you cannot have them inside with you, make sure they have plenty of cool fresh water to drink from and a shell pool to rest in and lots of shade!

Some breeds are more susceptible to heat stress than others. Shorter nose and flat faced dogs already have breathing issues so please be more vigilant with them in these heat conditions. Double coated dogs such as huskies are also at risk of over heating.

Do not walk your dogs when it’s this hot, instead water play is a good option and obedience training inside your home will mentally stimulate your dog to keep them from getting bored.

Hope you all have a great long weekend ✌🏻🐶🐾


A reminder that in this heat it is too hot to walk your dogs. Walk them before 8am or just keep them home for a day.

On a 40 degree day last week I saw someone walking their dog, it’s not okay to walk your dog in this heat! 🤦🏼‍♀️


These two dogs are my long term clients.
We don’t just strictly work on obedience, we also incorporate trick training to keep it interesting to allow more mental stimulation, it’s also very fun for the handlers. These two paired up very nicely in my small group session and I hope to see them pair up again soon 😍
So if you’re interested in a range of training please dm me to book a session! 🐾


A few things to note for new clients as I am having a few people try to tell me when they are available and how to sort of run my business to suit their needs.

You do not choose your day and time. My available days and times are run off what I strictly have available between other clients and my personal life as a mum and I cannot make exceptions and work outside of those hours or available days just to suit you. I am having some people tell me they can do certain days and times that are usually at night time but my dog training business doesn’t run off when you have time it runs off my availabilities.

The client intake form for all new clients is sent to you via email when booking in your session. This MUST be brought with you on the day. It is a signed document by you (the client) and I will no longer be commencing training if this is not returned to me on the day of training. This is to cover everyone involved in our training session including your dog.

Once you have booked your first session you will receive an invoice for a small booking fee to secure your booked session. This booking fee MUST be paid within 24 HOURS of receiving this invoice.
If you do not pay this in the allocated time given your session is not booked and it will allow someone else to take that time.
I have had a few people book a session in after I have given them all of this information and after receiving the invoice asking for me to send them the booking fee in a weeks time.
This is not how my business operates.

After you have received all information about how my business runs and if you cannot pay that small booking fee on that day please come back at a later date when you can pay it to get your session booked.

I also just want to mention about how many sessions should one have. This will depend on each individual dog and their handler, however if you have a reactive dog in any way, or a dog with some sort of behavioural issue I can guarantee that you will need at least 3 sessions.
If you come to me once and then decide 8 months later to come back to me again, more times than not there will be no improvement in your training and we will be starting back at square one.
This is not only unfair on your dog but it’s also a waste of money if you are not willing to be consistent.
I highly suggest for the first 3 sessions to get results and keep consistency for both handler and dog, that you see a trainer every 2-3 weeks. You can then go longer between sessions if progress is being made.

I am so passionate about helping people train there dogs, I absolutely love it but I also need people to respect how I choose to run my business as I think this is appropriate to run it smoothly.

I do have sessions available for March, dm to book.

Have a great weekend! 🐾🐶


Just a reminder when temperatures reach over 35 all outdoor sessions will be cancelled.
Temps between 30-35 will mean sessions will be held early morning to midday for outdoors. This is mostly for the best interest of your dogs.

If you do have a in home session booked, these will still run as per usual however you must be a regular client and within the Bendigo area for home sessions to occur.

Also, please do not walk your dogs in this hot weather. If you are going to walk them, make it before 8am.

Tomorrow is going to reach 37 so please make sure your dogs and all pets for that matter have a cool place to rest with plenty of fresh cool water.

Stay cool everyone.

If you’d like to book a session please message me asap 🐶🐾

I love getting photos from my clients between sessions 😍

I love getting photos from my clients between sessions 😍


Hey everyone!
I’m not sure if somethings going on with my messages or not but If you have recently sent me a dm, I have replied but if you haven’t received anything please let me know! 😅🤦🏼‍♀️

Is this what your dog gets up to? I can help. A dog ripping up furniture when left alone is generally because of boredom...

Is this what your dog gets up to?

I can help.

A dog ripping up furniture when left alone is generally because of boredom or separation anxiety.
It’s a big issue and as much as this meme gives off a cute vibe, it is far from cute and a behavioural issue you will want to start fixing now.

Send me a message if you need some help with behavioural issues with you dogs. 🐶🐾

The amount of people that come to me and say their  puppies aren’t up to date with vaccinations so will have to wait unt...

The amount of people that come to me and say their puppies aren’t up to date with vaccinations so will have to wait until they’re done to begin training, makes me wonder who is actually telling these people this incorrect information.

As soon as your puppy has had one vaccination, you can take them to training.
No, I wouldn’t take an 8 week old puppy to an uncontrolled area like a dog park (that shouldn’t happen anyway) but in an environment that is controlled, such as one on one dog obedience training or puppy school, is more than okay!

The MOST CRITICAL time to start training correct socialisation with your puppy is from 8 weeks to 16 weeks of age.

This is where the puppy learns all the foundations to develop into a well balanced dog. Once this window is over, you will more than likely have a puppy that doesn’t know how to socialise, that gets nervous with noises and new people, sights and smells etc.

It really pays to do your own thorough research and do not keep your puppy locked up in its house. It will not learn socialisation in your home for the outside world.

Other dog trainers also start training from 8 weeks old just to give you some idea.


Happy New Year! 🥳

I hope you’ve all had a great holiday, I am back now so will be getting to everyone’s emails tomorrow and Friday!

I’m looking forward to what this year brings and hope to see many familiar and new faces. ☺️🐶

Please send me a message if you would like to book a session. 🐾


And that’s it for 2023! 🐾

Thank you everyone who had supported my small business in one way or another, it goes a long way and is very appreciated. 🙏🏻

Thank you to my clients for choosing me to help you train your puppies and dogs, it has been so much fun and rewarding to see you all make progress! 🤩

I am taking a break for 2 weeks so I will answer all messages and emails on the 3rd/4th of January!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!🎄🎅🐶

Mabel is happy that her last training session for the year is over! 😅 Loose lead walking like a boss, recall under moder...

Mabel is happy that her last training session for the year is over! 😅
Loose lead walking like a boss, recall under moderate distraction, following obedience commands and her owner becoming a leader for Mabel when she wants to react to other dogs!
Mabel and her owner have improved immensely since their first training session. With just a few things to fine tune these two are headed down an awesome path of success!
It’s amazing the results you get when you are consistent with your training in your own time and show up to regular training sessions as needed. 👏🏻🐾🐶


As we approach the last couple of weeks of the year, I have some cancellations available for anyone who would like them. I can do new or existing clients with these appts.
Please message me to secure.

20th Dec 9:30am, 11am.


Surprisingly the 6th of December session at 9:30am is still available if you’d like it please pm me 😃


Hey everyone!

Hope you’ve had a great weekend!

✨I have one session left for the 6th of December at 9:30am if you would like this please pm me asap!✨

I am going on break from the 20th of December to the 3rd of January so I will not be answering any messages or emails between this time as I am spending time with family!

If you would like to book a session for January etc please message me prior to the 20th to secure your spot or I will get back to you on the 3rd/4th of Jan!


I have two session times remaining for the 6th and 11th of December both at 9:30am for existing or new clients. If you’d like a session before the end of year I suggest you message me now to secure.

If I get any cancellations from now until the 20th of December I will post them on my page for anyone interested :)

Hope you have a great rest of your week and keep your dogs and puppies cool! 🐾🐶


Last minute appointment tomorrow, Monday 13th at 9:30am for new or existing clients.
If you would like it please send me a message to secure your spot.
I only have a small handful of session times left for the remainder of the year so be sure to book in now so you don’t miss out and can get training underway sooner rather than later! 🐾🐶


Hey guys,

I only have about 5 session times left for the remainder of the year on Monday’s and Wednesday’s!
These are for new and existing clients and remember you can book ahead by booking multiple sessions at one time to make sure you get the help you and your dog need!

If you would like a session please message me 🐕‍🦺🐾


Hey guys, just remember as we approach warmer weather do not walk your dogs in the middle of the day as the ground is too hot for your dogs paws!
Over summer it is best to walk your dog first thing in the morning or later in the evening.

Also, if you’d like to book in training sessions for the new year it is reccomended to get them booked in now as January and February are quite hot months, it is highly encouraged to make yourself available for the mornings but morning session times can and will fill up fast.

Lastly, if you book in one session with me and are really needing ongoing training support because you have a dog that is out of control or just need to know how to correct certain behaviours, it is ideal to book sessions every 2-3 weeks. This is so everyone stays on the same page and you are getting progress and the dog is getting consistency. If don’t book your second session in until 4-6 months later but are still having issues with your dog, it will be like we are starting all over again because 90% of the time the dog and/or yourself have not made progress. So the more frequent you book in for major learnt issues the quicker you and your dog will overcome them and be able to move forward onto the next training phase. I am happy to answer questions that come through email however I cannot help you train your dog via messaging as it involves a hands on approach. 🙂🐾


Hey guys.

There are only 7 weeks left until I go on break so if you are wanting to book in a session or two before I finish up for the year please book in now to avoid disappointed 🙂🐾

Shadows first session was a success 👏🏻Shadow and his owner did absolutely amazing today! This puppy is 8 months old and ...

Shadows first session was a success 👏🏻
Shadow and his owner did absolutely amazing today! This puppy is 8 months old and despite never having a training session prior to me, he was a much calmer dog by the end of his session and learnt to walk on a loose leash, engaged with his owner and less distracted by people and other dogs walking past.

When shadow first arrived, he was jumping up, pulling on the leash and looking to the outside world at all distractions possible. By the end of his first session, he was more focused and engaged with his owner.

We will be working on a whole range of things for this boy like loose leash walking, manners, recall sit, drop, stay stand, engagement, redirection and more.

I have a huge soft spot for huskies and I am so excited to see where this boy and his owner goes with his training 🐶🐾


Look at this 14 week old puppy nailing his recall! 😍 I am so proud of Sabbath and his owner they make a great team and putting in the work to set this pup up for a successful adult dog! 👏🏻🐾


Bendigo, VIC



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