Tick Paralysis
🚨Tick paralysis 🚨
Tick paralysis is displayed in a variety of forms:
- weakness of the hindquarters
- change in the pet’s meow or bark
- loss of appetite
- regurgitation or vomiting
- gagging, grunting or coughing
- trouble breathing
Deterioration can be unpredictable and rapid in some cases.
When clinical signs are evident, toxins have already been able to cause damage, attaching to muscles and disrupting the nervous system.
💉 Tick antiserum binds to any toxins unbound and circulating in the host. Tick antiserum works by neutralising the unbound circulating toxins from causing further damage.
🏥 Damage that has already occurred will take time to resolve and the patient will need to be supported with ongoing hospitalisation. Recovery time is patient dependent, considering no further complications exist. 🩺
🚨 If left untreated, tick paralysis can be fatal. Usually due to respiratory failure and/or aspiration pneumonia. 🚨
🔺 Please seek early veterinary care.🔺
What you can do at home:
- have your pet on a preventative treatment
- check your pet daily and perform tick searches
- monitor your pet for signs and seek early veterinary care
☎️ 49387597
📧 [email protected]