Callide Valley Ag show was held 18/05/24.
Good variety of birds in the shed with a total number of 65 entires. Judging was preformed by Henry Surtees.
Grand Champion Bird of show: Hannah Coghill, Bantam Dark Indian Game Hen
Res Bird of show: Rose Clapham, Bantam White Wyandotte pullet
Champion Standard fowl overall: A.Voss, Brahma c**kerel
Champion Bantam fowl overall: H.Coghill, Dark Indian game hen
Standard Soft feather male: A.Voss, Brahma c**kerel
Res Standard Soft feather male: M.Kelly, Golden laced Wyandotte
Standard Soft feather female: T.Voss, Silver laced Wyandotte hen
Res Standard Soft feather female: W.Voss, Golden laced Wyandotte hen
Standard Hard feather female: H.Coghill, Australian game pullet
Bantam Soft feather male: L.Dennis, Buff Silkie
Bantam Soft feather female: R.Clapham, White Wyandotte pullet
Res Bantam Soft feather female: R.Clapham, White Wyandotte pullet
Bantam Hard feather male: S.Boal, Ginger Duckwing OEG c**k
Res Bantam Hard feather male: H.Coghill, Dark Indian game c**kerel
Bantam Hard feather female: H.Coghill, Dark Indian game Hen
Res Bantam Hard feather female: S.Biggs, Spangle OEG Hen
Champion Breeding pair: M.Kelly, Standard Golden laced Wyandottes
Champion children's class up to 12 years: R.Clapman, Bantam White wyandotte pullet
Res children's class up to 12 years: R.Clapham, Bantam White wyandotte pullet
Best parti colour Standard Soft feather: A.Voss, Brahma c**kerel
Champion Waterfowl: H.Coghill, Indian runner drake
Res Waterfowl: H.Coghill, Indian runner drake
Large Waterfowl: H.Coghill, Indian runner drake
Res Large Waterfowl: H.Coghill, Indian runner drake
Bantam Waterfowl: S.Boal, White mallard duck
Res Bantam Waterfowl: S.Boal, Natural mallard drake
Champion Mallard: S.Boal, White mallard duck
Thank you to all sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers and the Callide Valley Show for their hard work to make the show happen.
Special mention to our Judge Henry Surtees for making himself available for judging at short notice. Also very special thank you to Makenna Kelly for her hard work helping stewards in the shed for what ever was required.
Also if anyone has any photos or videos from the show please feel free to share and tag Callide Dawson Poultry Club and Callide Valley Show